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敦煌隋代法华主题洞窟初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
莫高窟第419和420窟完成于仁寿以后,是在隋代佛教发展到巅峰的背景下营造的,以一种非禅修气氛的姿态出现,419窟凸显诸佛的教化,420窟象征诸佛的教化。本文将420窟顶经变细节重新仔细比对,发现这原是两铺经变,是法华经变和涅槃经变的巧妙组合,反映当时法华与涅槃思想并重,而且有以法华融摄涅槃的情形。而其中的普门品变相非常详细,开后世“观音经变”的先河。也将前辈学者所认读的“见宝塔品变相”加以重新斟酌,提出这应该是在表现《普门品》的一部分;说明了早期以二佛并坐为主题的禅观图像,到了隋代并未出现在法华经变,这是很值得注意的事。另外,419窟平顶绘弥勒说法图、菩萨授记图、思惟菩萨图与正龛主佛间的联系,人字披本生故事画的存在意义等等,以及两窟共同表现维摩经变的原因等问题,也都加以探索,认为出此双窟反映当时的义学结构。其实,像419、420窟这样的图像结构,很可能远承自鸠摩罗什所谓般若与法华双美的路径,《维摩诘经》在这样的氛围之下,也参与了这一段佛教历史的心灵工程。“开三显一”、“开近显远”两者是佛说《法华经》之宗趣,419、420窟其实是双美齐彰,展现法华化世的强烈魅力。  相似文献   
1930年12月17日,中共东满特委发出的通知第六号是错误的决定。其原因是:一,中共东满特委没有从实际出发,把当年斗争失败的主观原因都推到朴允瑞身上;二,东满特委受到原朝鲜共产党派争斗争的影响。  相似文献   
<尚书>学案肇始自宋吴NDE69、朱熹之疑窦,历元、明二代学者考辨,迄清初才有系统归纳辨伪成果之阎若璩<尚书古文疏证>出现.其与同时的顾炎武、朱彝尊诸儒可谓清初<尚书>案的开风气先者.朱彝尊与阎若璩<尚书>学观点之间存在相互影响的关系,钱穆关于阎若璩<疏证>之部分观点来源的质疑,揭示出清初考辨伪<古文尚书>运动背后隐藏着的深层理学动机.  相似文献   
文章就田野调查数据对现在南京方言中反复问句的使用情况进行了多元回归分析。发现南京人曾经经常使用的"VP不VP"式日渐式微,"还/阿VP 啊(啦/嗒)"的用法在今天南京人的口语中最为常见,"目前居住地"是影响市民选用哪种反复问句式的首要原因。  相似文献   
“英雄人物”成为共和国初期文学的中心话语,这一话语的提出与实践,至始至终就不是一个纯正的文学命题,而是一个带有时代性、方向性、政策性的理论导引,其预设之初就偏离了戈学的轨道。在之后的文学实践中,“英雄人物”与政治密切相关,致使其每一次的“净化”之路都指向神化、僵化之旅,钻进了人物塑造的死胡同。  相似文献   
通过对莫高窟第61窟与皇庆寺关系、窟前上层殿堂建筑遗址的时代、供养人画像与题记、壁画内容、绘画风格、西夏、元二代莫高窟营建史实等问题的研究,否定了甬道壁画绘于元代说,详细交代了可能绘于西夏的历史事实。  相似文献   
萨特名剧《禁闭》通过对地狱的戏剧性虚拟与对他人的戏剧性改写,在不断展开的戏剧过程之中表达了《存在与虚无》讨论人与人关系的基本观点和概念,从而使“他人就是地狱”这一主题蕴涵具有着高度的哲理性,显示出存在主义文学的基本特点。  相似文献   
Drawing from a local sample of 1822 7th and 8th grade students, this study used Latent Class Analysis (LCA) and Latent Class Regression Analysis (LCRA) to identify sub-population profiles and risk factors for school bullying. Four sub-population profiles of school bullying risk were yielded from this approach. These profiles included students who presented little need for formal services as well as students who manifested needs for wrap-around support. Importantly, additional regression analyses related student membership in particular risk profile groups to the support they receive from peers, teachers, and parents. Several significant practice implications for bullying prevention and Response-to-Intervention (RTI) frameworks accompany the findings. Above all, school bullying interventions should be implemented with prudence because even the best intended ones carry the potential for harm.  相似文献   
In this paper we propose residual-based tests for the null hypothesis of cointegration with a structural break against the alternative of no cointegration. The Lagrange Multiplier (LM) test is proposed and its limiting distribution is obtained for the case in which the timing of a structural break is known. Then the test statistic is extended to deal with a structural break of unknown timing. The test statistic, a plug-in version of the test statistic for known timing, replaces the true break point by the estimated one. We show the limiting properties of the test statistic under the null as well as the alternative. Critical values are calculated for the tests by simulation methods. Finite-sample simulations show that the empirical size of the test is close to the nominal one unless the regression error is very persistent and that the test rejects the null when no cointegrating relationship with a structural break is present. We provide empirical examples based on the present-value model, the term structure model, and the money-output relationship model.  相似文献   
在《枭之城》中,司马辽太郎通过虚构主人公,使其目睹了伊贺之乱、本能寺之变和丰臣秀吉的朝鲜出兵等历史事件。他通过对主人公视野中的这些历史事件的描述,向我们展现了其对历史的个人认识,表现了历史小说的特征。同时,此小说也在大众性和故事性等方面展现了司马辽太郎的创作方法,此方法成为了司马辽太郎小说创作的重要特征。  相似文献   
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