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灾难的补偿:1930年《救灾准备金法》之出台   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
酝酿于灾难之际,出台于灾难之后的《救灾准备金法》,由于民国政府的病态财政支出,在实际执行中,法律规定与具体实施有距离。尽管如此,此法的公布仍不失为民国救济史上具有重要意义的事。  相似文献   
Different procurement decisions taken by relief organizations can result in considerably different implications in regards to transport, storage, and distribution of humanitarian aid and ultimately can influence the performance of the humanitarian supply chain and the delivery of the humanitarian aid. In this article, we look into what resources are needed and how these resources evolve in the delivery of humanitarian aid. Drawing on the resource‐based view of the firm, we develop a framework to categorize the impact of local resources on the configuration of humanitarian supply chains. In contrast to other papers, the importance of localizing the configuration of the humanitarian supply chain is not only conceptually recognized, but empirical investigations are also provided. In terms of methodology, this article is based on the analysis of secondary data from two housing reconstruction projects. Findings indicate that the use of local resources in humanitarian aid has positive effects on programs’ overall supply chain performance and these effects are not only related to the macroeconomic perspective, but benefits expand to improvements related to the use of knowledge. At the same time, it was found that local sourcing often comes with a number of problems. For example, in one of the cases, significant problems existed, which were related to the scarcity of local supplies. Both housing reconstruction projects have indicated the continuous need for changes throughout the programs as a dynamic supply chain configuration is important for the long‐term sustainability of reconstruction aid.  相似文献   
和平解放前,受政教合一封建农奴制度的影响,西藏城镇贫困人口主要来源于农奴,西藏城镇社会救助多为简单零星行为,无法建立完备的社会救济和保障制度。和平解放后,西藏城镇救济和社会保障事业逐步开展,各项赈济和救助城镇乞丐、贫民及老弱病残等人群的举措在大范围实施,流浪街头的乞丐和流民过上新生活,长期失业的贫民获得工作就业机会并组建家庭,无人照顾的未成年孤儿被送进学校,孤老残疾人在福利院安享幸福晚年,城镇底层居民的基本生存生活和发展权益得到保障,社会公平正义得到彰显,过去那种混乱不整、肮脏不洁的城镇面貌得到改变,西藏人权事业取得巨大成就。  相似文献   

The existence and provision of emergency relief remains one of the more contentious aspects of poverty relief in Australia. This is largely due to a fundamental difference of opinion within government and the welfare sector about how to best tackle the financial hardship being experienced by people in need. Some contend that emergency relief should be expanded and better funded by the Commonwealth, whereas others believe it should be discontinued altogether and replaced by more generous social welfare payments. This debate continues unresolved for a number of reasons, including a lack of reliable and comprehensive data on who uses emergency relief in Australia and why. This paper reports on a State-wide investigation undertaken of emergency relief use in Victoria between 2007 and 2008. It has found that existing social welfare recipients—especially those on the disability support pension, parenting payment, and Newstart allowance—are the main users of emergency relief, who are living in households headed by a single adult, and forced to rent housing in the private sector. A disaggregation of the findings over both time and spatial regions of Victoria suggests that the level of need is not uniform. Several recommendations are offered to address the financial hardship that some people living in differing parts of Victoria face on an ongoing basis.  相似文献   

Emergency relief is assistance provided by community agencies to people in financial crisis, usually recipients of income support payments. The present study reports on an exploratory, qualitative study of the experiences of people who seek emergency relief. Semistructured interviews were conducted with 20 emergency relief recipients from seven different agencies. Although the interviewees reported some positive experiences, distinct limitations in the extent of assistance were also perceived. Accountability for appropriate processes and quality assurance in service delivery are important requirements of agencies. Increased government funding to assist agencies to provide more holistic services would lead to more effective outcomes.  相似文献   
本文用数字仿真技术研究分析了一种双级溢流阀的动态性能.研究结果表明,这种阀的动态特性是令人满意的,因而可以用于计算机辅助测试系统,只要液容足够大即可.文中还说明了用FORTRAN语言编制的仿真程序很有效,而且可以方便地用在其他液压元件场合.  相似文献   
调研报告以“国家八七扶贫攻坚计划”为背景。在调查研究的基础上,从九个方面总结了南疆三地州扶贫开 发工作取得的主要经验,以期开拓新时期扶贫开发工作的新局面。  相似文献   
在日益加深的流民问题面前,都铎王朝率先以体制性的力量来解决这一问题。为此而构建起的济贫体制,既是贫困压力的产物,也是王权、议会及地方三方利益合作的结果。  相似文献   
魏晋南北朝时期是我国历史上的水灾多发期。水灾主要集中在5、6、7、8月和长江、黄河流域。水灾的频繁发生,给社会经济和广大人民的生命财产带来了巨大损失。各封建王朝的统治者对救灾工作高度重视,及时采取实物救助、调粟赈民、减免租调、借贷及兴修水利等一系救助措施,对于减轻灾害,维护社会稳定,保障民生及促进社会经济的恢复与发展起到了一定的积极作用。  相似文献   
光绪年间的“丁戊奇荒”对青州府造成严重影响。这场大旱灾持续时间长、破坏严重,引发一系列诸如粮贵物贱、卖妻鬻女、公序良俗遭到破坏,社会动荡不安、大量民众外逃和死亡,人口减少等社会问题。“丁戊奇荒”不仅是天灾,更是人祸,吏治废弛、仓储空虚、战乱频繁、饮酒之风、人口增长造成的环境破坏等都加重了此次旱灾的破坏性。青州府在此次旱灾中采取的多样性的救灾措施,呈现出近代特点:首先是救灾主体多元化,实现从政府主导向政府、社会多方参与转变;其次是救灾方式多样化,实现从单一救灾向多样救灾转变,救灾手段愈加灵活,救灾经费来源更加多元;最后是救灾机制规范化,逐步设立专门的救灾机构,制定完善的救灾制度。  相似文献   
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