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随着经济一体化、人才流动全球化进程的加快,高等教育国际化已经成为当代高等教育发展的潮流,各国问高等院校不断拓宽对外合作与交流的渠道。因此,提高我国高等院校师资队伍的国际化水平,努力做好高等院校的出国留学选派工作至关重要。这既是建设世界一流大学的重要标志,也是提高高校国际化水平的重要途径。  相似文献   
本世纪初年物理学传入中国。在此后约半个世纪的时间内,一代代留学生不断将最新的物理学知识和理论带回国内,使当时杨振宁、李政道就读的西南联合大学的物理学教学水平与国外著名的大学相比一点也不逊色,所以他们才可能获得诺贝尔奖。这是中国留学教育史上的辉煌一页。这一段历史给我们一个启示:我们必须坚持派遣留学生的政策,并在他们学成后吸引他们回国,促使中国的教育真正赶上世界先进水平。  相似文献   
This study investigated a sample of children being considered for placement with relatives abroad where there were no relatives in the UK, or where the immediate family could no longer provide the care they needed. International Social Service is frequently asked to arrange for reports to be written on the suitability of relatives abroad to care for the child. The survey, based on questionnaires completed by local authority social workers, showed that following reports related to 108 sample children, 37% were placed abroad and 63% remained in the UK. Although the majority remained in the UK, the proportion of children placed abroad was higher than had been expected. The two most significant factors predicting placement were whether or not the relative abroad was offering to provide care and the impression of the relatives given by the report writer. Older children and black, Asian and mixed parentage children were more likely to remain in the UK. The paper ends with a discussion of these findings and implications for practice, policy and legislation.  相似文献   
自九.一八事变到抗日战争全面爆发前,国民政府的对日政策经历了由退让妥协到抗日外交的转变,这其中留学生群体作出了重要贡献:以留学生为主体的海外使领馆人员极力呼吁国民政府放弃对日妥协政策,他们的主张不仅代表个人,也转达了国际社会的看法,这是国民政府最终实施抗日外交的外部力量;国内知识界和社会名流中的留学生群体的积极推动及海外留学生的强烈要求一起构成了国民政府转变对日政策的强大舆论压力。  相似文献   
This article unveils the voices of the international students of the Universiti Sains Malaysia by exploring their belongingness and community well-being in Malaysia. This study was conducted with 14 international students (seven males and seven females) studying at the Universiti Sains Malaysia for at least a year. A qualitative approach was employed using in-depth case interviews to examine the socio-cultural challenges they experienced while studying abroad. The specific challenges reported among the international students are their well-being in distinct aspects such as physical, mental, and emotional. This study seeks to explore the international students' reliability on conational communities for social support. When achieving belongingness with their conational friends, international students can flourish well in their current community in Malaysia, thus achieving social community well-being although they are far away. Besides maintaining established close friendships, the international students develop a sense of comfort and familiarity by forming new friendships with conational and other international students. Sharing similar backgrounds and nationalities, as well as experiences and struggles, are significant for international students in maintaining close friendships and situational harmony. This study highlighted the meaning behind physical and emotional distance, as well as the situation of “being temporarily abroad” and its relations to intimacy practices and belongingness in close friendships. The results presented in this article contribute to an increasing understanding of international students' challenges and the future of social harmony and community well-being while temporarily living in Malaysia. Correspondingly, as a result of this study, students will be more deferential of cultural differences and cross-cultural sensitivity, which will also help to decrease prejudice and discrimination.  相似文献   
国外商会类行业组织及其发展经验借鉴   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
商会的性质决定了它一般具有综合性与区域性、公益性与非赢利性、服务性与经济性、民间性与官方性、地区性与国际性等特性;各国的商会总体上可划分为大陆型、英美型和中间型三大类型,各种类型的商会的职能是具有共同点的;我国行业组织建设目前还不够健全和完善,需要采取合理的对策克服目前存在的一些问题。  相似文献   
为准确客观了解国内外幼儿攻击性行为近十年研究热点及发展态势,以Web of Science(WOS)与中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)为文献检索来源,利用共词分析软件Bicomb2.0和数据统计软件SPSS22.0对2007-2018年国内外幼儿攻击性行为1250篇文献进行梳理。对国内外已有研究进行时序、研究力量、高频关键词、聚类分析、多维尺度分析、知识图谱等方面比较比较,发现我国幼儿攻击性行为研究主要集中在幼儿攻击性行为发展研究、幼儿社会化发展、攻击性行为表现及教师介入、幼儿个性化发展及干预方式四个主题领域,国外幼儿攻击性行为研究主要集中在幼儿攻击行为特征、幼儿攻击行为表现及影响、攻击行为发展趋势研究、幼儿攻击行为发展因素探究、控制及预防五个主题领域。  相似文献   
The study presented in this article aims to explore if and how intercultural learning may take place in students’ class interaction. It is grounded in the assumption that interculturality is not a clear-cut feature inherent to interactions occurring when individuals with presumed different linguistic and cultural/national backgrounds talk to each other, but that interculturality is co-constructed during interaction. In other words, every ‘interdiscourse interaction’ is potentially intercultural. We have assumed this perspective while investigating student–student class interactions that took place in an intercultural education course aimed at enhancing students’ intercultural learning in view of their sojourn abroad. Interactional data were analysed from the perspective of conversation analysis. Then, drawing on the notion of séquence potentiellement acquisitionelle as well as on a constructivist approach to intercultural learning, we conclude that, in interaction with their peers, learners can co-construct ‘potential intercultural learning sequences’ (PILS), which present recognisable interactional and discursive features.  相似文献   
近二十年来人类学汉族社会研究述评   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙庆忠 《民族研究》2005,9(2):83-94
20 世纪80 年代以来,中国人类学界对汉族社会的研究渐呈发展之势,西方学者也因中国大陆的开放而对中国汉族乡村展开了深入细致的研究。本文梳理了近二十年来大陆和海外学者对汉族社会所做的研究,意在评述他们在田野实践和理论分析上所取得的成就。  相似文献   
以张爱玲为代表的女性作家在日据上海时期的写作形成了一种关于个人与社会、生活与战争、宏大与细微的另类叙事潮流,尤其是张爱玲极具特色的"细节"描写,更蕴藏着特殊的人生观和政治诉求。近年来海外学者通过不同的方法和立场开展张爱玲研究,取得了不少的成果,其中观照张爱玲以及中国现代女性写作与政治关系的特殊视角值得关注。  相似文献   
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