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积极心理学的兴起和哥本哈根社会心理问卷的出现,为积极应激这一较少得到实证研究的应激现象提供了理论视角和分析工具.通过对该问卷的重新分析,选取10家零售商业企业的383名员工为被试,验证了应激项目与健康状况因子、工作满意度因子之间的正相关关系,并归纳了积极应激的工作意义感、团队精神感、与领导关系、工作控制度、工作认可度、工作自由度这七个因子及其具体内容.这些积极应激条件的存在与甄别,为企业激发员工的积极应激状态、提高工作满意度提供了可操作化的途径.  相似文献   
The present study examined the career advancement prospects of MIS and non-MIS employees, as well as the relationships of career advancement prospects with job performance evaluations, job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment for MIS and non-MIS professionals and managers. Participants included 134 MIS professionals and managers and 397 non-MIS professionals and managers of a large communications company. The results provided no evidence that MIS employees experience more restricted career advancement prospects than non-MIS employees. In addition, job performance evaluations generally had positive effects on career advancement prospects; career advancement prospects had a number of positive effects on job satisfaction, career satisfaction, and organizational commitment; and job satisfaction and career satisfaction had positive effects on organizational commitment. These findings are related to prior research, suggestions for future research are offered, and implications for the management of MIS employees are identified.  相似文献   
BackgroundThe number of interventions is lower, and the level of satisfaction is higher among women who receive midwife-led primary care from one or two midwives, compared to more midwives. This suggests that midwives in small-sized practices practice more women-centred. This has yet to be explored.ObjectiveTo examine pregnant women’s perceptions, of the interpersonal action component of woman-centred care by primary care midwives, working in different sized practices.MethodsA cross-sectional study using the Client Centred Care Questionnaire (CCCQ), administered during the third trimester of pregnancy among Dutch women receiving midwife-led primary care from midwives organised in small-sized practices (1−2 midwives), medium-sized (3−4 midwives) and large-sized practices (≥5 midwives). A Welch ANOVA with post hoc Bonferroni correction was performed to examine the differences.Results553 completed questionnaires were received from 91 small-sized practices/104 women, 98 medium-sized practices/258 women and 65 large-sized practices/191 women. The overall sum scores varied between 57–72 on a minimum/maximum scoring range of 15–75. Women reported significantly higher woman-centred care scores of midwives in small-sized practices (score 70.7) compared with midwives in medium-sized practices (score 63.6) (p < .001) and large-sized practices (score 57.9) (p < .001), showing a large effect (d .88; d 1.56). Women reported statistically significant higher woman-centred care scores of midwives in medium-sized practices compared with large-sized practices (p < .001), showing a medium effect (d .69).ConclusionThere is a significant variance in woman-centred care based on women’s perceptions of woman-midwife interactions in primary care midwifery, with highest scores reported by women receiving care from a maximum of two midwives. Although the CCCQ scores of all practices are relatively high, the significant differences in favour of small-sized practices may contribute to moving woman-centred care practice from ‘good’ to ‘excellent’ practice.  相似文献   
Practitioners and researchers have long been interested in achieving the highest response rate within resource constraints on their mailed surveys. Achieving this high response rate typically has required the selection of the right mix of response-facilitating techniques. The selection decisions were generally made under the assumption that the response-facilitating techniques act independently of one another. The authors have examined the validity of this independence assumption by identifying the major response facilitators in use and then analyzing the results of 531 independent mail survey studies. The authors conclude that major facilitators do not function independently. In fact, it was found that significant joint action interactive effects on response rates do exist. Practitioners and researchers who are faced with the survey design decisions of choosing response facilitators can receive assistance by reviewing the results of this diverse collection of reported experiences.  相似文献   
User information satisfaction (UIS) is important because of its potential effects on MIS department goals, quality of user work life, and extent of voluntary usage of systems. Reliable measurement of UIS is important for providing evaluative information for both researchers and practitioners. This study used 92 managers and executives as subjects to compare the test/retest reliability of a widely used, 13-scale UIS instrument together with four summary questions under experimental and control conditions. The summary questions behaved more reliably than the detailed questions for all groups, perhaps because of problems with scale units and origins and with item heterogeneity. This suggests that researchers need more reliable measures of UIS and that practitioners need to exercise caution when collecting and interpreting UIS scores.  相似文献   
选择BSR类型的方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文提出了一个选择购买方-供应商关系(BSR)的实验设计方法。作者以国内摩托车制造企业的供应与采购管理人员的有效问卷55份为第一手资料,确定了购买方-供应商关系(BSR)类型选择方法中的重要概念:BSR的分类、BSR类型的特征、决定BSR类型的零部件要素及各个要素的等级。接着,以南京金城铃木摩托车有限公司的有关数据进行了该方法的应用示范,案例研究的结果表明,要素的关系价值可以估算得出,并根据关系价值可以推算出关系指数,从而为新的零部件选择适当的BSR类型提供了有效的方法。  相似文献   
将适应不良图式简式问卷(Maladaptive Schemas Questionnaire,简称SQ-SF)的中文译卷试用于中国大学生人群,并就其信度和效度进行分析。应用SQ-SF和BDI、RSES和SCL对564名大学生实施测查。进行项目分析和因素分析,相关分析、回归分析。结果,项目分析表明SQ-SF题项对中国被试鉴别度好,信度分析提示SQ-SF在中国适用也有着较好的同质性信度和重测信度。因素分析发现存在十三个因素。与BDI、RSES和SCL作相关分析与回归分析,发现SQ-SF问卷具有一定的效标关联效度和预测效度。SQ-SF作为一个非常有价值的人格病理评估工具在中国应用具有一定的信度与效度。如引进应用,应结合中国的国情进行认真的规范修订。  相似文献   
高职高专学生英语学习成败的归因法分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
回顾了归因理论的发展,着重根据归因理论的基本原理设计了针对高职高专学生英语学习成败的归因调查,并对调查结果进行统计分析和讨论,以此对提高高职高专英语教学提出了一些的思考。  相似文献   
考试规范是一个有关考什么和怎样考的书面文献,它在考试命题中起着重要作用。本文在问卷调查和相关文献的基础上,首先分析了广大英语教师对考试规范的认识、制定情况,探讨考试规范与考试大纲的区别和联系,考试规范在保证试卷的内容效度、结构效度及考试评估中的作用,然后指出考试规范制定的程序,希望能引起广大英语教师的重视。  相似文献   
The present research focuses on family involvement reported by offspring and grandchildren of Holocaust survivors (OHS and GHS, respectively). Study 1 included a convenience sample of 75 participants, divided into 2 groups (36 OHS and 39 comparisons). Study 2 included a convenience sample of 92 dyads of OHS and GHS. Both samples completed the Family Involvement Questionnaire and the Holocaust Salience Scale. In line with the hypotheses, Study 1 found that, relative to comparisons, OHS presented greater familial involvement. Only OHS with strong family involvement showed higher Holocaust salience than comparisons. Study 2 showed higher familial involvement among OHS as compared to GHS, and significant parent-child correlations. The results show that family involvement is related to intergenerational transmission of the trauma, especially among OHS. Yet, among OHS and GHS, parents’ and children’s family involvement were associated. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   
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