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This paper critically evaluates research and literature on childprotection social work practice with minority ethnic familieswho speak little or no English. Though the focus is on childprotection, many of the themes raised should be transferableacross to other areas and disciplines. Specifically, the paperfocuses on the limitations and difficulties of using professionalinterpreters in child protection work and covers themes likethe availability of interpreters, the role of interpreters,suitability of interpreters, the interpretation of particularwords and phrases, and manipulating the interpreting process.The paper then moves on to address the important but often neglectedarea of using children as interpreters, and ends by consideringthe broader issue of how language barriers can exacerbate discriminationagainst minority ethnic families.  相似文献   
Chinese-speaking Muslims, called Dungans in Central Asia and Huizu in China, were forced to migrate to present-day Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan at the end of the nineteenth century. They reconstructed their identity through interrelations with local populations and the soviet categorisation of nationality. But after 1991, their status has being gradually destabilised owing to the changes in economic, social and political rules as well as citizenship regulations in these countries. They have to readapt to the new situation created by the independence of the three former Soviet Republics, which has challenged their unity.  相似文献   
民族大迁移 ,尤其是少数民族大迁移造就了北京城。辽、金、元、明、清五朝 ,均有民族大迁移。尤其是明清两朝 ,均将北京的前朝居民迁移出去 ,本族居民迁移进来。在今天的北京 ,辽代契丹人留下了天宁寺塔 ,金代女真人遗下金太液池的一汪清水 ,元代蒙古人的胡同和六海水系还在沿用 ,明代汉族工匠建成了宫殿、长城和十三陵 ,清代精美的皇家园林和王府建筑后人至今无法企及。  相似文献   
略论东南亚华族的族群认同及其发展趋势   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
二战以后 ,东南亚华人的国家认同 ,逐渐从认同中国转为认同于当地 ;其族群认同也从认同于中华民族转为认同于华人族群。各国华人的族群规模、经济实力、凝聚力 ,以及当地国政府的华人政策的不同 ,其华人族群认同的发展过程和走势也各不相同。但总体趋势是融合于当地社会 ,或作为族群之一构成当地国家民族的组成部分 ,或是同化于当地主体族群。他们作为东南亚人 ,在今后很长时间中仍将保持强弱不等的华人族群认同的意识。  相似文献   
居民构成变动频繁复杂是湖南古代史的一个重要特点。湖南古代居民变迁可以分为“苗越归楚”、“蛮族演化和北人入湘”、“赣人入湘及湘人西迁”三个阶段。湖南古代居民变迁的这种阶段性特征有利于我们去寻求、理解湖南古代居民变迁的各种因素及其地位和影响。  相似文献   
论民族地区现代乡村法治秩序的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了乡村法治秩序构建的内涵、民族地区构建乡村法治秩序的必要性和必然性,分析了民族地区乡村民主建设及村民自治制度化建设的现状、问题和原因,提出了加强村民自治制度化建设的建议。作者认为,乡村法治秩序能否真正形成的关键在于制度建设,即创造性的制度设计和制度完善。在民族地区,当前的关键是加强村民自治章程和村规民约建设。  相似文献   
祁连山南北麓地区自古就是一条民族走廊。在古代,许多业已消逝的民族相互接触、彼此交流与汇聚并融合。本文以人类学田野调查所获辅以口述史的资料,推演出村庄志文本分析的典范。  相似文献   
In Singapore, government policy is for equal but separate development of the four major ethnic groups—Chinese, Malay, Indian and other. In this study, I attempt to gain some preliminary views of how strongly women identify with their own ethnic group and how freely they are prepared to interact with people from other ethnic groups in non‐work‐related situations. I confine my study to females for two reasons. One is that traditional ethnic dress is common among females in Singapore but much rarer among men, and this makes a strong non‐verbal statement of identity. The second reason is to avoid differences between males and females, which I did not wish to pursue within the limits of this exploratory study. The findings of my pilot investigation indicate that intra‐ethnic spontaneous interaction is more likely to occur among women who display a strong national identity. Moreover, younger women, who were exposed during their school years to the government's recent drive to nurture ethnic and cultural differences, are less open to inter‐ethnic interaction than are women in their 30s and older, who grew up when the government drive was towards creating one common national identity for the people of Singapore.  相似文献   
城市化给我国城市民族关系带来了新的变化,城市民族法律法规在城市发展中的作用更加突出。文章对我国目前城市民族立法取得的主要成就和存在的问题进行了全面系统的分析,并在此基础上结合新时期社会发展与城市民族工作的需要,提出了进一步完善城市民族立法体系、提高立法质量的基本构想。  相似文献   
本文以西南和中南少数民族民间故事中的洪水神话对人类学族群认同研究的作用为例,说明民间文学作品对人类学研究的作用.指出,由于民间文学收集整理方面的原因,致使它作为人类学研究资料具有不足之处.  相似文献   
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