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国际关系民主化是不可逆转的历史潮流。经济全球化、政治多极化对国际关系民主化客观上存在着深远的影响。中国应该在国际关系民主化进程中担负起与自己的地位相当的角色 ,推进国际政治、经济新秩序的建立 ,维护世界文明的多样性 ,推动国际关系的民主化  相似文献   
An advancement in online campaigning during the 2004 election cycle was the integration of blogs in candidate Web sites. This content analysis investigated the political public relations message strategy on campaign blogs during the 2004 election, focusing on attacks as a part of Functional Theory of Political Campaign Discourse. Results indicated frequent discussion of the opponent, reliance on attacks, and the dominance of logical appeals. Candidates focused on issue over image. The incumbent attacked more often than the challenger.  相似文献   
依法治国 ,建设社会主义法治国家是社会文明进步的标志 ,也是社会主义政治文明建设的重要内容。宪法是国家的根本大法 ,是社会主义政治文明的集中表现形式和有力保障 ,宪法的实施、完善和发展 ,推动了社会主义民主政治建设 ,为社会主义政治文明建设提供了理论支持和精神动力。依宪治国是依法治国的首要保证。  相似文献   
中阿关系的回顾和展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国与阿拉伯国家文明交流源远流长。中华人民共和国成立后,双方在国际政治舞台上广泛合作。万隆会议的成功召开带来了中阿三次建交高潮。新时期中阿双方的战略合作具有坚实的政治基础:双方都强调开展文明对话,反对文明对抗,反对霸权主义和强权政治,主张建立公正民主的国际新秩序。未来双方经贸关系的发展将促进政治合作领域不断扩大。  相似文献   
This paper will focus on two World Wide Web projects: the virtual nation of Cyber- Yugoslavia (www.juga.com) and the homepage of former Yugoslav president Tito (www.titoville.com). Both projects problematize our understanding of nationhood and political leadership through skilful manipulation of the structural characteristics of the medium. The virtual, performative and transitory nature of both the nation and the state will be exemplifed by Cyber-Yugoslavia - a virtual nation- building endeavour conjured up by Belgrade expatriate playwright Zoran Bacic. The changing character of political leadership will be discussed against the backdrop of Tito's homepage, which archives numerous image and sound files documenting the life of the former Yugoslav president. The two projects share at least three common elements: their genre is parody; their subject matter is repressed collective memory; and they reflect the anxieties of the postmodern condition in their treatment of its most emblematic medium, the Internet. The repressed collective memory encapsulated in these projects is that of South-Slav unity, as an alternative to the now dominant particularist ethno-nationalisms of the Yugoslav successor states. The idea of unity of the South Slavs, which gained popularity in the nineteenth century under the Habsburg yoke, was institutionally sanctioned in two twentieth-century Yugoslav states: the Kingdom of Yugoslavia (1918-41), called the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes from 1918 to 1929, and the Socialist Federative Republic of Yugoslavia (1945- 91), called People's Federative Republic of Yugoslavia from 1945 to 1963. The first was made possible by the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire at the end of World War One. Its nation-building rhetoric, underpinning the politics of centralization and Serbian hegemony, rested on a view of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes as "three tribes' of the same nation. The second Yugoslavia, which grew out of the national liberation movement in World War Two, was founded on federalist principles and a nation-building rhetoric of "brotherhood and unity', i.e. national equality for all the member nations. During the period of existence of both Yugoslav states, a tendency against political unification and in favour of the formation of independent national states co-existed with the dominant nation- building narratives. Tito's model in particular, which may be interpreted as a compromise between the two opposing tendencies, left a deep cultural legacy of ethnic tolerance and was internalized by segments of the post-World War Two generations in former Yugoslavia as an important part of their national identity. Linda Hutcheon has explained the popularity of parody in periods of ideological instability as an impulse for challenging the established norms. I would like to suggest that the technological advances and the introduction of the new mass media also encouraged the proliferation of parody as one of the modes of positive self- reference with a universal appeal akin to Bakhtinian "carnival laughter'. The Internet in particular seems to foster the more positive, universalizing aspects of what Hutcheon calls "parodic ethos'.  相似文献   
在全力进行司法改革的背景之下,如何建立法律职业共同体成为法律界思考的重要问题。积极探索法律教育改革是实现司法改革的重要途径,高校作为法学本科生培养单位同样在探索新型法律人才培养模式。民法实例研习课程具有培养学生的法律思维能力和法律实务能力的重要功能,应当单独开设民法实例研习课程作为综合性专业实践课,通过精心设计教学案例、课堂研讨等措施充分发挥学生的主动性和创新性,培养能服务于地方法治建设的应用型创新人才。  相似文献   
Those students who were among the first sociology graduates in the UK barely feature in standard histories of the discipline, which all have an intellectual and institutional focus. This article remedies this neglect by researching the social backgrounds and later careers of sociology graduates from the London School of Economics and Political Science [LSE] and Bedford College for Women from the first such graduate in 1907 until those graduating in the 1930s. Data for this exercise were compiled from a variety of sources. The more important are: UK censuses, especially that of 1911; various civil registration records; archived student files; and, for the graduates who entered university teaching, issues of the Yearbook of the Universities of the Empire [later the Commonwealth Universities' Yearbook]. The dataset includes all identified graduates in the BSc(Econ), Special Subject Sociology, degree from 1907 to 1935 and all in the BA (Honours) in Sociology degree from 1925 to 1939. LSE sociology graduates tended to be older and to have more cosmopolitan backgrounds, with fathers more likely than for Bedford College graduates to come from commercial rather than professional backgrounds. Both institutions' graduates' careers tended to the Civil Service and local government. LSE graduates gravitated to education, especially to higher education if male, whilst those of Bedford College went into welfare work, countering a stereotype from some previous literature that especially women graduates were heavily constrained to follow careers in schoolteaching. The article also gives comparisons with the social‐class profile and career destinations of several cohorts of postwar sociology graduates, noting a number of similarities.  相似文献   
毛泽东等中共第一代领导人在领导中国人民革命和建设中逐渐形成了一整套的思想政治教育方法,这些方法在中国共产党的历史上为团结群众、争取战争胜利、建立新中国以及新中国成立以后各项事业的发展都发挥了极其重要的作用。其中,实践法就是毛泽东思想政治教育方法体系中一个重要的方法。新时期思想政治教育工作坚持实践法对于增强思想政治教育工作的针对性,提高其有效性都有着极其重要的意义。  相似文献   
所有国家都进行主流意识形态教育。马克思主义经济学指导地位下降的原因之一是庸俗化的宣传。其主流地位是由它的科学性和深刻性所决定的。构建建设型的马克思主义经济学,坚持人民立场,再回到马克思的前提下坚持发展着的马克思主义。  相似文献   
法治与政治文明相共生,法治是政治文明的外在标志,是衡量政治文明程度的尺度,是政治文明得以实现的基本形式。中国共产党取得新民民主主义革命胜利后,在实现中华民族的伟大复兴过程中,其治国方略、执政方式逐步从人治走向法治。成长着的中国法治标识着中国政治文明的历程:人治主政,蔑视法治,政治文明之路山重水复;健全法制,厉行法治,政治文明之路柳暗花明;法律至上,民主彰显,政治文明之路漫漫而修远。  相似文献   
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