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重点关注了《王白的长城》、《湖光山色》等几部“长城反思小说”与“长城乡土小说”,通过叙事形态变化和社会价值变化两个层面,论述了近年来“长城小说”题材内容的变化.在叙事形态上近年来有关长城的反思小说和乡土小说引人关注;而在社会价值方面长城小说呼唤“生态意识”、“家园意识”的回归,引发了人们对环境的忧虑以及对古长城开发与保护的深思.  相似文献   
相比于中篇、长篇来说,短篇小说对语言能力和叙事技巧的要求更高.在日臻完善的毕飞宇的短篇小说中,反讽的手法不仅举重若轻地呈现出小说与读者与现实的对抗精神,而且还蕴涵着作者对人学和人生的怀疑、反省和思考,因而作为一种技巧被广泛地运用到作品中.  相似文献   
三国故事的长期流传,是各类传播方式共同参与的结果,经历代文人撰述与长期的民间记忆,相关故事呈现出多样的姿彩和状貌,也因此出现差异和演化。此多元并存的特征,也影响到《三国演义》的成书。《三国演义》的完成是三国故事漫长流播史的一个环节和支脉,它并不是三国故事传播的最后定本。  相似文献   
古代文献中记录的与孔子相关的"巧女"故事,大致有《孔子与浣女》、《孔子与采桑娘》及《孔子遇路妇》等三种;近年完成的民间文学三套集成资料记录了多种与孔子相关的"巧女"故事。这些传说讲述了发生于孔子与智慧女性之间的故事,故事中的女性主人公表现出过人的才智,为孔子钦佩、赞许。孔子传说中的"巧女"故事,由于传播的时间久、范围广,所以积淀着不同阶层、不同时代的文化观念。就其表现的主题看,上层社会思想家通过其宣扬礼教思想;社会中下层则借以肯定或赞扬女性的智慧;进入现代社会后,普通群众讲述的该类故事则在肯定女性智慧和劳动者自身价值的同时,还有了批评或贬抑孔子的倾向。  相似文献   
《圣经》里记载了许多耶稣施神迹的例子,其中很多是通过触摸完成的。劳伦斯的小说极其喜爱"触摸"一词,他要用触摸唤醒人的意识的真正源泉——"血与肉"。在他的许多作品中,触摸有着特殊的力量,是爱情的催化剂、是"血的感知"与"智力"的较量、是解放灵魂的行动。触摸所带来的神奇力量其实就是劳伦斯所深信的"血的感知"。  相似文献   
互文性将文学文本置于与其它文本自由对话的批评语境中,极大地丰富了文学批评的范围。文章以互文理论为基点,发掘萧伯纳戏剧作品的标题与《圣经》故事、神话传说、历史典故以及他人剧作等前文本之间的互文关联。互文视角下萧伯纳戏剧作品的标题具有作为行文主线、揭示中心思想、重塑经典人物以及渲染作品气氛等作用,所以说萧伯纳不愧是世界公认的语言大师。  相似文献   
近二十年来中国故事学研究评述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
20世纪80年代以来,在中国民间文学领域,各门类的研究均取得很大成绩,而又以故事学研究最为突出。文艺学、文化人类学、类型学、母题学、神话———原型批评、结构主义、历史学等等方法,在故事学研究中都有比较娴熟的运用,产生了一大批令人欣喜的学术成果。对这方面的主要成果进行厘清,展现出一条不断深入的发展脉络。  相似文献   
Over the course of his forty-year career, Lawrence Grossberg has modelled a form of rigorous, politically-engaged, radically contextual social research. Writing about Cultural Studies in the abstract, he has often characterized this work as, principally, about ‘telling better stories,’ and he attempts to tell them in his work on the contemporary conjuncture through analyses of political struggles in the United States. However, in a moment where calls for and claims of ‘better’ cultural stories abound on both the Left and the Right, what exactly does it mean for Cultural Studies to tell them better? I suggest we can locate attempts to grapple with Cultural Studies’ ‘better stories’ problem in the space between Grossberg’s conjunctural work and his work on the identity and future of Cultural Studies. Highlighting these efforts, I clarify what it means for Cultural Studies to assume the responsibility of telling better stories given the specific contours of the present context.  相似文献   
The study of the everyday is recognised as central to the understanding of identities, agency and social life. Yet, attempts to research everyday life often fail to capture the complexity of the mundane. This paper draws on findings from two studies: fatherhood across three generations and adult narratives of childhood language brokering to illuminate that complexity. The purpose of bringing these studies together is methodological; in particular, it is to examine how the storied material generated by narrative approaches can contribute to understanding of the everyday practices of family life, practices that are often unacknowledged, hidden or assumed. One study adopted a narrative form of interviewing while the second combined narrative photo-elicitation techniques with narrative accounts. Methodologically, the two studies illustrate that no one method produces ‘objective’, comprehensive knowledge of family practices. Together, however, they produce new insights into family practices around fatherhood, migration and language brokering and how participants ‘do’, ‘display’ and commemorate family. The paper argues that narrative approaches, sometimes alongside visual methods, can assist holistic analyses of family practices from sociocultural, intergenerational and life course perspectives.  相似文献   
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