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WTP差异下再制造闭环供应链的回收模式选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在消费者对再制造产品及新产品的支付意愿存在差异的条件下,以制造商主导的再制造闭环供应链为对象,比较分析了由制造商、零售商及第三方回收商负责回收模式下制造商利润、回收率及零售价三个决策因素,为制造商回收模式的选择提供参考.研究表明:从回收率最优的角度出发,制造商应选择直接回收;而按零售价最低及制造商收益最大化的角度,零售商回收模式最优.  相似文献   
This paper discusses the extent to which individual and contextual level factors influence the likelihood of individuals’ willingness to pay (WTP) to prevent environmental pollution. A multilevel probit regression framework was set up to explain WTP to prevent environmental pollution. We use data from the World Values Survey (WVS), which contains socio-economic and socio-demographic information, and merged it with country level covariates. Compared to many previous studies, our dataset encompasses a more indepth set of individual level covariates. We find that rich people, individuals with higher education, as well as those who possess post-materialist values are more likely to be concerned about environmental pollution. This study reveals that in developed countries, 90% of country variation in WTP to prevent environmental pollution can be explained by individual characteristics. This portion reduces to 80% in the case of developing countries. An interesting feature in our study is the ability to investigate the effect of contextual factors on individuals’ willingness to contribute for the environment. We observe that both democracy and government stability reduce individuals’ intention to donate to prevent environmental damage mainly in developed countries.  相似文献   
Environmental decision‐support tools often predict a multitude of different human health effects due to environmental stressors. The accounting and aggregating of these morbidity and mortality outcomes is key to support decision making and can be accomplished by different methods that we call human health metrics. This article attempts to answer two questions: Does it matter which metric is chosen? and What are the relevant characteristics of these metrics in environmental applications? Three metrics (quality adjusted life years (QALYs), disability adjusted life years (DALYs), and willingness to pay (WTP)) have been applied to the same diverse set of health effects due to environmental impacts. In this example, the choice of metric mattered for the ranking of these environmental impacts and it was found for this example that WTP was dominated by mortality outcomes. Further, QALYs and DALYs are sensitive to mild illnesses that affect large numbers of people and the severity of these mild illnesses are difficult to assess. Eight guiding questions are provided in order to help select human health metrics for environmental decision‐support tools. Since health metrics tend to follow the paradigm of utility maximization, these metrics may be supplemented with a semi‐quantitative discussion of distributional and ethical aspects. Finally, the magnitude of age‐dependent disutility due to mortality for both monetary and nonmonetary metrics may bear the largest practical relevance for future research.  相似文献   
张翼飞 《西北人口》2008,29(4):63-68
支付意愿和受偿意愿在意愿价值法(CVM)评估生态服务价值应用中呈现的违背理论预期的巨大差异,是CVM方法有效性受到质疑的主要依据之一,也是国际研究的重点。国内由于缺乏该方面的实证研究与理论探讨,影响了CVM在我国生态环境价值评估中的应用,由此势必影响到以此为基础的相关环境公共政策的科学性。应用CVM评估上海景观内河的生态价值,不仅证实了支付意愿和受偿意愿的分布差异,与国外研究成果相比,呈现差异更大、范围更分散的特征。通过计量手段,揭示了差异的一般经济学因素和我国的特殊影响因素,如户籍因素、收入差距等,并建议:在中国应用CVM中选择价值测度指标时,应充分考虑收入差距、地区差距、二元结构等我国转型经济的特征。  相似文献   
生猪养殖粪污处理社会化服务的支付意愿与支付水平分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在CVM基础上,从“受益者付费、第三方治理”的角度,运用Heckman两阶段模型分析生猪规模养殖户对粪污处理社会化服务的支付意愿与支付水平及其影响因素。结果表明:41.64%的养殖户愿意为粪污处理社会化服务支付费用。支付意愿影响因素方面,文化程度、养殖规模、猪场与粪污消纳地距离、养殖收益、对第三方治理的预期与支付意愿显著正相关,养殖年限、外来车辆消毒不便与支付意愿显著负相关;支付水平影响因素方面,文化程度、猪场与粪污消纳地距离、养殖收益、对第三方治理的预期与支付水平显著正相关。在此基础上,利用参数估计法计算得出吉林、辽宁两省生猪规模养殖户的平均支付水平期望值为6.47元/(头·年)。  相似文献   
阿尔金山自然保护区生物多样性非使用价值评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阿尔金山自然保护区蕴藏着大量的珍稀、特有物种和珍贵的野生动植物基因资源,具有独特的结构和功能。采用支付卡式问卷调查,通过建立Logistic模型探讨支付意愿与受访者社会经济特征的关系,运用Kendall相关系数对影响支付金额的相关因子进行检验,基于条件价值评估法对阿尔金山自然保护区生物多样性非使用价值进行定量评估。研究发现支付意愿主要受性别、职业、学历和月收入的影响,其中女性的支付意愿高于男性,公务员/企事业单位管理人员、公司/企事业单位职员等职业的支付意愿比例高,且高学历、高收人人群支付意愿较高。支付金额主要与受访者所在的省份、月收入、职业和受教育程度有关。研究计算得出受访者人均支付意愿值为140.4元/a,阿尔金山自然保护区的非使用价值总支付意愿为436.9亿元/a。  相似文献   
农村生活垃圾污染问题的解决仅仅依靠政府是远远不够的,还需要农户的积极参与。通过对河南省淅川县15个村庄的实地调查,在统计描述基础上用logistic方法研究了农户生活垃圾集中处理支付意愿的影响因素。结果表明,户主受教育水平、家庭纯收入以及家庭目前在学人数对农户的支付意愿有正的显著影响,户主健康状况、家庭人口规模对农户的支付意愿有负的显著影响。  相似文献   
长期以来,人们习惯利用相似景区进行比较而采取经验法确定门票价格,没有考虑旅游消费市场支付意愿.这种确定门票价格的方法既缺乏市场基础,又不能反映资源价值,由此导致很多景区频繁变动门票价格.本文分析了旅游资源价值构成,阐述了条件价值法(CVM)的经济学原理,并将CVM技术和消费者支付意愿(WTP)结合起来,分析了旅游景区门票价格的科学制定,以求增强旅游景区门票定价的科学性和实用性.  相似文献   
The value of a statistical life (VSL) is a key input for estimating the benefits of policies that save lives. Several recent studies have obtained estimates of the VSL from contingent valuation surveys, i.e., by asking people to say how much they would pay to reduce their risk of dying. This article examines statistical factors that may influence the estimates of the VSL obtained from such surveys. We examine the importance of distributional assumptions, the choice of the welfare statistics of interest, the procedure for computing them, outliers, undesirable response effects, and internal validity of the willingness-to-pay (WTP) responses. We illustrate the importance of these factors using dichotomous-choice and open-ended WTP data from four recent contingent valuation surveys.  相似文献   
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