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This article explores the use of hip hop in participatory research studies. The article was informed by a research process that explored the identity construction process of female late adolescents who identified strongly with hip hop music. Hip hop music constituted an integral component of the research process, as it was used to stimulate participation. It was also used to prompt reflection and engagement with the Self. Participatory research methods, namely drawings and lyric inquiry, were used in conjunction with hip hop music to elicit narrative data. The findings illustrate that the use of hip hop music was beneficial as it prompted profound engagement with the Self. Hip hop music provided the participants with spaces within which they could reflect on and articulate the continual, interactional and situational dimensions of their lives. These reflections ultimately initiated agency, as it prompted them to contemplate empowerment and liberation. As such, we argue that hip hop music can serve as transformative data-generation stimulus in participatory research projects involving adolescents who identify with this genre.  相似文献   
台湾著名的女作家罗兰对音乐、绘画和诗歌都有着特别的爱好。这种爱好在其创作艺术风格方面表现为:音乐美、绘画美和诗意美。从罗兰的艺术创作风格可以得到一个启示:在文学创作乃至一切艺术创作领域中一种艺术可以通过对其他艺术的“借用”,达到增强这种艺术的表现力。  相似文献   
大象大意 可游可居——郭熙《林泉高致》美学思想新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山水画是唐宋城市庶族地主(士大夫)的艺术,“大象”“大意”是山水画的本体,“饱游沃看”“取之精粹”是山水画创作的途径,“可游”“可居”是山水画独特的审美功能。郭熙的画论是对北宋山水画的美学总结。  相似文献   
In drawing, psychological mood can be denoted in a direct way (i.e., “literally”) through facial expression cues (e.g., a frowning face denotes sadness in a direct way), but it can also be connoted in an indirect way (i.e., “non-literally”) through figurative or non-figurative cues. This study examines how child and adult drawers selectively use literal and non-literal expressive strategies in accordance with the nature of the topic being depicted. In a between-subject design, 120 participants produced drawings of either a person or a house, in one of three versions: baseline, happy, and sad. The results indicated that drawers preferentially used literal expressive strategies for the person and non-literal strategies for the house. There was an increasing tendency between 7 and 11 years of age to express the drawn person’s mood non-literally in addition to literally. The positive correlation obtained between representational and expressive drawing ability suggests that enrichment of drawers’ graphic repertoire enhances their ability to draw expressively. Implications for clinical and educational practitioners are discussed.  相似文献   
本文从读图的概念出发 ,就学生的心理活动和读图的阶段性要求 ,以及培养读图能力的措施三个方面阐述了在制图课程的教学过程中 ,培养学生读图能力的实践和认识  相似文献   
关于“绘画心理疗法”独特作用的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绘画疗法在西方国家已经得到广泛的应用,成为心理咨询和治疗的主要技术之一。已有的理论探讨和实证研究都表明,绘画作为一种心理治疗方法有其独特作用,不仅可以处理人们的情绪和心理创伤问题,而且可以使心理障碍患者的自我形象、自尊或自我概念、社交技能等得到提升,促进语言的发展与认知功能的改善。本文从理论基础、作用机制、应用现状及疗效对这一技术作基本的概述。  相似文献   
The study was conducted to investigate and compare the attachment styles of maltreated and non‐maltreated children through the use of the family drawing technique. The sample consisted of ten maltreated and ten non‐maltreated children between the ages of five and 11. The findings revealed that the maltreated children depicted significantly more items in their drawings linked to an insecure attachment pattern than non‐maltreated children, while the non‐maltreated children made use of significantly more drawing features linked to a secure attachment pattern. These results corresponded to scores on the Child Behaviour Checklist (Achenbach, 1991). All maltreated children scored in the clinical range. The family drawings of maltreated children significantly evidenced a greater distress ? represented by an insecure attachment pattern – than the drawings of non‐maltreated children represented by a secure attachment style. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
‘The family drawings of maltreated children significantly evidenced a greater distress’

Citing Literature

Number of times cited according to CrossRef: 16

  • Clare Bridget Noonan, Pamela Doreen Pilkington, Intimate partner violence and child attachment: A systematic review and meta-analysis, Child Abuse & Neglect, 10.1016/j.chiabu.2020.104765, 109 , (104765), (2020). Crossref
  • Peter D. Rehder, W. Roger Mills-Koonce, Nicholas J. Wagner, Bharathi J. Zvara, Michael T. Willoughby, Attachment quality assessed from children’s family drawings links to child conduct problems and callous-unemotional behaviors, Attachment & Human Development, 10.1080/14616734.2020.1714676, (1-18), (2020). Crossref
  • Esther Burkitt, Dawn Watling, Hannah Message, Expressivity in children's drawings of themselves for adult audiences with varied authority and familiarity, British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 10.1111/bjdp.12278, 37 , 3, (354-368), (2019). Wiley Online Library
  • Cecilia Serena Pace, Viviana Guerriero, Giulio Cesare Zavattini, Children’s attachment representations: A pilot study comparing family drawing with narrative and behavioral assessments in adopted and community children, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 10.1016/j.aip.2019.101612, (101612), (2019). Crossref
  • Bharathi J. Zvara, Roger Mills-Koonce, Lynne Vernon Feagans, Martha Cox, Clancy Blair, Peg Burchinal, Linda Burton, Keith Crnic, Ann Crouter, Patricia Garrett-Peters, Mark Greenberg, Stephanie Lanza, Emily Werner, Michael Willoughby, Intimate Partner Violence, Parenting, and Children’s Representations of Caregivers, Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 10.1177/0886260519888527, (088626051988852), (2019). Crossref
  • Zahra Maghami Sharif, Nasrin Yadegari, Hadi Bahrami, Tahere Khorsandi, Representation of children attachment styles in corman’s instruction of family drawing, The Arts in Psychotherapy, 10.1016/j.aip.2017.10.004, 57 , (34-42), (2018). Crossref
  • Rajan S. Hayre, Natalie Goulter, Marlene M. Moretti, Maltreatment, attachment, and substance use in adolescence: Direct and indirect pathways, Addictive Behaviors, 10.1016/j.addbeh.2018.10.049, (2018). Crossref
  • Rebecca Carr-Hopkins, Calem De Burca, Felicity A Aldridge, Assessing attachment in school-aged children: Do the School-Age Assessment of Attachment and Family Drawings work together as complementary tools?, Clinical Child Psychology and Psychiatry, 10.1177/1359104517714589, 22 , 3, (402-420), (2017). Crossref
  • Emiko Katsurada, Mitsue Tanimukai, Junko Akazawa, A study of associations among attachment patterns, maltreatment, and behavior problem in institutionalized children in Japan, Child Abuse & Neglect, 10.1016/j.chiabu.2017.06.018, 70 , (274-282), (2017). Crossref
  • Sherwood Burns-Nader, Examining children’s healthcare experiences through drawings, Early Child Development and Care, 10.1080/03004430.2016.1192616, 187 , 11, (1809-1818), (2016). Crossref
  • Eleonora Cannoni, Anna Silvia Bombi, Friendship and Romantic Relationships During Early and Middle Childhood, SAGE Open, 10.1177/2158244016659904, 6 , 3, (215824401665990), (2016). Crossref
  • Heinz Kindler, Erhebungsmethoden mit Kindern bzw. Jugendlichen zu sexueller Gewalt, Forschungsmanual Gewalt, 10.1007/978-3-658-06294-1, (191-216), (2016). Crossref
  • Udo Weber, Klinische Diagnostik Diagnostik klinische bei sexuellem Kindesmissbrauch, Sexueller Missbrauch von Kindern und Jugendlichen, 10.1007/978-3-662-44244-9, (173-177), (2015). Crossref
  • Karyn B. Purvis, L. Brooks McKenzie, Erin Becker Razuri, David R. Cross, Karen Buckwalter, A Trust-Based Intervention for Complex Developmental Trauma: A Case Study from a Residential Treatment Center, Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, 10.1007/s10560-014-0328-6, 31 , 4, (355-368), (2014). Crossref
  • B.J. Zvara, W.R. Mills-Koonce, P. Garrett-Peters, N.J. Wagner, L. Vernon-Feagans, M. Cox, The mediating role of parenting in the associations between household chaos and children’s representations of family dysfunction, Attachment & Human Development, 10.1080/14616734.2014.966124, 16 , 6, (633-655), (2014). Crossref
  • Jane V. Appleton, Peter Sidebotham, Child Protection and Mental Health, Child Abuse Review, 10.1002/car.2220, 21 , 3, (153-156), (2012). Wiley Online Library

Volume 21 , Issue 3 May/June 2012

Pages 203-218  相似文献   

Minority language education initiatives often aim to resist dominant language regimes and to raise the social status of migrant or autochthonous minorities. We consider how participating children experience these alternative language regimes by analysing drawings made by children in two minority education settings—a Slovene‐German bilingual school in Austria and an Isthmus Zapotec (Indigenous) language and art workshop in Mexico. We examine how children's drawings represent language regimes in the social spaces they inhabit. Considering these drawings in relation to ethnographic observations and interviews with educators, we illustrate differences between how the social spaces are planned by educators and how they are represented and experienced by learners. Generally speaking, the children in our studies depict flexible, multilingual experiences and spaces, in contrast to the educators’ agendas of separating or emphasizing languages for pedagogical purposes. Mexican children's perception of themselves as participants in fluid language regimes, and Austrian children's increasing appropriation of multilingual space over time through both (school‐like) routines and (fun) exceptions can inform the efforts of minority language educators.  相似文献   
关于电脑效果图的审美思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电脑效果图作为交流设计思想的手段 ,受到了广泛的重视和应用。本文通过研究电脑效果图的审美特征及其规律 ,来探寻这一新的画种的审美价值的方法、途径和形式法则 ,以期为创作出更多更好的作品起到积极的指导作用  相似文献   
The purpose of this study was to investigate relationships between children's representations of parent–child alliances (PCA) and their peer relationship quality, using a new scale that was developed to rate representations of PCA in children's family drawings. The parent–child alliance pattern is characterized by a relationship between parent and child that is stronger than the marital relationship. We used family drawings to assess children's (at the ages of 4–8 years) representations of alliances because it is often difficult for children to express their perceptions of family dynamics verbally. Children whose drawings were rated higher in PCA were rated lower in prosocial behavior and assertiveness and higher in social problems by their teachers. These relationships were stronger for boys than for girls.  相似文献   
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