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We introduce covariance analysis models for circular dependent variables. In addition, we have also developed hypothesis tests to evaluate the significance of the parameters used. One of the tests is an extension of the Watson–Williams test. The tests performances have been evaluated using simulation studies.  相似文献   
作为西方国家极具影响力的马克思主义信仰者,雷蒙·威廉斯创立的文化唯物主义是种新型的西方马克思主义理论形态,他依照马克思主义的唯物主义立场,发展了自己的文化唯物论;特别是在构建文化唯物主义理论核心范畴中,用别样的视角,原创性地阐述了文化观、重新评介和阐发了对"基础——上层建筑"的解读。理解和理清这两个核心问题是认识文化唯物主义的关键。  相似文献   


田纳西·威廉斯是美国著名的剧作家。他以塑造南方女性形象而闻名美国剧坛。本文基于美国南方历史文化的发展,对他20世纪40年代的三部名剧《玻璃动物园》、《欲望号街车》和《夏天和烟》中感人至深的三位女主人公阿曼达、布兰奇和阿尔玛进行了评析,指出这三位南方女性是种植园体制的产物,她们展示的是一代南方女性命运的悲剧,揭示了女性不能自强自立就要走向毁灭的道理。  相似文献   
Raymond Williams was a prolific cultural commentator and historian and his writing on communications technology provides a particularly relevant framework for understanding contemporary information-society innovations. Williams sought to distinguish questions of technique and technical invention from their realization in the fundamentally social organization of technologies themselves and emphasized the importance of agency and intention in structuring the uses to which technologies are put. Far from technology having an inescapable internal logic of development, innovation takes place within specific social and economic contexts. For Williams, this meant that there was no pre-determined outcome to the evolution of communications innovations but a series of complex interactions between innovations and the world into which they emerge. This article will provide an assessment of Williams' work on technological innovation, his critique of determinism and his commitment to democratic communications. Williams helps us to challenge the simplistic proposition that 'the Internet has changed our world' and enables us to understand instead the ways in which contemporary social relations set limits on the development of the Internet as a democratic medium.  相似文献   
The Nobel Prize for Peace has been awarded for over 100 years. While the formal criteria for selection have not changed, there has been an evolution in the kind of choices made. To better understand those choices I have grouped individual winners into five distinct categories. The two largest groups are national leaders working within the international legal system and peace activists. The other three are: opponents capable of exercising force who agree to stop using it; individuals pursuing justice, freedom and/or rights nonviolently as a prelude to peace; and those offering selfless service. Some winners have focused on ending conflict. This kind of peace is sometimes called `negative'. Others have sought a `positive' peace, one based on justice. While at least one woman falls into each of the categories, those which involve the application of law and/or force have only one woman each. Women are primarily peace activists. They won in ten of the seventy-one years that individuals won. Three won in the first fifty years. There was then a thirty-year hiatus, but since 1976 eight women have been winners. They vary in nationality, age and class, but in only one case did the individual work through well-established institutions. Most acted either as individuals or were founding participants in new organizations.  相似文献   
陆扬 《社会科学》2007,1(11):135-141
阶级和种族、性别一样,是文化研究的三大母题之一。文化研究伯明翰传统如威廉斯、E.P.汤普森等人,历来关注阶级的分析。马克思曾经预言资本主义必将在阶级斗争中崩溃,为发达国家的产业工人所埋葬。但是时至今日,马克思的阶级预言并没有实现。资本主义面对自身的重重危机应对有方,正在有条不紊地图谋新发展,目前还看不出日薄西山的迹象。相反,工人阶级本身的存在形态,反倒愈益变得复杂迷离起来。在今天全球化的后工业社会里,阶级对立消失了吗?或者说,它是以怎样的新的形式表现出来?这是文化研究关注的一个焦点。  相似文献   
文化是近年来人文学科关注的焦点,也是文学与美学话语论述的对象。马、恩在创建唯物史观过程中,既确立了文化问题的唯物主义解释原则,把经济和文化区分为基础和上层建筑,但是也强调文化的相对自主性,揭示了文化与政治、经济结构和阶级关系之间更复杂的关系。威廉斯在20世纪中后期的资本主义历史语境中,面对工人阶级文化和大众文化的兴起,建构出文化唯物主义理论,突出文化生产的社会性、物质性。在法兰克福学派的大众文化批判模式之外,提出了大众文化的建设性维度,丰富和发展了历史唯物主义对文化的形态和社会功能的理解。这在今天依然具有深刻启示与借鉴作用。  相似文献   
威廉斯的“文化”定义一面为学界津津乐道、引为正典,一面却又遭遇着断章取义、不求甚解的粗暴误读。因此,有必要重新回返1950年代后期英国的社会历史情境,在多重结构性因素的参照之下,读解并勾连起威廉斯早期文本中的“文化”思想,进而探析威廉斯的“文化”定义之于“文化研究”的意义。  相似文献   
田纳西·威廉斯是美国文学史上极具争议的剧作家。剧作中所蕴含的丰富的人性内涵以及同性恋这一敏感主题的表达使其在长达半个多世纪的批评话语中走过了他坎坷不平的戏剧创作之路。在对美国同性恋文化发展的不同历史背景下威廉斯剧作中同性恋题材表现的特点以及评论界对其的反应进行一次全面系统的梳理,希望这些批评话语能为我国的威廉斯研究提供一定的借鉴。  相似文献   
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