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传统岁时节日冬至很早便从中国传入日本,成书于892年的《类聚国史》的岁时部分,已经为冬至设了专条。但从日本古代的《内里式》、《仪式》到日本南北朝时期的《建武年中行事》都没有收入冬至。从平安后期到江户时代,除了有关19年才有一次的“朔旦冬至”,在日本朝廷的年中岁时中,已经见不到冬至节的踪影。即或“朔旦冬至”是否应当进入年中岁时序列,也成为讨论的问题。冬至一度成为日本岁时节日的重要部分,但为什么会被从日本朝廷的年中行事中排除出去?掩藏在这一历史事实背后的原因是什么?中国古代的冬至节对日本影响渐趋衰弱的原因是什么?中国古代天命思想对日本影响过程中有哪些规律性问题,这都值得探讨。  相似文献   
《月牙儿》的文本隐含多重意蕴,在第一人称叙事模式和与此相应的人物“内部聚焦”的和谐表象下,文本呈现出明显的叙事裂隙,从中既可感受到主人公的宿命感和性格缺陷,也可隐约地窥测到作家本人的某种欲曲折传达的生命隐痛。  相似文献   
屈原具有深厚的历史思想,在中国史学史上本应占有一席之地,但是,我们当前的史学史研究却没有给予其足够的重视,对于其历史思想鲜有提及。屈原的历史思想主要表现为:反天命、重人事;主张历史在变化中向前发展;重视以史为鉴;具有浓厚的君主论。  相似文献   

Previous research shows that child welfare workers (CWWs) have low levels of knowledge of risk factors for child maltreatment fatalities. Further, these gaps in knowledge leave CWWs with misconceptions about causes of deaths and the characteristics of the perpetrators. This brief research report focuses on CWWs’ gaps in knowledge with regard to CMFs and sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and explores the socio-demographic characteristics of seven workers who confused fatal child maltreatment and SIDS. These workers were experienced professionals—who were in their middle-age, mid-career, and well-educated—and had been trained in how to recognize risk factors for CMFs. Implications for training and collaboration with other professionals are discussed, as well as the need for research to evaluate training efficacy.  相似文献   

In the field of child welfare, attention has been given to risk factors for child maltreatment fatalities with little attention to the difference between children who die from abuse versus neglect. As part of a larger study, child welfare workers (n = 104) from 14 different states responded to an anonymous online survey that described the child, family, and case characteristics before death and worker characteristics/experiences before and after death. Results supported that prior to death, neglectful families presented with less risk than abusive families, in the areas of parent–child attachment, child behavior problems, and changes in household composition while reporting that they received more services. With regard to child welfare practice, workers did not report any differences in how they handled cases before death nor did they report differences in their posttraumatic stress symptoms at the time of the survey. These findings can be used as a springboard for future research that focuses on fatal maltreatment.  相似文献   
萨特与卡夫卡的自由概念都具有宿命论特征.卡夫卡从人的选择中看到了人的自由的绝对性,萨特则强调自由即选择的自由.在人的现实处境中,萨特的自由表现为积极地介入生活和选择的责任感,卡夫卡则从他的原罪观出发,提出了"自由即束缚"的思想.他们的差异根源于两种不同的文化传统和思想资源.  相似文献   
孔子开创"人文之学",以"仁"释"天",以"义"克"命",悬置"鬼神"以立人生价值于求仁立德上,表现出反传统的天命鬼神思想,其实质是对人的"自我主宰性"的肯定和尊重.  相似文献   
改革开放以来,随着我国现代化进程的加快,农民原有的传统心理即小农心理、功利心理、天命心理等受到了强烈的冲击,发生了深刻的变化。现代化进程中农民心理的转变有其积极方面和消极方面,展示了农民心理的矛盾现状,如积极追求经济利益和见利忘义、政治意识的增强和对政府的不信任感、强化个体性和从众心理依旧等等。现代化转型中对农民的心理矫正,必须从培育农民的经济意识、权利意识、主体意识、道德意识等方面入手,以培养新型农民,推进中国的现代化进程。  相似文献   
思想的争锋——中国思想发展史上的大论辩(1901-1919)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1901年到1919年是中国近代思想发展的一个过渡时期。辛亥革命的根本目标是要建立资产阶级的民主共和国,围绕这一主线,思想界发生了巨大的变化。首先,是对中国传统的天命观和封建礼教的批判,这一批判又涉及对孔子的评价。其次,是对中国国民性的改造,梁启超、麦孟华等对奴隶性的批判,最早提出要树立国民意识,而要树立一种新的国民意识,又涉及科学、无神论与有神论的斗争以及文化革新方针的争论。再次,孙中山的三民主义思想对资产阶级民主革命的任务进行了全面的论述。  相似文献   
This paper examines the public health consequences of the regulatory subsidy given to light trucks. The empirical challenge is to disentangle the causal effects of light trucks from the selection bias that may occur due to drivers sorting into different vehicle types depending on their unobservable characteristics. I address this by using state variation of snow depth as an instrumental variable for vehicle miles traveled of light trucks and cars. This instrument has strong first-stage explanatory power. Since snow depth is likely a direct determinant of crashes, I meet the exclusion criteria by restricting the dependent variable to those crashes that occurred in the summer. My findings suggest that, given a crash, light trucks are more dangerous to others but less dangerous for those driving them. However, I also find that light trucks are more likely to crash than cars, which neutralizes the safety advantage to those who drive them. My estimates for aggregate fatalities suggest that a world of light trucks leads to substantially more fatalities than a world of cars.  相似文献   
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