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在当今经济全球化背景下,供应链日益成为产业组织的一种主流生产模式,高端与专业性服务业的供应链整合尤为重要。服务企业能否形成以其为核心的供应链,关键取决于各自的供应链管理能力。通过考察上海商贸、金融、物流、计算机与信息服务业等涉及国际贸易中心建设的关键服务行业,在分析上海国际贸易中心建设中现代服务业供应链整合发展的现状与存在问题的基础上,提出上海增强服务业供应链整合能力的对策建议。  相似文献   
基于新形势下上海引进外资出现的新情况、新问题,通过对上海投资环境、定位和区位的具体分析,建立上海吸引高端外资的系统框架,并提出上海在市场开放方面,应扩大外资进入领域,鼓励外资投向"上海制造"、"上海服务"、"上海创造"的高端产业,依次引导外资的产业结构升级;在投资环境方面,应建立统一和可预见的法制环境,完善社会信用制度,以此维护市场的竞争秩序;在市场准入方面,应放宽行业限制,不断调整和优化利用外资结构。  相似文献   
本文对历经六十年的中阿关系进行了回顾,政治上双方相互支持,维护权利,经济上优势互补,合作共赢。2010年底中东发生动荡后,中国一直密切关注,希望阿拉伯国家早日结束动乱、恢复稳定。随着时间的推移,阿拉伯国家会增加对中国尊重国家主权独立、坚持不干涉内政、主张政治解决争端立场的理解,会越来越体会到中国是可以信赖、可以交往的国家。在“一带一路”战略下,中阿关系将茁壮成长。  相似文献   
网络信任是随着网络时代的来临而出现的新的信任类型,是网络社交发展到一定阶段的后天产物。其发生主体是切实的社会个体在网络空间形塑的虚拟角色,发生情境是个体互动所处的具体网络空间,其建构过程大致经历了初建、维系与深化、破裂、走向现实几个阶段。网络信任的建构过程不断涉及个人的认知与判断,信任决定的修正依据是个体在网络社交过程中逐渐暴露出的信息。网络信任的发生概率非常低,仅极少数的信任获得了稳定发展,甚至转变为现实信任。  相似文献   
“90后”大学生信息获取渠道与价值观的形成研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"90后"大学生、出生成长在信息时代,信息获取渠道的多元化对他们的价值观形成造成较大的影响。其中,值得关注的影响有:信息焦虑与价值认同的矛盾、道德价值观体现传承特性、政治热情与冷漠并存、人生价值的媒介之"伤"等。因此,要净化媒介环境,提高"90后"大学生媒介素养,实现价值观教育的功能一致性,以强化主导价值观的引导作用。  相似文献   
The article introduces four case studies from Wales, France and Finland and explores the situated, intergenerational and dynamic nature of collective participation in child welfare settings. Collective participation is conceived of as a process of engagement in which children and young people have some influence over the initiation or direction of a project; and as seeking a product, or outcome. The case studies represent a range of forms of collective engagement and highlight some key resources which supported children's participation (communicative spaces, time, money, knowledge, social position, attitudes, social networks, institutional commitment, equipment, food and transport). Challenges encountered in achieving effective participation in different nations within Europe are also identified, related to generation barriers and the distribution of resources. These elements are used to construct a lattice of participation: a model for conceptualising children and young people's collective engagement in participatory projects. The model provides a tool for visualising how, at different stages of a project, actors (children, young facilitators, adults and institutions) exercise influence by directing the use of different resources, such as finance and time. It invites reflection on why influence is limited in some stages of a participatory project, and how it is supported in other stages.  相似文献   
董仲舒将王道之依据上溯于天,认为是圣人承天意以从事的结果,并将人间的统治者确定为天之子,由此论证了现实政权的合法性;同时,他又通过"天立王以为民也"的设定,将人间统治者的统治置于以天道为依据的王道的规制之下。在此基础之上,他结合现实,对儒家视域中与王道相对的霸道,进行了论述,认为王霸皆本于仁,将儒法结合,并在治道层面主张德主刑辅,大德小刑,从而把儒法结合后的政治行动力契入儒家,使其主张具有非常强烈的现实感和可操作性。由此,中国近千年的霸王道杂之的治道模式在一定程度上得以确立。  相似文献   
Classical continuous goodness-of-fit (GOF) testing is employed for examining whether the data come from an assumed parametric model. In many cases, GOF tests assume a uniform null distribution and examine extreme values of the order statistics of the samples. Many of these statistics can be expressed by a function of the order statistics and the p-values amount to a joint probability statement based on the uniform order statistics. In this paper, we utilize Steck''s recursion method and propose two high precision computing algorithms to compute the p-values for these GOF statistics. The numerical difficulties in implementing Steck''s method are discussed and compared with solutions provided in high precision libraries.  相似文献   
《曹禺传》是田本相代表性的研究成果之一,该著以其整体宏阔的结构原则,史实考订与艺术想像并重的阐释方式,注重心灵探寻的写作向度,重建了伟大作家曹禺的生命史和灵魂史。《曹禺传》所提供的意义已经远远超出了透视曹禺本身,对探求文学背后所隐含的政治、思想、文化的解释,以及克服当代作家传记写作的隐与忧等亦有诸多启示意义。  相似文献   
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