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课程改革是当前我国高等教育应用型本科类高校教学改革的核心,目前地方应用型本科高校课程体系存在有知识碎片化、设置陈旧化、改革形式单一化等系列问题,对此进行了分析,且对应用型地方本科院校课程改革提出的构建完新的课程体系、加强综合课程设置、网络课程开发、提高选修、实践课程体系比例等策略进行了初步探讨。 相似文献
Tiebout 模型是地方财政学的经典理论,后世从自利动机、财政外部性和公共品资本化等角度对其进行的拓展和修正,极大丰富了该理论的内涵,形成了一个对现实具有强解释力的理论体系。中国经济的发展,使国内地方公共品供给、人口迁移等问题越来越接近这一理论体系所勾勒的情形。本文利用其对江西的地方性经验进行解释,揭示了国内居民跨城市落户的投资移民性质,以及城市户籍管理和人口极差化流动的制度诱因。 相似文献
养老保险制度在社会保障制度中居于核心地位.其制度安排直接影响着整个社会保障制度甚至是区域经济的运行和走向。上海作为我国人口老龄化最为严重的城市之一,有必要率先探索并构建发展型的养老保险制度,实现养老保险在制度、区域、城乡层面的统筹。本文在分析了上海养老保险制度运行以及老年人口分布的基础上,总结了上海养老保险制度存在的问题.并就完善发展型养老保险制度提出了目标和对策。 相似文献
J. Camille Hall PhD LCSW 《Smith College studies in social work》2013,83(3-4):335-343
This article is a continuation of a conference panel dialogue that focused on providing individualized, culturally responsible treatment of secondary traumatic stress (STS) for military social workers. Key aspects of the roles and responsibilities, professional and ethical challenges of military social workers and social work officers serve as focal points for understanding the importance of social support. This article discusses ways social support might help to moderate the impact of STS. The “buddy system” describes a culturally unique protective factor, which is a well‐known and effective type of social support utilized throughout the military. This article provides valuable information on how the “buddy system” can serve as a blueprint for managing STS experienced by military social workers. The article concludes with research, policy, and practice implications. 相似文献
张玉能 《青岛化工学院学报(社会科学版)》2013,(4):37-54
席勒的美学体系是一个人性美学体系。席勒的人性美学体系是以人性为中心的美学体系。这个人性美学体系的出发点是资本主义社会初期的人性分裂的事实,它的最终目的是恢复古希腊时代的人性完整,恢复人性完整的必要途径就是美和艺术的审美教育,它的理论根据就是对人性分析所得出的人性的三种形态:感性的人(自然的人)、审美的人(自由的人)、理性的人(道德的人或政治的人)。席勒的人性美学体系是西方人道主义美学思想的早期形态,是一种抽象人性论,虽充满着内在的矛盾,却是一种以人为本的美学体系,反思批判了资本主义社会的反人性本质,倡导人的解放,是黑格尔、马克思以及现代和后现代反思批判资本主义社会的美学思想的直接来源。 相似文献
地位层级认同的“向下偏移”是一个在学理上和政策上都非常重要的现象。本文发现,地位层级的主要认同基础已由对具体社会单元的归属感转变为对收入等市场要素的占有,这是地位认同“参照系”的重大转变。要真正理解地位层级认同的“向下偏移”,就必须理解社会地位“参照系”的变动,而不仅仅是个体地位“参照点”的变动。建立在收入等市场要素占有基础上的地位参照系具有缺乏稳定性、没有具体边界等特点,因此导致原先的“中层认同”趋向于瓦解,新的“中层认同”又难以建立,地位层级认同出现整体性下移。要想建立起新的“中层认同”,不仅需要提升个体收入和福利,而且要在社会生活层面上通过种种制度方式建立起社会归属和公民认同。 相似文献
This article considers the democratic challenges and potential of localism by drawing on insights from the theory and practice of deliberative democracy. On a conceptual level, the ideas embedded in localism and deliberative democracy share much in common, particularly the democratic goal of engaging citizens in decisions that affect them. Despite such commonalities, however, there has been limited conversation between relevant literatures. The article considers four democratic challenges facing localism and offers a response from a systems perspective of deliberative democracy. It argues that, for localism to realise its democratic potential, new participatory spaces are required and the design of these spaces matters. Beyond structured participatory forums, local democracy also needs an active and vibrant public sphere that promotes multiple forms of democratic expression. This requires taking seriously the democratic contributions of local associations and social movements. Finally, the article argues that, to fulfil its democratic potential, localism needs to encourage greater democratic and political connectivity between participatory forums and the broader public sphere. 相似文献
司法公正是社会公正的最后一道防线,为了保证司法公正,防治法官滥权,中国历代都高度重视对司法官员不法行为的惩治,其主要特点有二:一是重视对法官惩戒的立法,立法内容丰富详尽;二是重典治吏,对法官采用严刑峻法。从法官惩戒制度入手,分析古代法官惩戒制度、措施、程序,以期完善一个使法官不能腐败的制度、不敢腐败的惩戒体系、不愿腐败的有尊严的氛围,这对完善现行的法官惩戒制度具有一定的借鉴意义。 相似文献
本文在"三网融合"的背景下,以老年人服务体系信息化为出发点,梳理北京市老年人服务与网络介入方式的现状,从介入工具、介入形式、网络服务平台的运营形式三个维度提出北京市老年人服务体系的网络介入模式,并提出实施的政策建议。 相似文献
Annabel Goodyer 《Child & Family Social Work》2013,18(4):394-402
The absence of a sociological discourse about children in the past meant that child and family social work has largely relied on psychological interpretations of children and their behaviour. However, since the 1990s, the sociology of childhood has been developed in the UK. The aim of this paper is to explore the relevance of the sociology of childhood in understanding looked‐after childhoods and in informing contemporary social work practice with looked‐after children and young people. The central argument of this paper is that, in order to fulfil professional responsibilities and to implement current and forthcoming UK social policies for looked‐after children, social work needs to employ broad understandings of children, young people and looked‐after childhoods. The paper goes on to discuss the ways in which a social work approach drawing on the sociology of childhood can offer such a conceptualization. 相似文献