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康熙朝?明史?开修于康熙十八年,历时二十五年,康熙四十三年戛然而止,未能成书。康熙是一位极其强势的帝王,其御编的几十种图书大部分开修、成书于此时之后,皇子争储影响?明史?成书等成说难通;?明史?甫开局康熙即紧盯纂修进程,经常发出编修谕旨,?明史?未能成书的主要原由须在康熙思想中找寻。  相似文献   
李洲良 《求是学刊》2001,28(4):88-90
《左传》记言有诗心 ,文心之证即史蕴诗心 ,与后世小说家言虽不同而可相通 ;至《史记》 ,司马迁载笔取材 ,汰虚课实 ,并将人的本性与历史发展相结合 ,突破《左传》劝善惩恶的道德层面 ,把史书提高到历史现象规律性认识即历史哲学层面 ,因而中国史学实肇端于司马迁  相似文献   
The frame alignment perspective emphasizes the importance of congruence in beliefs between protest participants and protest organizers. Although frame alignment is widely used in social movement research and matters for important movement processes, it has remained largely unclear how we can explain different degrees of frame alignment among protesters. We use empirical evidence regarding organizers’ and participants’ frames, surveying 4000 protesters in twenty-nine demonstrations between 2009 and 2012 in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. The results show that frame alignment depends on variables that tap into protesters’ exposure to organizational and alternative messages. Participants who are recruited by staging organizations, and events organized by strong and more professionalized organizations, display higher levels of frame alignment, whereas salience of the protest issue in the political arena severely constrains frame alignment.  相似文献   
With the rise in popularity of market‐based responses to social policy challenges, the stewardship of quasi‐markets or public service markets, is a key concern for governments worldwide. Debates about how to manage quasi‐markets have focussed on high‐level decision‐making processes. However local actors, in particular street level bureaucrats, are a key part of the complex work of managing quasi‐markets. We examine how street level bureaucrats act as local market stewards in a new quasi‐market for disability care, the Australian National Disability Insurance scheme. We find that the street level bureaucrats, known as local area coordinators, act as shapers of local markets but that their contributions are informal and often restricted by formal structures and processes. For example, we found evidence that the use of key performance indicators can disrupt effective local stewardship efforts towards a procedural approach. We conclude that introducing principles of the polycentric governance approach can improve connections between local market knowledge holders and central decision‐making agencies, thereby improving market stewardship and outcomes.  相似文献   

In response to 2017’s terror attacks in Britain, the Football Lads Alliance (FLA) and latterly, the Democratic Football Lads Alliance (DFLA) were formed. Self-described as street-protest movements that encourage rival ‘football firms’ to reject acrimonious hostilities to unite against the Islamist extremism and extremists it believes are threatening Britain, its culture, values and way of life. As new incarnations of the British counter-jihad movement, this article affords new insights into how the movement and constituent parts are dynamically identifying and mobilising behind an increasingly diverse range of identities and socio-political issues. Contributing new knowledge about the FLA and DFLA, neither of which have been subjected to scholarly inquiry, this article makes a timely contribution to an embryonic scholarly canon. Contextualising the counter-jihad movement, this article explores how ‘football’ afforded the FLA and DFLA with a shared identity around which to mobilise. Highlighting how this is different to other far-right and counter-jihadi groups, their ideologies and activities are explored in relation to their establishment, support base and function. In conclusion, this article positions both groups within an ‘identity-oriented’ paradigm of new social movements as a means of offering new understanding and explanation.  相似文献   
In recent years, the role of voluntary organizations in welfare partnership has received considerable critical attention from scholars working in the field. While mainstream debates have valued state–voluntary sector partnership as participatory governance, critical studies have argued that it leads voluntary organizations to serve as a shadow state. The present study, however, contends that partnership does not necessarily entail participatory welfare or the complete subordination of the voluntary sector to the state's bureaucratic system. Rather, as new street‐level bureaucrats, voluntary organizations can exercise a degree of autonomy on the frontline despite the bureaucratic constraints engendered by partnership. Through an ethnographic analysis of Korean community organizations engaged as frontline agencies in a welfare‐to‐work partnership, this study unveils how the former have recreated democratic and inclusive environments in a particular policy setting by organizing non‐work activities and transferring administrative authority to recipients. Delineating such street‐level practices, this article demonstrates that state–voluntary sector partnerships may be sites of struggle where voluntary organizations continuously strive to actualize participatory governance in diverse and indirect ways.  相似文献   
Gay and Lesbian Couples at Home: Identity Work in Domestic Space   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Home Cultures》2013,10(2):145-167

Social research into gay/lesbian experiences of home has tended to posit domestic environments as alienating for gay/lesbian subjects, silencing their sexual identities. Meanwhile, work on the spatiality of sexual identity more broadly has largely focused on individuals or communities, not couples or households. In this context, this article aims to recover the importance of home for gay/lesbian couples. I explore how cohabiting gay/lesbian couples generate shared identities through domestic space, examining various ways in which these couples use homes to establish and consolidate their partnerships. Empirical data is drawn from twenty-three in-depth interviews with gay/lesbian Australians who are cohabiting, or have cohabited, with a long-term partner. The sample is largely limited to white, educated, middle-class gay men and lesbians living in urban Australia, providing an ethnographic window into the domestic identity-formation of a particular community of practice. Four key themes regarding “coupled identities” at home emerged from the interviews: (i) the importance of privacy and control at home for enabling gay/lesbian partnerships; (ii) the negotiated creation and use of shared domestic spaces; (iii) the accumulation and arrangement of household objects in those domestic spaces; and (iv) the importance of maintaining separate “personal” spaces for each partner for the well-being of the relationship.  相似文献   
后现代主义对历史学的挑战是否预示着新一轮史学危机的来临,是否又意味着历史学的终结?它至少引发了当代西方史学思想的一次新震荡,并从理论层面波及到历史写作的实践领域,其影响甚至超出学术范畴,直达人们对社会历史的普遍认识。而所谓历史学的终结也并不意味着历史学科的消亡,仅仅意味着一场新的史学变革。西方主流史学家试图从历史学的多重特性、客观性的限度与历史事实的建构等几个相互联系的方面展开与后现代主义的论争,在回应挑战中捍卫历史学的合法性与谋求学科发展的新途径。尽管在现代与后现代史学之间仍然存在着深刻的理论分野,但它们似乎在尝试以某种方式共存,即融合现代与后现代的历史视角,一方面运用后现代主义的理论锋芒消解现代史学的顽疾与弊端,另一方面又以现代史学长期积累的经验体系来规训后现代意识中某些极端化的思想倾向。双方的相互交锋与激烈碰撞逐步演化为当代西方史学变迁的推动力,也预示着未来史学发展的可能性选择。  相似文献   
论教育产品及其经济属性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育产品的经济属性是确定市场经济条件下政府是否干预教育的重要理论依据。教育产品不应该是理论界普遍认为的教育服务,如教师提供的教学服务,而应该是合格的毕业生所拥有的素质、技能、知识等,或者说是合格毕业生所具有的人力资本。这样的教育产品在学生毕业之后被消费,才能给受教育者本人、投资教育的家庭以及社会带来收益。在经济学对教育收益的已有研究中,正是以合格的毕业生所具备的能力作为其研究对象的。在教育产品的消费过程中,如果存在外部效应,那么教育产品就可能成为准公共产品或公共产品,这样才能决定政府对教育产品供给的干预程度。因此,在分析政府是否应该干预教育资源配置的时候,应该先确定某种教育产品是否是公共产品或准公共产品,而不是相反。也就是说,不是因为政府提供了基础教育或实行了义务教育制度,基础教育产品才变成了公共产品。另外,教育产品的经济属性与社会经济发展的阶段密切相关,具有历史阶段性特征。  相似文献   
元代在中国历史上是一个大一统的多民族国家。耶律楚材正是元初引导蒙古走向"汉化",促进蒙古科学文化发展,恢复中原文化的一位杰出人物。他奏立十路征收所,任用大批汉儒为官;乙未籍户,谏阻毁农;尊孔教,用儒术,兴文治;保存典籍,初行科举,是元代杰出的政治家。  相似文献   
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