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教师的教育信念是教师教育事业的灵魂,是教师实现自我价值的前提。在当今教育信念缺失的形势下,教师教育信念研究显得尤为迫切与重要。教师教育信念研究有三个维度:教师教育信念的内涵、教师教育信念的形成阶段以及教师教育信念的形成路径。教师教育信念研究重在分析教师教育信念研究的不足,归纳教师教育信念的研究方法、研究视角、建构等方面的发展趋势。  相似文献   
以禹庙"梅梁化龙"故事为研究线索,梳理古籍文献与文人诗歌文本中"梅梁"信仰由小到大、由少到多、有简单到复杂的"滚雪球"似的演变积淀过程,并分析此信仰形成的内在机制。  相似文献   
江南市镇有着辉煌的历史 ,工商业高度发达 ,文化底蕴深厚 ,早在明代中叶以来就出现了经济的转型 ,市场经济繁荣 ,早期工业化成就引人注目。这种独特的社会经济土壤 ,培育出来的民间信仰与奢侈风尚 ,具有相当深刻的历史内涵与认识价值 ,有重新检讨的必要。民间信仰这种复杂的社会现象 ,不能以“封建迷信”这种似是而非的套话予以否定 ,以民间信仰为形式的迎神赛会成为民众的狂欢节 ,而延续数百年 ,化作小传统中挥之不去的文化记忆 ,至今仍有着生命力。奢侈风尚既是经济繁荣、社会富庶的产物 ,又是促进经济繁荣、社会富庶的不可或缺的重要因素 ,官员的“禁奢”主张 ,以及文人斥为“世风日下”的哀叹 ,是逆潮流而动的迂腐之见。桑巴特的《奢侈与资本主义》则从另一个侧面证实了这点  相似文献   
盖伯琳  吕进军 《河北学刊》2005,25(3):132-137
道德是对人现存性的内在超越。具有现实性的人是自然、社会、精神三重属性的统一体。人性于道德有本源意义。人的三重属性是进行低、中、高三层次道德建设的客观根据。根据人性明确道德建设的层次、内容和理由等是道德建设的第一层面。道德建设是在与人性的幽暗面作斗争。因此,仅仅靠认清人性,用以颁布道德律令是远远不够的。社会转型时期的道德建设,必须借助于既基于理性又超越理性的信仰。信仰为解决应然与实然这一道德的根本矛盾给予合理的解释和有效的担保,具有本体的价值。将信仰重构作为道德建设的奠基工程是道德建设的第二层面。凡是道德的必是信仰的,但是并非任何信仰都能成为社会主义道德建设所依助的对象。把马克思主义哲学与中国哲学的精华融为一体的哲学信仰作为社会主义道德建设的精神支柱和理论基础是道德建设的第三层面。  相似文献   
友善是我国社会主义核心价值观体系中最具创新性的概念。友善信仰作为基于内在善意的对他人宽容友好的情感态度以及基于爱心的助人为乐的实践行动相统一的内在德性,知与行相统一并由知而行、实然与应然相统一并由现实而达理想、自觉与自愿相统一并由自觉而达自愿是友善信仰的重要特征。友善既有其现实之物质基础,它是人民根本利益的一致性和由此而带来的人际关系和谐诉求的客观反映,特别是它顺应了新时代人民追求美好生活和人性自我完善的客观必然性;同时,友善还有其我国传统德性主义之文化基因,它在传统文化中有其“仁者,人也”这一以德立人极的本体论根据,有其“君子坦荡荡,小人长戚戚”的价值论依据以及对“和为贵”的处世智慧的传承。友善的现实根据和文化基因的有机融合是其能够被提升为核心价值观并最终为最大多数人所信仰的历史必然。  相似文献   
Interest centres on a group of statisticians , each supplied with the same n sample datapoint sandmaking formal Bayesian inference with a common likelihood function but differing prior knowledge and utility functions.

Definitions are proposed which quantify, in a commensurable way, the inference processes of “accuracy”, “confidence” and “consensus” for the case of hypothesis inference with a fixed sample size n.

The general significance of comparing the three quantifiers is considered. As n increases the asymptotic behaviour of the quantifiers is evaluated and it is found that the three rates of convergence are of the same order as a function of n. The results are interpreted and some of their implications are discussed.  相似文献   
龙母文化是西江古民俗文化核心部分。本文阐述了龙母文化及其历史背景,并对西江乃至整个岭南地区发生了巨大的文化福射作用,产生了深远的影响。  相似文献   
A probabilistic expert system provides a graphical representation of a joint probability distribution which enables local computations of probabilities. Dawid (1992) provided a flow- propagation algorithm for finding the most probable configuration of the joint distribution in such a system. This paper analyses that algorithm in detail, and shows how it can be combined with a clever partitioning scheme to formulate an efficient method for finding the M most probable configurations. The algorithm is a divide and conquer technique, that iteratively identifies the M most probable configurations.  相似文献   
对影响战略绩效的12个指标进行因子分析,得到四个主因子:顾客绩效、内部运营绩效、人力资源绩效、公司发展潜力。然后对高管前期战略绩效与高管战略信念进行回归分析,即模型中所有自变量的回归系数等于 0 的 F 检验结果。回归方差的显著性检验统计量Sig=0.000,说明至少有一个自变量的回归系数不为 0,原假设为所有的自变量对高管战略信念都不会存在显著影响,研究结果拒绝原假设,说明至少一个自变量(顾客绩效、内部运营绩效、人力资源绩效、公司发展潜力)对高管战略信念存在显著影响,所建立的回归模型具有统计意义。  相似文献   
How Parenting Style Affects False Belief Understanding   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
This study investigated whether mothers facilitate false belief understanding, and if so, what strategies are particularly relevant. The mothers of 64 3- and 4-year-olds were given questionnaires eliciting information about mother's education, mother's occupation, number of younger and older siblings, the time the child spends with mother, and about how mothers deal with five disciplinary situations with their child. Three variables were positively correlated with belief understanding: age, number of older siblings, and number of times mothers said they would respond to the disciplinary situations by asking the child to reflect on the victim's feelings (How Feel responses). These three variables had an independent effect on belief understanding because each was significant after accounting for the influence due to the other two variables. In contrast, there was no significant positive relation between belief understanding and mothers who engaged their child in general discussion and exploration of the disciplinary issues, or who simply reprimanded the child without discussing the situation. The effects for number of older siblings and How Feel responses remained even after the influence due to the child's age, verbal mental age, time spent with the mother, and number of younger siblings was accounted for. The results are consistent with recent research showing that parent-child relations may be important for theory of mind understanding. More importantly, they provide insight into a specific strategy by which parents may help children learn about mental states.  相似文献   
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