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Contingent valuation has been given a psychological interpretation, by Kahneman and colleagues, that claims willingness to pay bids represent psychological attitudes rather than personal economic valuations. Evidence reported here shows the need to qualify the role of this attitudinal explanation. In contradiction to the attitudinal hypothesis, the decision to bid zero or positive appears to represent a complex psychological appraisal. Furthermore, evidence of bid clustering on currency denominations implies fundamental differences concerning how people respond to a monetary scale. Whether interpreted as charitable contributions or imprecise welfare estimates there are serious implications for how economists interpret and use stated preference responses.  相似文献   
众所周知,服装是人们生活之所必须,服装业自然是一个国家国民经济中最重要的产业之一。对于中国这样的人口大国来说,服装业的重要性更是不言而喻。但一方面,目前我国服装企业存在上规模上档次的企业少、设计能力薄弱、服装品牌的含金量不足、库存压力大、产业链不健全、缺乏行业的专业人才、缺乏高效IT平台的支撑、经营管理的效率较低、信息反馈落后等诸多问题。另一方面,随着中国经济的持续发展、人均可支配收入的不断提高,国外的服装企业将中国视为一个发展潜力巨大的市场,众多国际著名品牌纷纷进驻中国,并且强劲扩张,这又给中国的服装企业带来新的挑战和压力。中国服装企业不仅需要了解自身状况,还需要对国外服装企业例如国际服装巨头H&M公司①的成功经验进行借鉴,从而从产品、营销渠道、人才、管理、未来发展等方面寻求提升综合竞争力的对策。  相似文献   
建国前湖南瘟疫频仍,严重危害民众的生命健康。大量人口的染疫与死亡,甚至短时期内“整家整户皆绝”,往往造成巨大的社会恐慌。在瘟疫发生、人心惶惑之际,政府一方面要及时采取各种有效措施施医送药、积极防治;另一方面必须加强疫病防治知识的宣传普及,防微杜渐,正确引导社会舆论,尽释群疑,安定人心。否则任由谣言以讹传讹,无限放大,将会带来灾难性的后果。  相似文献   
哈特对现实主义法学的批判主要包括两个方面:一是以语言的开放结构为工具,通过质疑“逻辑贬抑论”、“规则怀疑论”对现实主义法学的“法律不确定性”命题进行挞伐;二是以内在观点与外在观点、内在陈述与外在陈述的二分工具对现实主义法学的“预测模式”进行诘难。哈特对现实主义法学“法律不确定性”命题的批判并没有说出比现实主义者更新的内容,并且未曾或故意忽略了该命题提出的历史背景、理论旨趣和适用范围。对“预测模式”的批判主要是基于一种不同理论立场的“误读”,即要求一种司法面向的法理学去承担本体论上的任务。  相似文献   
张计连 《学术探索》2013,(11):89-94
《奥斯卡与露辛达》是澳大利亚著名作家彼得·凯里唯一探究澳大利亚信仰文化的小说。凯里向读者展示了19世纪澳大利亚社会的信仰状况:澳洲土著文化和基督教文化的相遇和碰撞,并探讨了上帝遇上“梦幻时代”神灵时,信仰缘何成为文化冲突的主要根源。  相似文献   
Social media outlets are becoming main stream venues for risk and crisis communication, and how information is shared is critical. Analysis of social bookmarks regarding H1N1 demonstrate the CDC was the most popular reference for information, individuals were strongly present, blogs were the most popular type of documents, and Twitter is the most popular source being referenced. The crisis communication literature has just started to address those stakeholders that are creating their own influence and messages online.  相似文献   
秦朝时期,诽谤罪的基本内涵是指"非上",即对以皇帝为首的当政者人身或其言行的非议。两汉诽谤罪的对象有所扩大,定罪多不依法律条文而依据统治者的意志;处罚措施因为客体的不同而呈现多样化,这反映了随着君主专制的强化,法律条文更加细化,法网更密但君权高于法律的情况日益严重。  相似文献   
分析了张学良主政东北时发出“东北新建设”号召的历史背景;从整顿金融业,发展农业、民族工业以及交通运输业等方面,阐明了实施东北新建设的主要内容,论述了张学良在推进东北新建设、实现经济现代化过程中做出的重大贡献;从历史与现实结合的角度阐述了张学良实施东北新建设对今天我国社会主义现代化建设的启示。  相似文献   
Summary The need to evaluate the performance of active labour market policies is not questioned any longer. Even though OECD countries spend significant shares of national resources on these measures, unemployment rates remain high or even increase. We focus on microeconometric evaluation which has to solve the fundamental evaluation problem and overcome the possible occurrence of selection bias. When using non-experimental data, different evaluation approaches can be thought of. The aim of this paper is to review the most relevant estimators, discuss their identifying assumptions and their (dis-)advantages. Thereby we will present estimators based on some form of exogeneity (selection on observables) as well as estimators where selection might also occur on unobservable characteristics. Since the possible occurrence of effect heterogeneity has become a major topic in evaluation research in recent years, we will also assess the ability of each estimator to deal with it. Additionally, we will also discuss some recent extensions of the static evaluation framework to allow for dynamic treatment evaluation. The authors thank Stephan L. Thomsen, Christopher Zeiss and one anonymous referee for valuable comments. The usual disclaimer applies.  相似文献   
德鲁克管理思想中的人本主义追求   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
人本主义是贯穿德鲁克管理思想的一个基本追求。这一追求从以下三个层面展开 :管理的核心和最终目的在于它对人的意义 ;组织与个人的和谐关系是达到人本目标的实践基础和条件 ;自我管理是人自我实现的根本途径。通过对上述三个基本信念及其具体体现的分析可以发现德鲁克人本主义管理思想呈现出四个极有启示意义的特点 :有机的系统性、鲜明的实践性、睿智的和谐性和不懈的发展性  相似文献   
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