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近代小说的兴起与发展,昭示着一种新的话语权的形成。梁启超创办《新小说》杂志,是他启蒙民众、变革图强的政治需要。《新小说》用浅易的文言甚至白话刊行的小说、戏曲、歌谣等,具有巨大的感染力和影响力,对小说传统观念的改变具有首倡之功,促成小说从"小道"变为"大道",对晚清小说走向现代化起着关键作用;同时,《新小说》占领舆论制高点,在中国近代传媒阵地有效开展救亡和启蒙活动发挥了积极作用。  相似文献   
中国当代文学承担着讲好中国故事的责任,而将中国当代文学推介给世界读者则是出版社的重要使命。重庆出版集团“重述神话”系列图书的出版实践,就是中国当代文学“走出去”的典型案例。“重述神话”系列图书最初出版是成功的,然而,它最终经历了一个由盛转衰的过程,尤其是在市场反应与读者阅读体验方面均未取得预期效果。通过探究重庆出版集团的出版过程和梳理所出版文本的学理性,发现神话叙事手法错位、媚俗式书写与民族性眼光匮乏既影响了“重述神话”文本的质量,更直接影响了作品的市场接受与出版收益。虽然“重述神话”系列图书的“走出去”实践是一个失败的案例,但在学术机制引入、品牌塑造及文学的产业化转向等方面仍然能给人们以诸多启示。  相似文献   
博尔赫斯小说结构在格非短篇创作中有3个方面的延伸一是时间,小说所呈现的"循环型(圆型)结构"把我们带入了对于时间与幻象的痴迷;二是镜子与迷宫,它们生成了无限繁殖与无限增生的文学意象,虚构了想象世界与现实利益之间的模糊,由此也成为结构小说的内在核心,并为文本的多重意蕴提供了潜在的无限阐释的多重可能;三是空间距离,对原先文本或知识的改写,成为这种距离叙述的主要表现方式,它在一定程度上又拉近了与读者期待视野之间的距离,形成所谓"文本的文本"、"叙述的叙述"式的"幻想小说"叙述结构.  相似文献   
我国自魏国以至唐宋,写鬼故事之风不绝,<聊斋志异>是这种爱好的继续.人们或为追求恐怖关的享受,或为满足寻找慰藉的愿望,创造了一个鬼神世界,把本来是子虚乌有的事表现得活灵活现,使千万读者为之感动俯仰,而蒲松龄以<聊斋志异>表明,他是这些创造者中最杰出的一个,他把鬼神世界的故事推向极致.他既可用鬼故事写各种世情、人情和爱情,又可借抨击鬼世界来鞭挞人世,笔之所到,自然天成,如水成纹,就像日常生活一样合情合理,证明"高人一等"的评论决非虚誉.  相似文献   
老舍对中国现代文学最重要的贡献是他对市民生活、市民性格的艺术表现 ,对老舍的研究多以他的长篇小说和戏剧为主。而在老舍短篇小说中也塑造了多种多样的小市民形象 ,他们构成了老舍作品中“市民阶层”独特的人物画廊 ,从而大大丰富了我国现代文学作品的艺术世界。  相似文献   
Over the course of his forty-year career, Lawrence Grossberg has modelled a form of rigorous, politically-engaged, radically contextual social research. Writing about Cultural Studies in the abstract, he has often characterized this work as, principally, about ‘telling better stories,’ and he attempts to tell them in his work on the contemporary conjuncture through analyses of political struggles in the United States. However, in a moment where calls for and claims of ‘better’ cultural stories abound on both the Left and the Right, what exactly does it mean for Cultural Studies to tell them better? I suggest we can locate attempts to grapple with Cultural Studies’ ‘better stories’ problem in the space between Grossberg’s conjunctural work and his work on the identity and future of Cultural Studies. Highlighting these efforts, I clarify what it means for Cultural Studies to assume the responsibility of telling better stories given the specific contours of the present context.  相似文献   
论中国古代公案小说与古代判词的文体融合及其美学品格   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
苗怀明 《齐鲁学刊》2001,(1):109-115
判词是一种司法文体,经过漫长时期的发育演进,在唐代发展完备并完成其文学化的转型过程,形成了自身特有的文学品格,成为一种新的文学体裁。到宋元时期,它开始与此时发展成熟的中国古代公案小说联姻,并在明代孕育出一种形式独特的书判体公案小说。判词在公案小说中有如下独特的美学品格和表现功能:一是有卒章显志、强化主题的功能;二是小说情节发展的一个重要环节;三是在作品中起着结构上的组织作用。  相似文献   
The study of the everyday is recognised as central to the understanding of identities, agency and social life. Yet, attempts to research everyday life often fail to capture the complexity of the mundane. This paper draws on findings from two studies: fatherhood across three generations and adult narratives of childhood language brokering to illuminate that complexity. The purpose of bringing these studies together is methodological; in particular, it is to examine how the storied material generated by narrative approaches can contribute to understanding of the everyday practices of family life, practices that are often unacknowledged, hidden or assumed. One study adopted a narrative form of interviewing while the second combined narrative photo-elicitation techniques with narrative accounts. Methodologically, the two studies illustrate that no one method produces ‘objective’, comprehensive knowledge of family practices. Together, however, they produce new insights into family practices around fatherhood, migration and language brokering and how participants ‘do’, ‘display’ and commemorate family. The paper argues that narrative approaches, sometimes alongside visual methods, can assist holistic analyses of family practices from sociocultural, intergenerational and life course perspectives.  相似文献   
This qualitative study aims at identifying the main representations of the international adoption process through a comparative analysis of 62 Italian stories about international adoption. Content analysis involves the use of thematic analysis as well as computer-assisted text analysis. Results show that adoption is represented varying from a polarization in which “the positive” is situated in the “adoptive world” while “the negative” pertains to the world of the origins, to a more integrated representation in which both the adoptive context and the origins entail positive aspects.  相似文献   
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