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储层岩石矿物成分是酸压改造效果影响因素之一。研究认为,在储层岩石矿物成分中易溶物的含量及分布方式决定了酸蚀裂缝导流能力大小,易溶蚀物的含量越多,岩石溶蚀速率越快。室内测试了不同溶蚀速率下的灰岩和白云岩的酸蚀裂缝导流能力,研究了岩石溶蚀速率、易溶蚀物含量对酸蚀裂缝导流能力的影响,对酸压工艺设计方案提出了指导性建议。研究结果表明,储层岩石溶蚀速率与酸蚀裂缝导流能力增加倍比存在抛物线关系,易溶蚀物占30%40% 时酸蚀裂缝导流能力保持较好。  相似文献   
This article studies design selection for generalized linear models (GLMs) using the quantile dispersion graphs (QDGs) approach in the presence of misspecification in the link and/or linear predictor. The uncertainty in the linear predictor is represented by a unknown function and estimated using kriging. For addressing misspecified link functions, a generalized family of link functions is used. Numerical examples are shown to illustrate the proposed methodology.  相似文献   
在1951年6月至1953年7月的朝鲜停战谈判中,战俘遣返问题是谈判双方争论最为激烈、耗时最长的议题。美国出于冷战需要,拒不同意遣返所有被俘朝中人员;而朝中方面则依据关于战俘遣返问题的日内瓦公约,要求遣返所有战俘。由于在此问题上僵持不下,致使谈判几次陷于停顿。最终,谈判双方各自做出一定让步,使得战俘遣返问题得以解决,为朝鲜停战协定的签订消除了最后也是最大的一个障碍。  相似文献   
人类命运共同体是“真”思想,它在继承马克思主义对“共同体”科学分析论述的基础上,结合当今世界发展的总体趋势不断探索、不断实践、不断发展并取得了显著成效。人类命运共同体是“和”“善”的思想,因为它充分汲取了中华文明的优秀基因,将中国传统文化中“和”与“善”的思想推向全世界。人类命运共同体是美丽的思想,因为它不仅准确把握了时代的主题,力求构建美丽新世界,还将全人类对美好生活的向往转变为现实的动力。构建人类命运共同体是马克思主义在21世纪焕发强大活力的显著象征,是中国优秀传统文化中和平思想的集中体现,是贡献给世界的中国智慧和中国方案。  相似文献   
儒家学派的创建者是孔丘,儒学的核心思想是仁,而仁也是中华民族文化的核心。在孔丘之前儒学核心思想的仁学已经出现了萌芽,如公孙轩辕的‘以仁德服天下’,伊尹的儒学启蒙思想,以及周公旦的‘敬德保民’都对孔丘有着深刻的影响,所以我们认为孔丘的儒学是在前人理论的基础上建立而成的。  相似文献   
《加利福尼亚州高等教育总体规划(1960—1975)》是区域高等教育战略规划领域的成功范例,规划内容通过州宪法性效力、州法律法规性效力以及行业约定性效力三种形式发挥作用。准确把握关键问题、秉持院校自治理念、深入开展调研等做法值得借鉴。我国区域高等教育机遇与挑战并存,教育规划应当坚持治理理念、以人为本理念和系统论理念,对区域高校定位作出合理预期与安排,引导区域高等教育健康和谐发展。  相似文献   
生命本身是一个随机事件,并不具有高尚的意义。进化的结果使人类可通过工作、家庭和人际关系等给予自己的生命以意义感。当我们的生活方式使脑内奖赏系统获得刺激,就会带来生命具有意义的感受,这种感受给人带来更好的生存机会。生存的欲望是一切生物体最具特征的属性,一些精神疾病患者缺乏这种欲望。自杀主要发生于精神疾病患者,它并非是基于自由意志的行为。抗精神病治疗和适当的社会交往可以预防自杀。由于不同个体有着不同的大脑,人们的生活方式就应该去适应各自大脑的特征。只要人们的生活方式不对他人造成过多的伤害,政府就应该允许和保护人们自由地按照各自的方式生活。  相似文献   
This article discusses the socio-cultural dynamics that interact with ethno-racial identity experiencing in a previously under-researched group. A qualitative interdisciplinary study with 40 Native American academics from 28 mainstream universities across the U.S. served as a case example with findings that contrasted with historically influential theoretical frameworks postulating identity confusion and conflicts at the intersection of one’s mainstream education and profession versus one’s ethno-racial community grounding. Instead of feeling pressure to identify with only one worldview, the contextual, dynamic identities associated with the inclusive and flexible self-concept of tribal participants allowed them to in turn take advantage of two divergent cultural meaning systems pertaining to their distinct socio-cultural contexts. These shifts were experienced as not endogenous but rather exogenous variables, which did not cause the historically theorized issues. Participants felt their tribal identities instead facilitated meaningful integration of the existing incongruences, which resulted in unexpectedly resilient subjective experiencing.  相似文献   
政府是污染减排的重要主体,了解其行为对污染减排的作用对提升污染减排效果及实现中国绿色发展具有重要意义。创造性地将政府减排目标纳入研究框架,构建面板门槛模型,从工业污染排放总量的角度分析政府减排目标、产业结构、经济规模等因素对地方污染减排的影响,并用工业污染物强度进行稳健性检验。结果显示,政府减排目标对污染减排的作用存在阶段性不同:经济发展初级阶段,政府减排目标对污染排放总量的作用方向为正; 经济发展水平较高时,作用方向为负; 两者之间存在适应性调整阶段,作用方向具有不确定性,但总体由正向作用向负向作用转变。产业结构对工业污染排放总量的作用方向因污染物种类而异,经济规模对工业污染排放总量作用方向为正。  相似文献   
The socio-economic literature has focused much on how overall inequality in income distribution (frequently measured by the Gini coefficient) undermines the “trickle down” effect. In other words, the higher the inequality in the income distribution, the lower is the growth elasticity of poverty. However, with the publication of Piketty’s magnum opus (2014), and a subsequent study by Chancel and Piketty (2017) of evolution of income inequality in India since 1922, the focus has shifted to the income disparity between the richest 1% (or 0.01%) and the bottom 50%. Their central argument is that the rapid growth of income at the top end of millionaires and billionaires is a by-product of growth. The present study extends this argument by linking it to poverty indices in India. Based on the India Human Development Survey 2005–12 – a nationwide panel survey-we examine the links between poverty and income inequality, especially in the upper tail relative to the bottom 50%, state affluence (measured in per capita income) and their interaction or their joint effect. Another feature of our research is that we analyse their effects on the FGT class of poverty indices. The results are similar in as much as direction of association is concerned but the elasticities vary with the poverty index. The growth elasticities are negative and significant for all poverty indices. In all three cases, the disparity between the income share of the top 1% and share of the bottom 50% is associated with greater poverty. These elasticities are much higher than the (absolute) income elasticities except in the case of the poverty gap. The largest increase occurs in the poverty gap squared – a 1% greater income disparity is associated with a 1.24% higher value of this index. Thus the consequences of even a small increase in the income disparity are alarming for the poorest.  相似文献   
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