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毕飞宇的文革记忆深刻影响了他对世界、人生的体验,从而影响了他的小说题材、主题和叙述方式,使之呈现出后现代小说的特征和“气质”。毕飞宇一直热衷于创作文革题材与准文革题材小说。一方面,对权力的体认和解构成为小说中最常见的主题;另一方面,他的小说常常运用“戏仿”修辞和“反讽”的叙事方式。  相似文献   
战略柔性是企业以内部结构的可调整性和变革性应对环境变化的能力。企业要根据外部环境以及内部结构特征,确定适合本企业的战略柔性增强途径:以外部环境的不确定性为导向,以影响柔性因素的内部结构体系为基础,以结构调整的变革成本为依据,从降低变革成本的因素中归纳出有效的增强途径。  相似文献   
本研究将"文本—话语实践—社会实践"三维分析框架与语料库辅助的批评话语研究相结合,探讨日本大三主流报纸中"爆买"现象的话语构建方式。研究发现:2015年初以来,"爆买"现象的话语建构方式呈现"积极推进"到"消极评价"的阶段性差异;其行为主体的"中国赴日游客"呈现为"积极服务的对象""不理智的购物者""社会秩序的挑战者""中国经济表现的缩影"等多元化、渐变式的形象特征。此外,"爆买"一词的语义范围扩展至"双11"、海外采购、科技界的人才竞争等领域,标签化和污名化的消极语义韵特征日渐明显。  相似文献   
20世纪40年代新疆发生了反对地方反动统治的三区革命,但是在前苏联错位的民族解放运动导引和苏联势力的控制下,出现了寄生于三区革命运动的分裂政权。随着世界局势的变化,三区革命中的"二次革命"成为扭转三区革命性质转折点,"二次革命"使三区革命运动从"分裂毒瘤"的桎梏下解脱出来,高举国家统一和民族团结的大旗,步入真正的革命正轨;"二次革命"也使当时的新疆各族民众第一次在本民族内部受到了正确的国家民族观教育,从整体上提高了新疆民众政治觉悟和国家认同。  相似文献   
辛亥革命期间,甘宁青诸马军阀从静观其变到出师勤王,最后临阵倒戈、回兵参与光复运动,就角色而言,完成了从传统社会卫道士而至掘墓人的转换;就性质而论,自身开始并逐步完成了由封建时代拥兵自重的地方实力派向民国时代资产阶级新军阀的过渡。本文旨在探讨辛亥革命对西北诸马军阀集团新旧交替的转换催化作用。  相似文献   
哥老会是清末流传最广、势力最大的秘密结社。在其发展壮大之初,广泛存在于清军军营中。同治年间,大量的哥老会成员随清军左宗棠所部调防至陕甘两省,自此哥老会与陕甘地区的当地人民尤其是回族人民产生了密切联系,并在近代的西北社会中产生了深远影响。  相似文献   
This research analyzed the major metaphors the U.S. government created to define the post-September-11 world realities, including “Second Front,” “Axis of Evil,” “Old Europe,” “Responsible Stakeholder,” and “Color Revolution.” The metaphors are found to be rhetorically advocating and share the archetypal metaphor of “democracy vs. tyranny” and “freedom vs. oppression.” The metaphors had their origins in the U.S. national security strategies, and the images they created highlighted aspects of the moral and ideological considerations but hide certain aspects of the realpolitik motivations.  相似文献   
法国哲学家福柯的权力—话语理论为我们研究莫里森作品提供了一个新的视角。《最蓝的眼睛》《宠儿》《爱》中莫里森所采用的叙述视角与叙述话语以及其中的人物话语,为黑人女性争取了话语权力,使她们由失语的物体一跃成为讲述的主体。话语权是黑人女性确立其主体地位的有力武器。  相似文献   

The American Revolution is central to the identity of citizens of the United States. It is, therefore, rarely critiqued in the U.S. social studies classroom. This article examines how teachers can discuss the American Revolution using both a critical historical approach and the ideas of peace education, particularly the strand that focuses on the problematization of war. Specific examples are given for how teachers can critique some of the national myths surrounding the American Revolution. Furthermore, the rationale for this critique of the American Revolution is presented, particularly as it relates to the problematic history of minorities in the aftermath of the Revolution and the relationship between students’ views of the American Revolution and the ties to modern-day violence and military engagements. The goal for this more nuanced understanding of the American Revolution is not only to make students more critical thinkers in regard to their history but hopefully to also help them gain a healthier societal outlook in regard to the issues of peace and conflict.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to explore how, in the context of the post Global Financial Crisis (GFC), some Italian younger workers in a specific geographical region in Italy recount their work trajectories. Drawing on narrative interviews with ten participants (aged between 24 and 30) as part of a research project carried out in the Autonomous region of Aosta Valley in Italy, the article traces discourses closely associated with neoliberalism – the discourses of the entrepreneurial self, employability and self-responsibilisation – through which subjects’ work experiences take shape. Moreover, the analysis highlights how locality, one’s personal relation with the geographical territory, makes more complex the younger people’s negotiations in crafting themselves vis-à-vis precarious employment opportunities and wider socio-economic dynamics in respect of precarious employment opportunities.  相似文献   
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