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ABSTRACTIn this article, we argue that to extend the research on performance management we need to examine further how organisational members interweave the technology of such management into their work. Using Maurice Merleau-Ponty’s philosophy, we question the notion that technology acts on bodies in a linear manner as ‘meat’ to be manipulated. His reversible ontology suggests that these materials can be woven into the flesh of organising in a multitude of ways. Specifically, we refer to professional rugby, and the manner in which its players utilise the technology of performance management, to forge a localised expression of sacrifice. We suggest that this expression provides a means for players to define and evaluate themselves against ‘good rugby’. As forms of evaluation may vary in organisations, we recommend that researchers do not solely associate performance management with metrics but also look to other, more localised, expressions to inform their work. 相似文献
现象学在法国的引进与发展包含了主体哲学和概念哲学的共同努力。在主体哲学和概念哲学之间存在着复杂的关联,这意味着实存论与知识论之间巨大的张力。现象学在20世纪法国哲学中占据着主导地位,但现象学有着复杂多样的形态,出现了从意识现象学到身体现象学再到物质现象学的演变。 相似文献
Ricardo Santos Alexandre 《The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology》2019,20(3):232-246
This essay aims to reflect on the idea of landscape and our relationship with it by taking the Japanese notion of furusato (native place) in its ontological dimension. Grounded in Heidegger’s ‘phenomenology of Being’ and ‘ontology’, a phenomenological understanding of fieldwork experience in a Japanese rural community will be developed in order to rethink both the furusato and the ‘Being-landscape’ relation. As a consequence, we will be concerned not with how people speak about landscape, but with how the landscape speaks through people. What will be brought to light are the landscape’s moral and relational dimensions: namely, (i) the responsibility towards both our communities and future generations and (ii) a more-than-physical understanding of landscape that alerts us to our belonging to a common world comprised of relationships and tasks. 相似文献
This paper discusses the experiences of newly qualified social workers as part of a research project exploring professional identity. Drawing on literature in this area and a subset of data from a larger study involving Australian practitioners, it is argued that while several studies explore experiences of identity, the phenomenon remains under-researched, especially in Australia. Seventeen people participated in three in-depth, semistructured interviews across a 12-month period. A subset of the data explores how participants were actively motivated and benefitted from reflecting on their identities through the research process. Findings indicate newly qualified social workers appreciate meaningful opportunities to critically reflect upon their social work identities. It is concluded that further research is needed, to understand the identities and needs of newly qualified social workers in Australia. 相似文献
维之 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2011,10(1):5-12
胡塞尔的现象学哲学是其独创的现象学方法的创新成果,但也受到了各种批评,米歇尔·亨利批评它是一种外在性哲学,没有现象性的彻底化。这表现在现象学中的现象与自我都是在一种外在的距离中被把握的,丧失了内在性。进一步的考查发现,胡塞尔现象学的外在性来自其意识结构的二元性和自我意识的反思化;此二者又源自觉知("知")的关系模式。然而,研究表明,"知"(觉知)并不是关系范畴,其意义是"明",也即是现象的"自显示"。由此可反回现象和自我的内在性。 相似文献
现象学教育学思想述评 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
彭慧敏 《华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版)》2011,(1):130-133
现象学教育学思想产生于20世纪70年代。加拿大阿尔伯塔大学教授马克斯.范梅南是这一思想的创始人之一。现象学教育学是以现象学为其方法论,建立在存在主义的哲学观上的一种教育学思想。现象学教育学利用现象学的这种质的研究方法,鼓励教师和父母对儿童生活世界用心观察,通过反思提出教育的目的和价值。现象学教育学更加关注个体而非整体,体现出一种对生存、幸福的人文情怀,旨在获取生活的意义而不仅仅是知识的灌输和堆砌。它使处于学院化的研究方法走向平民化,使得研究者、教师和父母都能容易地掌握这种研究方法。 相似文献
王萍 《华北水利水电学院学报(社会科学版)》2011,(5):162-165
教育现象学与现象学有着千丝万缕的联系,教育现象学从理论现象学中汲取营养,是实践现象学流派的组成部分。现象学为教育现象学提供了哲学基础,决定了教育现象学的基本原则和研究范式,也为教育现象学提供了本体论的借鉴。 相似文献
张亮 《南京大学学报(哲学.人文科学.社会科学 )》2002,39(2)
在马克思历史唯物主义形成的内在逻辑进程中,主要是黑格尔的《精神现象学》贯穿于唯物史观的形成过程始终。通过对青年黑格尔和青年马克思的政治经济学研究的比较分析可知:从《1844年经济学-哲学手稿》中的对象化劳动概念到《德意志意识形态》中的物质生产概念,唯物史观的形成就是一场围绕《精神现象学》中的劳动概念所展开的争论,作为这场争论的积极成果,马克思在历史唯物主义的基础上实现了对《精神现象学》中的唯心主义历史话语的批判、吸纳和超越。 相似文献
论"观物"与"观无"——儒学与现象学的一种融通 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
黄玉顺 《四川大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2006,(4):67-74
在汉语所表达的中国人的思想中,显而易见,我们的一切“观念”,皆出于“观”:观念是“念”,念出于“观”。然而在中国思想中,“观”有两层不同的意义:一是“观物”,是有所观之观;二是“观无”,是无所观之观。观物之所观者,或者是形而下的存在者、“万物”,或者是形而上的存在者、“道之为物”,故有所观;而观无之所观者,则是存在本身,是“无物”、“无”,故无所观。而在儒家,这种“无物”的存在本身,就是作为大本大源的生活情感,尤其是爱的情感;而观无作为无所观之观,实质上是一种生活领悟。这样的生活情感、生活领悟,是先行于任何存在者、任何物的“事情本身”。 相似文献
张玉能 《青岛科技大学学报(社会科学版)》2008,24(4):25-29
盖格尔是德国现象学美学的主要代表之一,他直接把现象学方法运用于美学研究领域,运用现象学的观点与方法反思和批判了西方传统美学的二元对立的思维方法和认识论模式、心理学模式,确立了现象学艺术意味论。现象学艺术意味论,具体研究了文学艺术的价值关系、文学艺术的各种意味、文学艺术与审美活动的关系,对德国文学思想转向现代具有重要作用。 相似文献