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皤滩文化是指以皤滩为中心的多元文化组合。从文化分布来看,文化遗存点多面广,从远古到近代形态兼备,成为浙东南社会变迁的"活化石";从历史演变来看,其兴衰过程正和浙东南内陆山区的变迁过程相一致;从文化特点来看,它反映了江南社会文化变迁的内在规律。因此,皤滩文化折射出江南尤其是浙东南内陆山区社会变迁的一般规律。  相似文献   
"南方谈话"是对"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义"研究的再深入、再延续,但丝毫没有放松"建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党"这个基本点;"三个代表"在极力抓好"建设一个什么样的党,怎样建设党"的问题时,丝毫没有脱离"什么是社会主义,怎样建设社会主义"这个大方向.这"一个大方向,一个基本点"都是我国能否实现国富民强业兴的关键之所系.所以,也是我国两代领导核心极力强调,尽力而为,并时时赋予新的内容,常常提出新的要求的原因之所在.  相似文献   
1950年 10月中国在是否出兵援朝的决策过程中 ,曾出现过两种不同的意见。一种主张接受北朝鲜金日成首相的请求立即出兵 ,一种主张出兵的条件尚未具备。以毛泽东为首的我党决策人经过缜密、慎重的研究后 ,曾给苏联发出了“暂不出兵”的电报。该电文的发出 ,是当时我党领导人在决策过程中意见暂不统一的真实反映 ,而非出于策略上的考虑  相似文献   
This article explores the state of, and prospects for, training and development within the South African maritime industry, and is based on a series of in-depth interviews conducted with employers, the principal union, training institutions and regulatory bodies. Findings are that a deeply embedded racial division of labour persists, that there is a serious shortage of employment opportunities, and that training and certification remain fragmented. The article concludes that the quality of training provided is of a high standard, but there is a vital need for a coherent overall policy linking initial training with employment opportunities, ongoing skills development and the promotion of greater equality.  相似文献   
This paper discusses an example of community action mounted in a rural region of New South Wales, Australia, in response to proposals by the State Government to rationalise agricultural research stations operated by the Department of Primary Industries. Informed by a Foucaultian understanding of power and the concept of governmentality, neoliberalism is theorised as being the broad governmental context in which rationalisation proposals were put forward. Recent literature drawing on this theoretical perspective has emphasised that neoliberalism is enacted through a relationship of power, and is not monolithic or inevitable. Neoliberalism is always negotiated by those seeking to govern and those who are the object of such governmental actions. This paper analyses how plans to rationalise publicly funded agricultural research stations were opposed by those seeking to keep research facilities open in the case study area. The paper discusses the methods and scope of community action and, drawing on interviews, identifies a series of discourses articulated by campaigners. Non-local actors were depicted as uncaring and insensitive. In contrast, campaigners discussed the emergence of a ‘city-country divide’ in domestic politics; the need for specialist agricultural knowledge given the region's unique geographical location; and local impacts of an economic, social and emotional nature. Central were discourses of maintaining community, tradition, and continuity in unique local places defined by their climate, biophysical environment and economy. These were ‘counter-geographies’ that sought (successfully, it would transpire) to disrupt the state's imagined geography of a homogenous and flexible administrative space in which research services could be relocated wherever most efficient. Important too were embodied resistances to the way rural industries and people were subjected. Campaigners refused to accept preferred codes of neoliberal behaviour (particularly mobility and rationality) and instead demanded respect for their careers, families and communities. Important considerations are suggested for further research on impacts and negotiations of neoliberalism. This study particularly highlights the successes—as well as contradictions and limitations—of arguments that construct rural places as socialised, unique and unfairly treated (by governments), in opposition to metropolitan dominance and ‘placeless’ neoliberalism.  相似文献   
魏晋嬗代一直是学界关注的重点,讨论颇多。本文在前人研究的基础上,通过对魏晋嬗代过程中一些关键事件和人物的考订,分析了司马懿发动高平陵之变的原因和依靠的主要力量。对司马师在魏晋嬗代中的作用和功业进行了考证和阐释,并对齐王攸地位的形成过程提出了新的解释。  相似文献   
This study examines job mobility in Korean labor markets since the 1997 economic crisis. The rising job mobility in Korea is analyzed by focusing on structural change in labor markets. Using the Korean Labor and Income Panel Study and discrete-time event history analysis, I estimate the job-stabilizing effects of internal labor markets and the effects of structural change on job mobility. The major findings are as follows: First, I found that internal labor markets were weakening between 1998 and 2000. Second, the job-stabilizing effects of internal labor markets on job mobility diminished between 1998 and 2000. Finally, the magnitude of the effects of internal labor markets on job mobility was contingent on the level of structural change. The effect of internal labor markets on job mobility was stronger in turbulent or contracting industries. This effect, however, also became weaker over time. The implications for Korean labor markets are discussed.  相似文献   
在皇太极后金政权时期以及清朝初年,因地利之便,女真(满洲)人与邻境的朝鲜王朝于图们江地区开设了会宁、庆源边境贸易。互市边贸的开展,对后金(清)地区经济的发展以及东北边防的巩固,都起到了积极的作用;对朝鲜而言,互市边贸则推动了朝鲜货币经济和商品经济的发展,直接促进了朝鲜资本主义萌芽的‘产生与成长。因而,后金(清)与朝鲜之间的互市边贸,具有良好的社会效果。  相似文献   
在经济全球化的国际背景下,日本对外经济政策一直顺应国际形势的发展变化,在实施亚洲战略的同时,又高度关注非洲。这对于一个资源极其缺乏的日本而言,是非常重要的。日本经济的发展需要大量进口诸如铂、锰、钴、钒等稀有矿产,而这些矿产主要盛产于非洲,尤其是南非,其稀有资源的储量居于世界前列。为此日本在经济战略上一直关注南非。两国经贸关系虽然经历了两次世界大战、世界经济危机和国际社会对南非制裁的洗礼、以及当今国际社会对南非稀有金属市场的关注和争夺,但两国一直保持着良好的发展势头,南非在日本的经贸关系的重要地位也逐渐凸现出来。特别是进入2I世纪以后,日本已将确保稀有金属列为国家能源及资源战略的重要一环。日本与南非的战略贸易关系也变得更为密切。  相似文献   
生态农业是一种合理开发利用农业资源,促进农业可持续发展,实现农业生产良性循环的生产方式。冀南平原物产丰富,交通发达,区位优势明显,经济基础雄厚,在此建立特色生态农业具有得天独到的优势。以邯郸市平原地区为例,探讨了在冀南平原建立特色生态农业的有利条件、存在的问题及改进措施。  相似文献   
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