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明清时期闽粤沿海地区的民众之所以源源不断地渡海入台,除了受自然灾害、战乱频繁、人稠地狭、欺骗性谣言、垦户招佃等社会政治经济因素的影响外.移民勇于冒险打拼的人文性格也起了不容忽视的作用。按照渡台的最初动机,大陆移民主要有两种类型,一为追求生存型移民,二为投资营利型移民。  相似文献   
Job stress can lead to various system dysfunctions, but until now no reliable biomarkers for its assessment have been identified. Allostatic load (AL) is an index that enables the cumulative effect on the body of chronic stress to be assessed, and is derived from a set of relevant biological measures. In this study, a 13-parameter index (building on the original 10-item index) was used to examine the relationship between job strain and AL. Participants were 1219 healthy Chinese employees. Job strain was measured using the Job Content Questionnaire, and AL was assessed by various possible stress responses, including blood pressure, cholesterol, indicators of glucose metabolism, and hormone and inflammation markers. AL in the high job strain group differed sharply from that in the low job strain group. The AL score was positively associated with age and educational level. Several individual parameters also differed between the two groups. Men scored significantly higher on AL and cardiovascular and metabolic health outcomes, whereas for women the associations appeared in the biological indicators. Analyses indicated that decision latitude (DL) and job demands were significantly related to AL. Job demands correlated significantly with the primary biological indicators and DL with the secondary health outcomes. In conclusion, this study provides evidence of the value of measuring allostatic load in assessing the chronic effects of job stress.  相似文献   
清楚地意识到列强侵略使中华民族处于亡国灭种的边缘,在批判地继承洋务派思想的基础上,康有为等维新派把“近代救亡的中国观”推向了中级形态:中国幅员辽阔而物博,人民广众而聪颖,文化悠远而深厚,居地球第一等大国之资格;惨败于东瀛日本,遭遇列强瓜分,乃奇耻大辱;唤醒人民的自强意识,建设巩固多民族统一的大中国,才能免于亡国灭种,进而在国际舞台上发挥重要作用;挽救中国于危亡的根本途径是变更政治体制,以此带动军事、经济、文化的更新;服务于变法救亡,需要进化的历史观、自由平等的人权观、主权在民的国家观以及冲决网罗的批判精神。宣传救亡、推进改革、更新观念是戊戌维新运动的不朽功绩,但对中国国情的分析不够,对中国各社会阶层的认识肤浅,找不到变革中国的根本动力和现实方法,导致了变法运动的失败。  相似文献   
本文主要以荷尔德林的诗歌、论文、书信与哲学体小说《许佩里翁》为文本依据,对荷尔德林的诗学观点予以述评;并比照荷尔德林的诗观,从中国现代诗歌的内涵与形式两个层面,对中国现代诗歌缺乏审美特性的现状予以解析。  相似文献   
Based on a review of the history and current circumstances of the preferential policies applied to ethnic minority students in college/university enrolment, the present paper justifies these policies from a social perspective and provides an evaluation of their impact. The paper concludes that these preferential policies function as an effective guarantee of equal access to education rights, opportunities and resources for those ethnic minority students whose educational performance is comparatively poor owing to external constraints from society, family and school. This conclusion applies in particular to the ‘lowering admission scores policy’ through which ethnic minority students can be admitted to higher education with lower scores than those belonging to all but a few categories of Han students.  相似文献   
甘肃宁县襄乐河流域,留存着一座古代城池遗址,即襄乐县古城。该城何时始建,在漫长的中国古代历史上经历了怎样的变化,在古代历史上的地位如何?元代为何废县?围绕着这些问题,经过对该城遗址的实地考察,结合相关文献和地方史志,我们初步找到了以上问题的答案:襄乐县古城初建于秦,西汉统一政权建立后沿袭下来,在历史不同时期经历了许多变化。这里从古代社会早期开始,就成为庆阳乃至陇东农业文明最为发达的地区之一,曾长期处于古代社会庆阳农业文明的中心地位。北宋以后,随着中国政治经济文化中心的全面南移,其地位明显下降,到元代实行"达鲁花赤"制度,实行大行省、大州县,而于至元七年并襄乐、安定、定平三县入宁州,襄乐县废止。  相似文献   
文章以中国传统文化中“和”的理念为分析视角,从历史、现实和未来的三重维度分析中国和合文化的内涵,认为历史上中国是一个爱好和平的内敛型国家,现在选择的是和平崛起的发展战略,共建和谐世界是中国实现崛起的终极目标。文章对“中国军事威胁论”进行驳斥,认为中国的和平崛起不会对其他国家构成威胁。  相似文献   
中东热点问题走向和中国外交政策及其实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年中东地区形势动荡不安,继续成为国际形势变化的焦点。巴以争端、伊拉克问题和伊朗核问题三大热点依然是影响中东局势演变的主轴。由于地区内外因素的变化,热点问题出现了值得注意的新动向。本文探讨了中东地区局势演变的主要动因、最新走向以及中国应对中东热点问题的政策及其实践。  相似文献   
高等教育系统作为社会系统中的一个子系统,它对社会的作用及功能的发挥程度则取决于它的适度的规模、优化的结构及健全的运行机制等因素。而伴随我国高等教育自1999年所实行的规模大扩招,政府所采取的对高等教育系统进行的管理体制改革还不能充分满足高等教育系统自身发展和社会发展的需求。进一步探讨我国社会权力对高等教育系统改革的影响,则更有助于指导我国高等教育系统改革实践,并最终实现我国高等教育系统与社会协调发展之目的。  相似文献   
解放战争时期,伴随着国际形势和美、苏、国共三国四方关系的不断变化,苏联的对华政策也处于摇摆不定,不断变化之中。通过对这一时期苏联对华政策从亲蒋疏共到弃蒋联共演变过程的分析,阐明苏联对华政策的实质是由其大国沙文主义、民族利己主义的这一历史根源和对外政策中维护苏联国家安全的现实战略目标所决定的。  相似文献   
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