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“交通管理与控制”精品课程建设的实践与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
精品课程建设是深化教育教学改革、全面提高教学质量、推动国家特色专业发展的重要途径。西南交通大学“交通管理与控制”课程以合理的教学团队、丰富的教材与图书资料、大量的理论研究经验、优越的实践与网络环境为基础,在课程建设历史积淀、教学手段、实践体系方面形成了明显的优势。教学团队针对课程建设中的不足,通过强化师资队伍建设、开展实践活动、创新教学方法等措施建设四川省精品课程,取得了明显成效。申报国家精品课程后的课程建设应进一步完善教学网络系统,注重人才个性化培养.提高课程的实践性和动态性。  相似文献   
基于物元模型的高速公路交通安全评价体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了真实反映高速公路安全的实际情况,基于科学性、可行性、实际性、可比性和定性与定量相结合原则,筛选高速公路交通安全的相关因素,建立高速公路交通安全评价体系。运用物元理论,建立了高速公路交通安全评价的物元模型,该模型以定量数值表示道路交通安全状况属于某等级的程度大小;其中可拓集合关联函数的应用使得道路交通安全的多指标评定更为精细化。江西某高速公路的该模型应用实例表明:该物元模型可较好地给出交通安全等级评定结果,并且能够较完整地反映高速公路交通安全的综合水平。  相似文献   
为解决目前公路建设市场体系中存在的市场主体身份错位、中介服务组织混乱等问题,采用比较分析的方法,系统梳理现存问题的原因,并提出全面开放公路建设市场、加强法制体系建设等建议,以促进中国公路建设市场体系的发展。  相似文献   
城市交通状况不仅关系到城市的发展前景和未来,也直接反映出城市的发展状况和文明程度。随着地方经济的发展以及地方招商引资规模的扩大,中小城市的交通问题逐渐突出,如何解决这个难题已经关系到这些中小城市的发展前景和潜力。现就解决当前中小城市存在的交通问题提出建议。  相似文献   
<道路交通安全法>于2004年5月1日施行,为处理交通事故损害赔偿案件提供了法律依据.但实践中,如何确定赔偿责任、责任主体、赔偿限额等问题因法律规定不详尽而存在适用争议.本研究拟通过热点问题,结合先后实施的法律法规、司法解释以及江苏省高等法院相关指导意见进行分析.探讨交通事故损害赔偿案件的法律适用.  相似文献   
Effects of Increased Auto Safety Belt Use Levels on Fatalities   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To reduce the annual toll of highway deaths, more than 30 states have passed laws mandating the use of safety belts. All have been effective at raising safety belt use; equipped with different provisions and enforced with unequal care, however, they have done so to different degrees. The article estimates the relationship between attained belt use and fatalities averted. Monthly 1982-1986 fatality, collision, belt use, and other data from 64 areas in nine states were collected, then analyzed using a Poisson multiple regression model. The analysis indicates that an increase in belt use from 14-40% averts about 13% of fatalities; a more pronounced increase to 50% averts about 18%. An increase from 50-75% averts about 16% of remaining fatalities. Three significant conclusions emerge. First, previous estimates appear to have understated, in general, the overall effectiveness of belt use laws. Second, the benefits of programs to boost safety belt use in this country from its current level of about 50% to up to 75%, estimated on the basis of more direct evidence from U.S. data than previously available, appear to be very large. Third, Poisson and other multiple regression models including explicit allowance for other causal factors can usefully complement other statistical approaches in traffic safety studies.  相似文献   
The performance of a retail store depends on its ability to attract customer traffic, match labor with incoming traffic, and convert the incoming traffic into sales. Retailers make significant investments in marketing activities (such as advertising) to bring customers into their stores and in‐store labor to convert that traffic into sales. Thus, a common trade‐off that retail store managers face concerns the allocation of a store's limited budget between advertising and labor to enhance store‐level sales. To explore that trade‐off, we develop a centralized model to allocate limited store budget between store labor and advertising with the objective of maximizing store sales. We find that a store's inherent potential to drive traffic plays an important role, among other factors, in the relative allocation between advertising and store labor. We also find that as advertising instruments become more effective in bringing traffic to stores, managers should not always capitalize this effectiveness by increasing their existing allocations to advertising. In addition, we discuss a decentralized setting where budget allocation decisions cannot be enforced by a store manager and present a simple mechanism that can achieve the centralized solution. In an extension, we address the budget allocation problem in the presence of marketing efforts to shift store traffic from peak to off peak hours and show that our initial findings are robust. Further, we illustrate how the solution from the budget allocation model can be used to facilitate store level sales force planning/scheduling decisions. Based on the results of our model, we present several insights that can help managers in budget allocation and sales force planning.  相似文献   
ITU空间频率轨道资源分配与协调规则研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
空间频率轨道资源是有限的自然资源,是我国北斗卫星导航系统、载人航天和探月计划等空间活动中不可缺少的战略性资源,我国对这一资源的利用要遵守有关空间交通管理的国际规则。国际电信联盟是联合国负责实施无线电频谱的频段划分、频率的分配和频率指配的登记,以及空间业务中对地静止卫星轨道的相关轨道位置及其他轨道中卫星的相关特性的登记的机关。本文分析国际电信联盟的法律框架,解读空间频率轨道资源分配规则,阐明我国对ITU有关规则的利用和需求。  相似文献   
基于大数据规则挖掘的交通拥堵治理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着中国城市机动车保有量的急剧增多,交通拥堵已经成为现代城市病。交通拥堵在道路网络中呈现向四周放射的传导特性,拥堵路段倾向于将拥堵扩散传导到其他相邻路段,该特性此前未被系统研究过,综合比较各种方法的适用性,从时间和大数据规则挖掘角度对拥堵建模;使用时间序列规则挖掘算法建立交通拥堵传导规律模型,并基于传导规则预测未来交通流状况;更重要的是,挖掘出来的拥堵传导规则直观可用,能够用于建立拥堵预警防治机制,完善道路路网建设规划中不合理的部分,从而达到提升交通效率的目的。研究结果证明本模型能够较好达到研究目的,挖掘出的拥堵传导规则可以精确分析交通拥堵状况并预测未来交通流状况,因此可以为交通拥堵治理决策提供重要参考。  相似文献   
河南道是丝绸之路的重要路段,在魏晋南北朝时期非常繁荣。此时期的河南道以五世纪中期为界分为初期发展和繁荣两个发展过程,并在当时中西、南北交通、经济文化交流中发挥了积极的作用。  相似文献   
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