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随着投资自由化的不断演进,国民待遇原则在国际投资规制领域逐渐成为国际惯例,形成合理的、可操作的规则机制的过程正在不断向前推进,这一点在<北芙自由贸易协定>(简称NAFTA)中体现的尤为突出.结合NAFTA投资仲裁的案例,在研究NATA仲裁庭确立的衡量违反国民待遇原则的标准时侧重于"相似情形"和"事实上的歧视"问题展开分析,以期对该标准获得进一步的认识,对我国谈签FTA和BITs有所助益.  相似文献   
The United States Government proposed a sweeping review of existing trade deals when the current Administration took office in January 2017. This paper reviews the ongoing changes, and considers the potential impact of two strands of the trade policy debate on the United States labour market. First, we consider policy decisions that may impact the location decision of multinational enterprises, especially within the context of the renegotiation of NAFTA. Second, we review the policy debate related to the steel industry, and the potential channels through which an import tariff on steel imports may impact the labour market.  相似文献   
Agricultural Household Models: Genesis,Evolution, and Extensions   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper offers a synthesis of agricultural household modeling, its evolution and uses; presents a general yet simple agricultural household model, estimated with Mexican village data and programmed using General Algebraic Modeling System software; and uses this model to explore household-level impacts of agricultural policy changes on production and incomes under alternative rural-market scenarios. We point out limitations of household-farm models in heterogeneous rural economies and discuss how to integrate multiple household models into economy-wide models designed to overcome these limitations.  相似文献   
在现有的多边贸易体制内,实现国际贸易的自由化与加强环境保护之间似乎是一种"零和"的关系。北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)的《北美环境合作协定》强调通过缔约方之间的合作来解决共同的环境问题;同时,在一定的条件下,缔约方也可以监督其他缔约方国内的环境执法情况,将由此引发的争端提交环境合作委员会处理。  相似文献   
《北美自由贸易协定》对多边国际投资立法的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
《北美自由贸易协定》的投资规则在适用范围、投资保护以及发达与发展中国家的关系等方面对多边国际投资立法产生影响。中国等发展中国家应该在未来的多边投资立法中积极借鉴其经验教训而不是一味全盘照搬。  相似文献   

Under contemporary US immigration policy, the US-Mexico border has become a new 'American Frontier', a 'Tortilla Curtain' that marks the edges of nation and of national knowledge. As a result of such US policies and the increased cultural and political tensions in the area that result from them, the border region has more clearly emerged imaginatively and culturally as, in Gloria Anzaldúa's terms, a 'third country'. This paper analyses that 'third country' and its relationship to an arbitrarily imposed and emphatically enforced political and cultural border in the work of the Chicano writer George Rabasa and the Native American writer Leslie Marmon Silko. Both Rabasa and Silko actively map a wide variety of ethnicities and cultures into the physical border region itself, engaging with the complex relationships between culture and nature, community and place. Both also emphasise an increasingly transgressive and transnational perspective. In this context, both writers highlight and expose the indeterminacy, fragility and permeability of borders of all kinds.  相似文献   
随着中国—东盟《全面经济合作框架协议争端解决机制协议》的签署,CAFTA争端解决机制的条约化之路迈出了可喜的一步。CAFTA争端解决机制现有构架不能简单复制NAFTA,其完善也必须考虑各成员方的贸易依附程度、经济实力、自有的区域争端解决机制及各成员方的政治、文化与历史诸因素。CAFTA争端解决机制应从引进NAFTA投资争端解决机制、促使磋商、调解或调停程序机制化、具体化、完善现有仲裁程序三方面进行改进。  相似文献   

Regional institutions addressing mobility, asylum, migrant rights or migration control have proliferated all over the world and occupy an important space in recent UN initiatives to boost global cooperation on migration and refugees. Unlike Europe, where these different aspects of migration policy have come under the ambit of one institution, the European Union, regional initiatives in other parts of the world tend to emerge in different fora, with overlapping but incongruent memberships. Introducing a taxonomy of regional migration institutions, this article assesses regionalism's contribution to multilevel migration governance in two dimensions: the vertical interplay between regional and multilateral institutions on the one hand and the horizontal relationship between regional institutions on the other hand. The article concludes that regional (economic) integration frameworks like ASEAN, ECOWAS or MERCOSUR may prove fruitful anchors for more substantial regional migration governance.  相似文献   
美国现政府竞选时就提出了重新谈判北美自由贸易协定的设想并在执政后将其变成了现实。现有研究主要从选举、利益集团、大国博弈、贸易失衡等角度进行解读。不过,重新谈判这样的安排,若非是一体化的根基出现了动摇,很难具备经济上的合理性,也难以得到广泛的国内支持。北美自由贸易区内部贸易结构的变化是美国态度发生变化的重要原因,除了相关理论自身的前提条件和现实世界存在差距外,区域生产网络和区域价值链的重塑、内部市场容量增长有限、技术创新能力和潜力的相对下降、国际直接投资的直接和间接影响是其内部贸易结构变化的主要原因,这给予包括我国在内的各国和地区诸多启示。  相似文献   
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