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Domestic violence is a prevalent social issue in Korea affecting a significant number of people every day. It is thus important to examine how the experience of domestic violence affects their mental health to better address their needs. Using stress‐coping theory as a theoretical framework, this study examines the domestic violence and depression relationship among Korean men and women. Two aspects of self‐esteem and informal and formal social support are examined as potential mediators of this relationship. The data was the first wave of Korean Welfare Panel Study data including 2477 individuals with experiences of abuse. Structural equation modeling procedures were used for analyses. Domestic violence was significantly associated with self‐worth, self‐deprecation, and depression. The experiences of violence eroded self‐worth while reinforcing self‐deprecation and those with more exposure to violence showed a higher level of depression. Self‐deprecation played a significant role in mediating the effect of domestic violence on depression. However, different findings were yielded for social support. While informal social support was significantly associated with domestic violence, formal social support was not associated with domestic violence. Findings suggest for mental health interventions targeting self‐esteem, particularly the diminution of self‐deprecation in working with the victims. Suggestions for future research and implications for social work are also discussed.  相似文献   
注采井距是影响特低渗透油藏开发效果的关键,目前主要根据渗透率和启动压力梯度大小来确定。阐述了这种方法的局限性,根据物理模拟实验分析了启动压力梯度和应力敏感系数的变化规  相似文献   
The use of critical effects in the determination of occupational exposure limits (OELs) in Sweden is subjected to a statistical study. Many of the present OELs are high in relation to known noeffect levels and effect levels, and the degree of protection has a surprisingly weak correlation with the seriousness of the adverse effect. Several proposals for improved procedures are put forward. One of these is to supplement the concept of critical effects with that of dominant effects. A dominant effect of a substance is a health effect that is at some concentration the most serious health effect.  相似文献   
I'm OK, You're (Not) OK: The Private Welfare State in the United States   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The American welfare state has been premised on the mixture of substantial private, tax‐subsidized benefits rather than on more universalistic public benefits. That pattern is in some ways being undermined as private pension plans are increasingly going bankrupt and firms reduce the benefits they provide employees. On the other hand, however, the current Bush administration is attempting to enhance the private sector role by allowing individuals to invest at least a part of their social insurance contributions into private savings plans. These changes may in the end increase the role of the public sector as a regulator and underwriter at the same time that attempts are made to minimize public sector involvement.  相似文献   
This paper critically examines new policies currently being implemented in England aimed at increasing the choice and control that disabled and older people can exercise over the social care support and services they receive. The development of these policies, and their elaboration in three policy documents published during 2005, are summarized. The paper then discusses two issues underpinning these proposals: the role of quasi‐markets within publicly funded social care services; and the political and policy discourses of consumerism and choice within the welfare state. Despite powerful critiques of welfare consumerism, the paper argues that there are nevertheless very important reasons for taking choice seriously when considering how best to organize and deliver support and other services for disabled and older people. A policy discourse on consumerism, however, combined with the use of market mechanisms for implementing this, may be highly problematic as the means of creating opportunities for increased choice and, on its own, risks introducing new forms of disadvantage and social exclusion.  相似文献   
由“555”构成的多谐振荡器作为脉冲信号源时,往往会出现通电后产生的第一个脉冲比后续脉冲宽,就这种现象的原因进行具体分析,并给出其解决方法。  相似文献   
基于全球价值链分工,本文利用2018年中美贸易摩擦加征关税清单、世界投入产出数据库(WIOD)和中美家庭消费支出调查等数据,使用Taylor一阶展开法和考虑消费异质性的Creedy方法测算了中美贸易摩擦给全球价值链参与者带来的福利效应。研究发现:第一,无论基于Taylor一阶展开法还是Creedy方法,本轮贸易摩擦给中美两国自身带来的福利损失最大,且美国受损程度明显高于中国;第二,全球价值链上加拿大、墨西哥等北美自由贸易区(NAFTA)成员以及日本、德国、英国等经济体受中美贸易摩擦影响的福利损失较大;第三,国别责任分解表明中美福利损失主要来源于自身加税行为,而其他绝大多数经济体的损失主要由美国加税引致;第四,收入分配方面,中美贸易摩擦引致的中国福利损失是累退性的,而美国福利受损程度与收入呈现非线性的“倒U型”关系,表明中美贸易摩擦不利于收入分配格局的改善。全球价值链各参与者应秉持人类命运共同体理念,积极主动维护多边贸易规则和国际治理秩序。  相似文献   
运用Hansen提出的面板门限模型,以二元结构为门限变量,研究了43个国家1980~2010年不同收入国家,基于二元结构变化的巴拉萨—萨缪尔森效应的大小(B-S效应),研究发现:二元结构对B-S效应的影响存在明显的双门限效应,高收入国家不存在二元结构问题,其B-S效应显著;中等收入国家基本上跨过了第一门限值,其B-S效应存在,但弱于高收入国家,而低收入国家基本不存在B-S效应;表明在不同二元结构下,由于工资不会同劳动生产率同步增长,劳动生产率对实际汇率的存在不完全传导机制,可以解释"人民币汇率之谜"。  相似文献   
以2005年的统计数据为主要依据,通过测算及横向与纵向的比较,对我国城市居民最低生活保障水平进行了分析,目的在于廓清人们对中国目前最低生活保障水平的认识.综合分析表明,尽管在制度设计和具体实施中仍存在缺陷和问题,但保障水平过高肯定不是当前低保制度面临的问题,对低保"养懒汉"的抨击也是一种片面的夸大.  相似文献   
工资上涨促进劳动生产率提升:存在性及门槛效应研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
工资上涨主要通过要素替代效应、技术创新效应、人力资本投入效应、效率工资效应及创造性破坏效应等机制促进劳动生产率提升,但工资上涨促进劳动生产率提升存在"门槛效应",过低的工资水平不利于一国劳动生产率的提升,反而使其陷入低工资低生产率陷阱。经借助GMM及非线性内生门槛检验方法对中国省际面板数据进行相关实证分析,结果发现高工资高劳动生产率的结论适用于中国,不同时间段的比较得出近年来工资上涨在中国劳动生产率提升中的作用逐步增强,内生门槛回归得出中国工资劳动生产率的门槛值为年均12693.05元,目前工资越过该门槛值的仅有上海、北京等8个省份,进一步比较分析得出该8个省份的工资上涨在劳动生产率提升中的作用显著高于未跨过门槛值的省份。  相似文献   
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