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《劳动合同法》的颁布实施引起了理论及实务界的诸多批评,批评的核心是认为该法过度地增加了企业用人成本,干预了企业灵活的用人制度,从而可能导致企业负担过重而破产,最终给经济和就业都造成负面影响。但从劳动者、企业及社会三个方面的长期成本与收益的视角展开综合比较分析,该法长期实施对三者都将是有利的,有助于构建和发展和谐稳定的劳动关系,并最终促成人与经济的协调发展。  相似文献   
《政府采购法》实施以来,学界仍未停止对政府采购合同的性质的争论,主要观点分为民事合同论和行政合同论。笔者认为,民事合同论和行政合同论均有合理之处,各自存在不足,需要从新的角度来审视政府采购合同的性质。经济法在法律体系占据特殊位置,是与民法、行政法各有交叉的一个独立部门法,政府采购合同恰好符合这一特性,并且,从它的价值取向和所涉及的法律关系而言,政府采购合同具有经济法的属性,应归属于经济法。  相似文献   
“农超对接”供应链的治理模式和专用性投资激励研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前我国农户加入“农超对接”供应链意愿不足这一现实问题,首先,分析“农超对接”供应链的不完全契约特征;其次,构建了三种不同治理模式的数学模型,对比农户最优专用性投资水平的差异;最后,建立事后再协商的讨价还价动态博弈模型,研究影响农户专业性投资水平的因素。研究表明:以激励农户提高专用性投资水平作为标准,事后再协商模式将比事后不协商模式更具优势;如果农户预期到自己在事后再协商中会面临被“敲竹杠”的风险,将会降低事前的专用性投资水平;可以从改造农超双方不平衡的上下层结构关系入手,来激励农户提高专用性投资水平。  相似文献   
文章通过实例,分析了订单农业中机会主义的治理。认为公司守信在先、树立信誉是治理机会主义的先决条件。公司进一步采取措施预防、甄别、约束和惩罚机会主义,并对守信者予以激励。通过重复博弈,使非合作均衡走向合作均衡,实现公司、农户双赢。  相似文献   
改革开放以来,基于中央政府选择性试验模式下的渐进式体制变革,释放诸多发展元素的动能,有效促成了经济领域的巨大成就。经济特区作为渐进式体制转轨的活性载体,或者说中央政府改革政策选择的"试验田",发挥了不可或缺的导引作用。然而,近年来,经济特区治理困境逐步显现,表征多种多样,集中表现在政策、体制和功能三个层面。地方政府核心行动者动力衰竭是经济特区治理困境生成的内生性因素。基于心理契约违背模型,分析地方政府核心行动者动力衰竭的成因,表明了通过制度规引与愿景管理实现对地方政府核心行动者心理契约违背的防范的必要性。  相似文献   
Public Private Partnerships (PPP) have been used extensively in both developing and developed countries in delivering various types of projects, ranging from road construction, railway transport systems to health care facilities and schools. Critical success factors of PPP schemes at the implementation stage were identified. It is however more important for decision-makers to identify the factors for feasibility evaluation of adopting the PPP at the outset. This study aims to explore the key successful ingredients to be assessed at the initial stage of PPP projects as perceived public sector, private consortium and general community so as to attain a “triple win” scenario, via a questionnaire survey and a series of expert interviews conducted in Hong Kong. Survey results indicate that the most critical factor for evaluating the feasibility of PPP projects, especially to the general community, is an acceptable level of tariff. Cost effectiveness and financial attractiveness are the most important evaluation factors as ranked by the public sector and private consortium respectively. In addition, the existence of a long-term demand for the proposed services, availability of strong private consortium, alignment with government’s strategic objectives, as well as reliable service delivery are also rated as highly important to the success of PPP schemes. Addressing the tripartite expectations is indispensable to ensure the feasibility and successful delivery of public services and infrastructure projects via PPP schemes.  相似文献   
认为《解释》对合同法溯及力的范围和条件之规定在国际私法上具有重大的理论意义,即突破了合同准据法上的“分割论”的适用范围,使之及于合同准据法的时际冲突的解决,从而形成合同准据法上的时际分割;同时,从立法的技术性角度分析了《解释》所存在的值得商榷和完善的问题。  相似文献   
Supply chain disruptions and the associated operational and financial risks represent the most pressing concern facing firms that compete in today's global marketplace. Extant research has not only confirmed the costly nature of supply chain disruptions but has also contributed relevant insights on such related issues as supply chain risks, vulnerability, resilience, and continuity. In this conceptual note, we focus on a relatively unexplored issue, asking and answering the question of how and why one supply chain disruption would be more severe than another. In doing so, we argue, de facto, that supply chain disruptions are unavoidable and, as a consequence, that all supply chains are inherently risky. Employing a multiple‐method, multiple‐source empirical research design, we derive novel insights, presented as six propositions that relate the severity of supply chain disruptions (i) to the three supply chain design characteristics of density, complexity, and node criticality and (ii) to the two supply chain mitigation capabilities of recovery and warning. These findings not only augment existing knowledge related to supply chain risk, vulnerability, resilience, and business continuity planning but also call into question the wisdom of pursuing such practices as supply base reduction, global sourcing, and sourcing from supply clusters.  相似文献   
契约理念:高校师资管理的新视野   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将契约理念引入高校师资管理具有积极意义。高校师资管理除了要把握一般的管理原理、原则、方法外,特别需要突出对教师“人性”的充分尊重,满足他们“受到尊重的需要”和“自我实现的需要”,给予教师更多的“自由”,更多地体现代表学校的管理者与被管理者之间的“合意”。  相似文献   
高校公共建设项目舞弊问题引起社会的广泛关注。外部治理机制的缺失、公共契约属性与市场契约冲突、市场契约参与主体的谈判优势与信息优势以及契约的不完备性与信息不对称是高校公共建设项目舞弊的制度性根源和契约性诱因,强化高校公共建设项目治理是解决建设项目舞弊问题的治理之道。  相似文献   
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