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论民族视角的经济研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文提出把民族作为中国少数民族经济或民族经济学的分析框架。民族生存的自然环境和民族认同的文化特质构成民族概念的内在规定,并呈现为民族经济生活自然差异和文化差异二重性。把握民族经济生活差异二重性是建构学科理论框架的关键。  相似文献   
美国政府反贫困政策体系的创立可追溯到20世纪30年代,《社会保障法》的颁布是其开始的标志。作为全球最大的农业保险市场,农业保险在这一体系中起到了不可替代的作用。美国农业保险制度经过一系列改革,形成了完善的运行机制,它作为一项创新支农扶贫政策,具有广泛的覆盖范围和各种保障计划,并且通过双向财政补贴手段进行保费补贴,确保农业保险的正常运作。再保险机制以及巨灾援助计划等手段则充分保障了农民收入,成功促进了本国农业经济的发展。我国需要借鉴国际经验,尽快完善农业保险制度,加快发展。为此从制度分析的角度,了解美国反贫困体系的发展,对美国农险扶贫政策的政策框架、保障水平等核心内容进行剖析,得出的建议对我国农险扶贫的实践有指导意义。  相似文献   
在中国政府鼓励企业“走出去”之际,阿根廷也积极扩大油气投资,推动可再生能源的发展,鼓励国内外企业参与投资,这为中阿两国能源合作提供了契机。在中国与拉美整体合作的大背景下,两国的能源合作也将为中国和拉美其他国家能源合作提供参考。借助全球影响力分析框架,分析两国合作现状、问题及影响两国能源合作的国际影响因素,并对两国能源合作前景加以展望,对潜在风险综合评估,提出了投资之前需科学预评、规避政治风险、尊重文化差异、增加西班牙语人才的培养、处理好与相关利益国家的关系等建议,以利两国能源合作稳健发展。  相似文献   


Modern analytical models for anti-monopoly laws are a core element of the application of those laws. Since the Anti-Monopoly Law of the People’s Republic of China was promulgated in 2008, law enforcement and judicial authorities have applied different analytical models, leading to divergent legal and regulatory outcomes as similar cases receive different verdicts. To select a suitable analytical model for China’s Anti-Monopoly Law, we need to consider the possible contribution of both economic analysis and legal formalism and to learn from the mature systems and experience of foreign countries. It is also necessary to take into account such binding constraints as the current composition of China’s anti-monopoly legal system, the ability of implementing agencies and the supply of economic analysis, in order to ensure complementarity between the analytical model chosen and the complexity of economic analysis and between the professionalism of implementing agencies and the cost of compliance for participants in economic activities. In terms of institutional design, the models should provide a considered explanation of the legislative aims of the law’s provisions. It is necessary, therefore, to establish a processing model of behavioral classification that is based on China’s national conditions, applies analytical models using normative comprehensive analysis, makes use of the distribution rule of burden of proof, improves supporting systems related to analytical models and enhances the ability of public authorities to implement the law.  相似文献   
李永波 《管理学报》2012,(8):1233-1238
企业的环境价值取向和行为选择将直接决定一个国家的环境质量。依据企业内外部环境驱动力的作用层次,从绿色消费、环境规制、市场结构、内部驱动以及制度影响5个层面,提出了分析企业环境战略形成机制的框架体系和研究内容。在研究视角上,为体现企业环境战略和其他战略的协调统一性,应该将"绿色属性—传统属性"两维划分的企业产品作为基本的分析单元,在此基础上建立理论模型,揭示企业面临多重环境压力下的行为机理。  相似文献   
管理创新效力机制研究:基于动态能力观视角的研究框架   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理创新逐渐成为企业竞争优势最重要和持续的来源,但其复杂性及其对组织绩效影响的滞后性使得学者和实业家对管理创新效力提升问题倍感困惑。为此,以普遍存在的引进型管理创新为研究对象,尝试从企业动态能力观视角提出提升管理创新效力的思路或研究框架,并进一步从管理者个人和组织双层面阐释动态能力的提升路径,旨在为管理创新研究提供一个新的研究视角。  相似文献   
Toward a Descriptive Model of Humanitarian Assistance Coordination   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper argues that the operating environment of humanitarian assistance is best conceived as an interorganizational social network or regime and that the problem of power and authority in such situations must be re-founded or reconceived accordingly. This contention is developed to contribute to an important ongoing dialogue among analysts concerning how humanitarian aid may most effectively be delivered in the context of a realistic appraisal of the structural and operating conditions in which it is offered. The paper first outlines the primary elements of the organizational environment in which humanitarian efforts must proceed, next suggests a way of thinking about how one might conceive of those conditions that builds on recent work, and then sketches the elements of a strategic contingency approach to the humanitarian assistance coordination dilemma. This analytical frame leads one to rethink assumptions concerning how best to conceptualize both the environment and the behavior of humanitarian organizations engaged in providing assistance in emergency situations and to suggest that theory building for this domain of study should now turn to a network-based and strategically contingent perspective for its foundation.
Max Stephenson Jr.Email:
FDI的溢出效应和挤出效应一直是学界争论的焦点。选取2008年我国31个省市区39个工业行业的面板数据,利用外资企业与内资企业的竞争分析框架,分析发现:外资企业对我国内资企业存在正向溢出效应,但并不是其发展的主要因素;内外资企业之间的市场共同度、资源相似性越高,则溢出效应就越低,挤出效应越大,且溢出效应可能小于挤出效应。因此,我国企业还需要加强技术创新,以提高资本利用率和劳动生产率;要摒弃模仿式战略,走差异化道路;也要合理地引导FD I的地域行业分布,以形成外资与内资企业适度竞争、相互学习的良性环境。  相似文献   
李钧鹏 《社会》2011,31(5):1-47
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