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以物理学场理论的基本概念和思维方法 ,讨论组织行为具有场的形态、性质 ,是一种尝试。组织行为场是复合场 ,由各类子场生成、耦合 ,其总体特征是共时性、非均匀性和协同性  相似文献   
道德冷漠感剖析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
"道德冷漠感"一词在现今的社会中正为人们所知,它是社会道德的一种消极现象,是人们道德感的麻木和冷漠,也是人们的道德行为畸形发展的一种状态。道德冷漠感产生的原因在于文化、社会制度及个体等诸多层面。面对这样一种消极现象,应从个人、政府和社会三个层面进行矫治。  相似文献   
吴丹梅 《学术交流》2002,36(5):54-57
在市场经济条件下 ,基于交易秩序和交易安全的考虑 ,有对我国当代立法中的法定化原则加以深入探讨的必要。企业立法中的强行性规定 ,就是法定化原则 ,其适用范围涵盖了企业类型、企业结构和企业行为等方面的内容。企业类型的法定化有利于建立起一个平等的市场交易平台 ,是市场主体的对话基础 ,便于在交易的过程形成普遍性的信赖 ;企业类型之间的本质性差别在于各种类型之间运行机制的不同 ,而运行机制的载体则表现为各企业类型之间的结构有所不同 ,对此权威性的判别有赖于企业法的依法确定 ;企业行为的法定化问题 ,囊括了企业行为的实体要件法定化和程序法定化两方面内容。最后 ,企业立法中的法定化原则对中国独立企业制度的形成具有重要的促进作用和现实意义 ,主要表现在两个方面 :其一 ,它是消除我国企业身份不平等规定的根本途径 ;其二 ,它有利于竞争性市场经济机制在我国的最终形成  相似文献   
刘军 《学术交流》2007,(11):46-51
对政治行为进行解释和理解的关键在于考察其社会背景和社会网络,这一点近年来得到西方学者的重视。西方政治网络观认为,政治行动者之间的关系网络以及行动者在网络中所占据的位置,对行动者及其群体的政治行为以及政治态度等具有重要影响。从"关系网络"的角度对选举行为、政治参与、社会运动、权力结构等进行分析,可以加深我们对政治现象乃至一般社会现象的理解,可以为社会科学研究提供新的视角,进而超越传统的二元对立,并带来新的洞见。  相似文献   
折衷整合心理咨询理论与实践探索   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
国内外研究表明 ,折衷整合的心理疗法正呈现出强盛的发展势头 ,将成为未来心理咨询治疗的主流。异常心理问题主要表现在认知、情绪、行为三个方面。在遵循人性化、实用化、整体化原则的基础上 ,采取各种适宜的方法 ,围绕认知、情绪、行为进行咨询治疗 ,就会取得全面深入的效果  相似文献   
互联网的诞生与发展,迅速地改变着人类的社会生活,但这并不意味着人类从此走向了文明。网络技术从性质上讲是中性的,它在造福人类的同时,也带来了经济、政治、文化、法律、伦理等诸多道德失范问题,衍生了如网络色情、金融诈骗、窃取机密、造谣中伤、制造社会混乱等网络异化现象。网络主体道德行为失范,生存空间的二元性是前提;不良的道德观和价值观是基础;病态心理是动因;网络无法可依、主体教育脱节是外在条件。把握这些成因,对扭转网络主体道德行为失范现象具有重要意义。  相似文献   

As the adolescent population living in this country undergoes dramatic demographic changes in the 21st Century, increasing both in numbers and ethnic/racial diversity, practitioners and policy makers need to understand the prevalence of and trends in adolescent risk-taking behaviors, morbidity and mortality. Significant disparities in health status exist by ethnicity/race and gender in areas including: unintentional injury, violence, mental health, substance use, sexual behavior, and disease prevention. The epidemiological profile can help mobilize communities to address adolescent health issues. Developing effective interventions will require an ecological approach that builds on adolescents' assets and takes into account the contexts in which they live.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe sexual behaviors that youth substitute for protected intercourse when a partner refuses to use a condom or a condom is not used. Participants included: (a) 120 adolescents (mean age 17.2 years) undergoing substance abuse treatment and (b) 171 university students (mean age 21.3 years). The treatment sample reported significantly higher levels of discrete risk factors for HIV exposure. While only a small proportion of each sample experienced outright refusals by partners to use condoms, the majority of participants in each sample used condoms inconsistently with main partners. The university sample reported more substituted behaviors (lower risk and total) when partners did not want to use condoms. Yet, substantial proportions of participants in each sample engaged in unprotected intercourse. Implications for social work and health promotion efforts directed toward youth at risk for HIV/STD exposures are discussed.  相似文献   

This study is concerned with the nature of parent-child conflict in the Korean immigrant home and how such conflict impacts on children's self-esteem, depressive symptoms, sense of marginality and subsequently their coping behavior. Acculturative stresses of immigrant families and potential cultural sources for intergenerational conflict are explored. To test the relationship between intergenerational conflict and its impact on children's psychological well-being, the study relies upon 312 cases of survey data that were collected by Shalom Christian Counseling Center in Los Angeles in 1999-2001. Using a series of bivariate relationships and multiple regression analyses, we evaluate the relative effects of intergenerational relations and perceived marginality along with several demographic factors on dependent variables: self-esteem, depressive symptoms, and coping behavior. Our findings clearly demonstrate that conflictual intergenerational relations impact negatively on the psychological adaptation process of Korean immigrant children. Korean immigrant children whose conflict is not dealt with or resolved well tend to exhibit high depressive symptoms and low self-esteem, which also are associated with their perception of marginality in larger society. Females are more associated with depressive symptoms, but less on unhealthy coping behavior. Children whose residency is relatively shorter are less likely to show depressive symptoms and subsequently to engage less in negative coping behavior than are those who have resided longer in the U.S. These children tend to experience more unhealthy coping behavior than do children having stable relations with their parents at home. The implication of this study is discussed, and possible intervention methods are suggested.  相似文献   
Research examining persons-in-environments have focused heavily on the environment at the expense of the individuals in the environment. Yet social work has much to learn from individual narratives that offer a method of inquiry to document efforts to promote individual and societal transformation. In this article, I use the life experiences of one gay Asian man to examine how an individual who is both racially and sexually marginalized negotiates his identity in light of environmental influences to develop a positive self-image.  相似文献   
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