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姜锡东 《文史哲》2007,(5):137-146
与支离破碎的经文注疏不同,许多宋代学者"自出义理",在学术理论体系的创建方面获较大成就。在传统理学史上的北宋理学五子中,周敦颐的理学体系集中体现于他创作的《太极图.易说》和《易通》中,但体系不太完整。张载的理学体系,主要显示在由他提供书稿、由他指导、其弟子在他逝世后编定的《正蒙》一书中,较有系统性。二程影响最大,但二程本人并未撰写专门反映其理学体系的专著,及门弟子也未总结其师的理学体系;南宋张栻分类整理编成的《河南程氏粹言》,首次表彰出二程的理学体系,但并不能完全表达二程之原义。邵雍是宋代最有创造性、自成宏大体系的奇特思想家,其理学体系集中体现于他写的《皇极经世书》(比较来看,文津阁四库全书本最为可靠)。主动自觉创建理学体系者(如周、邵),著述的前后矛盾之处较少;"他定体系"类著作(如二程),前后抵牾之处较多。张载及其《正蒙》介于二者之间。要科学深入地研讨宋代理学史,必须高度重视理学家的原有理学体系。  相似文献   
本文通过对旧石器时代至西汉时期云贵高原与岭南考古学文化的对比研究,探讨二者之间早期文化的相互交流与影响。  相似文献   
百年中国文化史可划分为两大时期:1900—1949年;1949—1999年。从时序上看,五代学人,承前启后,薪火相传。一个有着五千年久远传统的古国,只要用思想的闪电照亮这片大地,亚细亚将会有灿烂的日出。  相似文献   
The past two decades have witnessed increased interest in the relationship between personality and labor market outcomes, as well as the emergence of the Five-Factor Model as the key reference framework for the study of personality. In this paper, we provide the first meta-analytical review of the empirical literature on the association between personal earnings and the Big Five personality traits. The analysis combines the results of 62 peer-reviewed articles published from 2001–2020, from which we retrieved 896 partial effect sizes. Overall, the primary literature provides robust support for a positive association between personal earnings and the traits of Openness, Conscientiousness, and Extraversion, while simultaneously revealing a negative and significant association between earnings and the traits of Agreeableness and Neuroticism. We find no evidence of a substantial publication bias. Meta-regression estimates suggest that Openness and Conscientiousness are positively associated with earnings even when primary researchers control for individual cognitive abilities and educational attainments. Similarly, the studies that include labor market control variables exhibit weaker associations between earnings and Extraversion and Agreeableness. The results of the primary studies seem unaffected by the time at which the Big Five are measured, as well as by the scale and number of inventory items. Meta-regression estimates suggest that the results of the primary literature are not stable across cultures and gender, and that the ranking and academic field of the journal matter.  相似文献   
英国哲学家大卫·休谟在《人性论》中指出 :以往的道德学体系总是先按“是”的规则进行推理 ,但却突然地、不知不觉地过渡到用“应当”提出规范。从“是”过渡到“应当”的根据是什么 ?人们却没有给出相应的证明。[1] 在休谟看来 ,这种从以“是”为系动词的事实命题向以“应当”为系动词的伦理 (价值 )命题之跳跃是缺乏逻辑根据的。这就是所谓休谟问题[2 ] 。休谟问题震动了哲学界。此后 ,西方许多哲学家讨论过这个问题 ,并试图解决这个问题。一时 ,“是”与“应当”、事实与价值、描述与规范、认识与评价、事实判断与价值  相似文献   
区域性城市商业银行是我国银行体系的重要组成部分,其高质量发展关乎城市建设。以2012—2019年30家区域性城市商业银行为样本,利用数据包络分析法测算了银行经营效率和全要素生产率的变动情况。在此基础上,实证检验了代表地区高质量发展的10个典型因素对城市商业银行经营效率的影响。研究发现,区域性城市商业银行受技术与地域限制发展,经营效率与全要素生产率呈现波动下降趋势,主要归因于其过去高速发展中规模扩张产生的大量投入冗余;同时,部分银行受区域经济发展水平的限制,创新能力趋弱,技术前沿的退步也降低了投入产出比。区域经济创新性、协调性、可持续性、开放性、共享性理念的实施能够有效提高区域性银行的发展效率。因此,区域性城市商业银行应结合规模报酬情况,积极推进经营改革,实现技术进步;同时,紧紧围绕高质量发展理念,将创新驱动、区域协同、开放共享等措施具体应用到经营管理中来。  相似文献   
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