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This paper establishes the asymptotic validity for the moving block bootstrap as an approximation to the joint distribution of the sum and the maximum of a stationary sequence. An application is made to statistical inference for a positive time series where an extreme value statistic and sample mean provide the maximum likelihood estimates for the model parameters. A simulation study illustrates small sample size behavior of the bootstrap approximation.  相似文献   
In the traditional Box–Jenkins modelling procedure, we use the sample autocorrelation function as a tool for identifying the plausible models for empirical data. In this paper, we consider the sample normalized codifference as a new tool for the preliminary order identification of pure univariate Gaussian moving average process. From simulation studies, we find that when the number of observations are large (more than 100), the proposed method may be superior than a similar identification procedure which is based on the sample autocorrelation function. Simulation results also indicate that the proposed method may perform as well as Gallagher’s procedure [Gallagher, C., 2002, Order identifi-cation for Gaussian moving averages using the Covariation. Journal of the Statistical Computation and Simulations, 72(4), 279–283.].  相似文献   
This study approaches the Bayesian identification of moving average processes using an approximate likelihood function and a normal gamma prior density. The marginal posterior probability mass function of the model order is developed in a convenient form. Then one may investigate the posterior probabilities over the grid of the order and choose the order with the highest probability to solve the identification problem. A comprehensive simulation study is carried out to demonstrate the performance of the proposed procedure and check its adequacy in handling the identification problem. In addition, the proposed Bayesian procedure is compared with some non Bayesian automatic techniques and another Bayesian technique. The numerical results support the adequacy of using the proposed procedure in solving the identification problem of moving average processes.  相似文献   
We examine moving average (MA) filters for estimating the integrated variance (IV) of a financial asset price in a framework where high-frequency price data are contaminated with market microstructure noise. We show that the sum of squared MA residuals must be scaled to enable a suitable estimator of IV. The scaled estimator is shown to be consistent, first-order efficient, and asymptotically Gaussian distributed about the integrated variance under restrictive assumptions. Under more plausible assumptions, such as time-varying volatility, the MA model is misspecified. This motivates an extensive simulation study of the merits of the MA-based estimator under misspecification. Specifically, we consider nonconstant volatility combined with rounding errors and various forms of dependence between the noise and efficient returns. We benchmark the scaled MA-based estimator to subsample and realized kernel estimators and find that the MA-based estimator performs well despite the misspecification.  相似文献   
This paper explores the possibility of evaluating the adequacy of Markov-switching time series models by comparing selected functionals (such as the spectral density function and moving empirical moments) obtained from the data with those of the fitted model using a bootstrap algorithm. The proposed model checking procedure is easy to implement and flexible enough to be adapted to a wide variety of models with parameters subject to Markov regime-switching. Examples with real and artificial data illustrate the potential of the methodology.  相似文献   
Lagrange multiplier (LM) test statistics are derived for testing a linear moving average model against an asymmetric moving average model and an LM type test against an additive smooth transition moving average model. The latter model is introduced in the paper. The small sample performance of the proposed tests are evaluated in a Monte Carlo study and compared to Wald and likelihood ratio statistics. The size properties of the Lagrange multiplier test are better than those of other tests.  相似文献   
In this paper, a general principle of constructing tests for parameter constancy without assuming a specific alternative is introduced. A unified asymptotic result is established to analyze this class of tests. As applications, tests based on the range of recursive and moving estimates are considered, and their asymptotic distributions are characterized analytically. Our simulations show that different tests have quite different behavior under various alternatives and that no test uniformly dominates the other tests.  相似文献   
In a longitudinal study subjects are followed over time. I focus on a case where the number of replications over time is large relative to the number of subjects in the study. I investigate the use of moving block bootstrap methods for analyzing such data. Asymptotic properties of the bootstrap methods in this setting are derived. The effectiveness of these resampling methods is also demonstrated through a simulation study.  相似文献   
This article studies the use of the overlapping blocking scheme in unit root autoregression. When the underlying process is that of a random walk, the blocks’ initial conditions are not fixed, but are equal to the sum of all the previous observations’ error terms. When non overlapping subsamples are used, these initial conditions do not disappear asymptotically. In this article, we show that a simple way of overcoming this issue is to use overlapping blocks. By doing so, the effect of these initial conditions vanishes asymptotically. An application of these findings to jackknife estimators indicates that an estimator based on moving blocks is able to provide obvious reductions to the mean square error. Also results are shown to be robust to local-to-unity frameworks, when the autoregressive parameter is unknown.  相似文献   
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