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汉唐盛世的文治武功在中华民族历史上极为辉煌。当代国人的“汉唐盛世情结”,是中华民族的独立与伟大复兴的自信历史根基。因此,“汉唐盛世情结”有利于中华民族复兴梦的实现。只是,我们在向历史看齐之时,还要“睁眼看世界”,处理好汉唐形象与当代中华民族复兴后国家形象、历史上的中华民族复兴进程与当代中华民族复兴进程、民族自信与民族自大、汉唐盛世中汉族成就与少数民族成就、中国文化与外国文化五大关系,把培养中华民族的自信心、自豪感与积极西学结合起来,方能更好地为实现中华民族伟大复兴贡献力量。  相似文献   
This paper offers a structured overview of 50 years of small-world research. Initially formulated by Pool and Kochen in the mid-1950s, the small-world concept can be divided into six research foci, based on three dimensions (structural, process-related, psychological), and two process-related themes (diffusion, search). Building on this analytical distinction, the article provides a historical summary of the different phases of research on the small-world problem, and summarizes the empirical and theoretical progress on different facets of the small-world phenomenon. The paper concludes with a brief assessment of accomplishments and open questions, suggesting some possible future research areas.  相似文献   
巴金作品中的女性美丽、善良、多情、勇敢,而男性则摆脱不了委琐、莽撞、虚伪、病态等性格缺陷,其性别世界是严重失衡的。这种无法平衡的审美心理,源于他无意识中的一种恋母情结。这种恋母情结与巴金的家庭环境、成长经历和生活遭遇有很大的关联。这种情结体现在文化上为泛女性心理,表现在具体的创作中,巴金为读者奉献出圣母型和弱母型两类女性形象。  相似文献   
在菲利普.罗斯的小说《反生活》中涉及大量对性、割礼和以色列等内容的描写。通过对该作品的研究发现,罗斯挖掘这些特殊的种族、历史和文化现象与犹太身份的关系内涵,意在展示犹太裔美国人在身份问题上的困惑、挣扎及命运,揭示犹太裔美国人强烈的民族身份情结。  相似文献   
俄狄浦斯情结是心理学上一个广为人知的概念。长久以来,它盘踞着精神分析哲学话语的霸权地位,因而掩盖了其不为人知的兄弟概念“俄瑞斯忒斯情结”。“俄瑞斯忒斯情结”取自埃斯库罗斯的悲剧《俄瑞斯忒斯三部曲》,以其中为父报仇、杀死母亲的俄瑞斯忒斯为原型。它一方面是对俄狄浦斯情结的理论反思和超越,另一方面也是俄狄浦斯情结的“对立话语”,象征着20世纪70年代以后,西方精神分析领域从“象征的父亲”到“具体的母亲”的转向。  相似文献   
唐五代小说中的“马嵬情结”是指马嵬事变发生后至五代期间的小说作者对唐明皇李隆基和贵妃杨玉环生前死后的爱情生活经历、结局的强烈而持久的关注,以及在小说行文中对李杨故事的评判。“马嵬情结”在唐五代小说中有多种表现形态,其中所反映出来的对唐明皇和杨贵妃的态度是复杂矛盾的,体现了唐五代文人士子的怀旧心态、矛盾心态、好奇心态及世俗化的审美倾向。  相似文献   
马克思主义理论是关于无产阶级和人类解放的理论,因此大众化是马克思主义理论内在特质和要求。从马克思主义理论的产生来看,由于马克思的普罗米修斯情结,使他选择了为大多数人的幸福而奋斗的职业,大众的立场决定了马克思在面对社会问题时的"大众意识"。因此在当代的马克思主义研究中由于大众立场与意识的缺失,导致马克思主义研究中精英化倾向,从而限制了马克思主义理论的发展。从根本上说马克思主义理论的生命力不在于我们所具有的理论"生产与再生产"水平,而是我们能否重新建立与大众血肉联系,亦即能否重新树立牢固的无产阶级的"大众意识"。  相似文献   
基于国家节点的拓扑结构和经济属性,构建"一带一路"沿线国家的拓扑重要性与经济重要性评价指标体系,运用熵权-TOPSIS法对国家节点的重要性进行综合评估。研究表明:俄罗斯、印度、马来西亚、新加坡、阿联酋等国的拓扑重要性与经济重要性排名均靠前,地理位置与战略地位十分重要,投资与建设环境稳定,是我国商贸物流企业"走出去"优先选择的投资建设重点;哈萨克斯坦、蒙古、塞尔维亚、老挝等国,拓扑重要性排名靠后,其物流市场和基础设施建设空间很大,是潜在的投资建设区域;伊拉克、阿富汗、巴勒斯坦等国拓扑重要性与经济重要性排名均靠后,地缘政治复杂,投资与营商环境不稳定,有着较高的投资建设风险。  相似文献   
There is growing agreement that child and youth services have been slow to implement evidence-based practice (EBP). A variety of interrelated barriers and facilitators of EBP implementation have been recognized and investigated. Key categories include the attitudes of providers, the characteristics of client populations, the characteristics of usual practice, organizational factors, and resource availability. Implementation scientists are investigating these factors, seeking to bridge the gap between clinical science and practice. Much of this work has been conducted in the context of behavioral health services for children and young people. This paper provides a purposeful review of this research from the perspective of decision-makers in agencies serving young people with multiple and complex psychosocial needs. It is argued that major barriers to EBP may be mitigated if ways can be found to transcend the oppositional construction that has characterized the discourses of EBP versus practice wisdom. A conceptual approach to such integration is offered. New lines of implementation research are offering opportunities for practical action by decision-makers consistent with this integrative approach.  相似文献   
Widespread interest in the diffusion of information through social networks has produced a large number of Social Dynamics models. A majority of them use theoretical hypothesis to explain their diffusion mechanisms while the few empirically based ones average out their measures over many messages of different contents. Our empirical research tracking the step-by-step email propagation of an invariable viral marketing message delves into the content impact and has discovered new and striking features. The topology and dynamics of the propagation cascades display patterns not inherited from the email networks carrying the message. Their disconnected, low transitivity, tree-like cascades present positive correlation between their nodes probability to forward the message and the average number of neighbors they target and show increased participants’ involvement as the propagation paths length grows. Such patterns not described before, nor replicated by any of the existing models of information diffusion, can be explained if participants make their pass-along decisions based uniquely on local knowledge of their network neighbors affinity with the message content. We prove the plausibility of such mechanism through a stylized, agent-based model that replicates the Affinity Paths observed in real information diffusion cascades.  相似文献   
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