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《酒国》是莫言小说中长期被研究界忽视的作品,造成这种现象的原因是多方面的。在联系作家观念、创作主题和时代背景的前提下,通过对《酒国》进行文本解析,可以看到《酒国》在思想和艺术上的复杂性、丰富性和多义性。《酒国》是莫言突破自身创作进行实验探索的力作,它包含着莫言对于小说传统、文本叙事以及饮食文化等多方面的思考,在莫言小说创作道路上占有重要的地位。  相似文献   
水井坊遗址的考古发现与蜀酒文化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
四川有悠久的酿酒历史,蜀酒文化源远流长。考古发现的四川历代与酿酒、饮酒题材相关的文物极为丰富,充分反映了四川酒文化的悠久历史与丰富内涵。水井街酒坊遗址的考古发掘在中国传统酒文化的研究上获得了重大的收获,对探讨蜀地酒文化是一次重大的突破,有极大的科学研究价值。  相似文献   
文章针对“云南红”的经营现状、竞争环境、优劣势分析、营销策略等方面进行了分析,认为“云南红”应该进一步凝练文化,拓宽营销渠道,走高端化道路,创新企业产品,才能在不断加剧的红酒业竞争中得到更好的发展。  相似文献   
《诗经》与酒文化   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
<诗经>中有大量的饮酒诗篇,反映了当时的酿酒水平及对酒的品饮标准,表现了酒在周人社会生活中的重要位置,强调饮酒要遵守礼节,描写了形式多样、分工细致的酒器,对我国古代的酒文化有较全面的展示.同时通过酒文化透视出当时社会的政治兴衰、宗教信仰、礼俗伦常、生活趋向等,具有很高的认识价值及借鉴意义.  相似文献   
中国蒲松龄的<聊斋志异>中有一篇<酒虫>,日本的芥川龙之介据此创作了小说<酒虫>.芥川的<酒虫>与蒲松龄的<酒虫>是题目相同、故事相同,而体态、气韵却大异其趣.蒲松龄是用散文小品的手法来写<酒虫>的,芥川是用小说创作的手法来写<酒虫>的.芥川的<酒虫>有从外在转向内在的人物心理刻画,有极具功力的氛围营造手段,由于时代所限,却还没有完全走出传统的樊篱.因此,芥川只是站在二十世纪小说转移的门槛上,还没有登堂入室.  相似文献   
蒙·元时期马奶酒考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对蒙元时期马奶酒的名称、制作方法、在祭祀和宴饮活动中 的作用、国家经营等方面作了一些探讨,以期读者能对马奶酒有一全面的认识。  相似文献   
This paper comes at a time when many companies and people are increasingly facing various global problems linked to sustainability challenges, and when the literature is still scarce on research incorporating all three dimensions of sustainability in supply chain analytical models. The paper conducts a case-based modeling study to address this gap in the area of supply chain network design. We investigate the wine supply chain and propose a generic model for sustainable wine supply chain network design encompassing economic, environmental and social objectives. The case company is a real large-sized wine company located in Australia, for which a customized model is provided. Both models are formulated as a multi-objective mixed-integer program and solved using the augmented ϵ-constraint method by CPLEX. Social implications of the feasible scenarios are examined through introducing social impact coefficients. Non-dominated solutions are obtained and some balanced scenarios are proposed. The results show trade-offs between the objectives, yet more interestingly demonstrate how large is the gap between the existing supply chain configuration and the proposed scenarios in terms of supply chain cost and emissions.  相似文献   
继《〈金瓶梅词话〉作者为武进作家白悦》和《续考》《三考》之后,文章从医学、金华酒、白悦与夏言的关系等角度进一步佐证"白悦说"。  相似文献   
Despite recent critical analyses of the nature and impacts of social and environmental certification, the increasingly complex landscape of voluntary, industry and third-party codes and certification processes that have emerged in specific sectors is poorly understood. In particular, little is known about the potential threats posed by an increasingly complex and contested ‘ethical’ landscape in undermining radical initiatives designed to bring about improvements to material and social well-being. In response, this paper explores the current dynamics of social and environmental certification in the South African wine industry. Drawing on fieldwork in the UK and Western Cape, the paper analyses the overlapping and sometimes conflictual processes of social and environmental certification, and the role of key drivers in establishing them within the wine industry. It explores whether attempts to capture a portion of the expanding market for ‘ethical’ wines and the expansion of corporate interests in ‘responsibility’ and ‘ethics’ work to depoliticize the meaning and nature of transformation. The implications of the findings are that, in the absence of legislative requirements to transform the wine industry, social codes and civic conventions are likely to remain significant, but that greater understanding is required of the different meanings and outcomes of transformation and empowerment being deployed within the industry. The paper concludes that a significant problem facing transformation and alternative trade in the wine industry, and more broadly, lies in the growing gap between the abstract ethical discourse of corporate actors, on the one hand, and the moral experience of workers on the other.  相似文献   
Rural places acquire value in different ways and geographers have adopted a range of approaches to understand the way value is created in land and place. This paper analyses the case of the Gimblett Gravels wine district in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. This district has been transformed over the space of 20 years from a peri-urban wasteland to, now, one of the most sought-after and expensive winegrowing areas in the country. In this process of revaluation, several forces were evident. There was an economic–environmental process, by which grape growers and winemakers learned that the district possessed the ability to produce consistent harvests of high quality red grapes and, consequently, land was purchased at ever-increasing rates. There was then a deliberate attempt to ‘construct’ the Gimblett Gravels district in the market place, the result of concerted co-operative action by winegrowers in the district to promote the idea of a Gimblett Gravels terroir in a registered trademark. Finally, we can see that the revaluation of the district has also been related to the wider social acceptance of wine as a fashionable commodity. These processes have occurred in a virtual legislative vacuum in New Zealand regarding the protection and regulation of geographical indicators, though this may soon change. Thus, to understand the value of place, it is argued that we need a multi-faceted approach that incorporates environmental and economic processes alongside political regulation and social construction.  相似文献   
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