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梁波 《社会》2012,32(1):38-67
1988-2008年间,中国石油产业外部合作战略实现了从早期以引进外国资本与技术为主要内容的“引进来”战略,向1998年后以输出资本与技术为主要特征的“走出去”战略的重要转型。本文以组织社会学决策分析的推论方式研究发现,作为一种产业制度变迁现象,中国石油产油产业外部合作战略的转型除了受到国家及其产业政策和市场机制的重要影响外,更深刻地受到一种复杂权力关系互动或权力游戏机制的作用。即中国石油产业外部合作战略转型深层的动力来源主要是国家和国有石油公司之间特定的权力游戏,这种权力游戏是基于各自行动能力与资源控制,和各自对特定的互动组织环境以及对方可能的行动策略的权衡与判断而建构起来的。  相似文献   
The point of departure for this article is several Swedish IT policies that articulate goals for further development of the welfare state, which demand and enable active citizenship as well as enrolment of IT in the performance of this active citizenship. This article also examines the performance of active citizenship in a variety of sociotechnical arenas where people and technology coexist. Does the notion of active citizenship turn out a number of performances when translated into materialized technologies, such as Internet portals and web-based services? The authors juxtapose the policies with a construction of agencies in the story of citizens' design. In the last section, the discussions taking place in the parliament of things are summarized and related to the problematizations of citizenship, gender and IT.  相似文献   
泛渤海区域空间结构调整基本思路研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
划分区域的目的就是要政府协调解决其内部存在的主要矛盾和问题。立足于环渤海地区需要协调解决的突出问题,首先分析指出环渤海的范围主要应包括北京、天津、河北、山东、山西、内蒙中部4市,而不应包括辽宁。为与通常意义的环渤海有所区别,建议用“泛渤海”指代该区域。结合区域内现有的空间结构和发展趋势,提出了按照“四区五带”的总体空间架构调整目前的空间结构。随后的分析中重点阐释了城镇体系和产业布局的基本思路。  相似文献   
制定合理的天然气分时定价政策,能够优化资源配置,保证城市天然气管网稳定运行,从而缓解城市“气荒”现象,促进燃气产业健康发展。为此,在考虑用户响应行为的基础上,以最小化最大峰负荷和峰谷负荷差为目标,以燃气公司利益、用户利益,以及政府对天然气价格的限制为约束条件,建立了峰谷分时定价的多目标优化模型,运用遗传算法与Pareto排序相结合的方法对其进行求解。并且,将该模型应用于一个案例,将一天24小时划分为峰、平、谷三个时段,按照“量大价高”的原则实施分时定价政策。结果表明:在保证用户和燃气公司同时获益的情况下,存在最优的峰、平、谷价格,使得最大峰负荷和峰谷负荷差能有效降低,验证了多目标优化模型的有效性和可行性。  相似文献   
王鹏  张剑波 《城市观察》2012,(3):85-93,111
基于绿色技术创新的视角,分析珠三角制造业具有的优势和存在的问题,并结合新时期其所面临的绿色挑战来探讨珠三角制造业竞争力的提升,最后对如何提升珠三角制造业的竞争力提出政策和建议。  相似文献   
People tend to acquire more information while making their decisions than a rational and risk-neutral benchmark would predict. We conduct a carefully designed experiment to derive five plausible reasons for pre-decision information overpurchasing. The results show that overpurchasing of information can be almost entirely explained by systematic information processing errors (misestimation or incorrect Bayesian updating), possibly caused by biased intuitive decision processes. Other factors, such as overoptimism about the validity of the new information, risk aversion, ambiguity aversion, and curiosity about (irrelevant) information, play at most a minor role. Our results imply that information overacquisitions are mainly driven by the overestimation of the usefulness of additional information.  相似文献   
近年,成都会展业发展迅速,多种会展经济形态得到全面发展,展览场馆数量较足,政府主导大型展会以及多层次的会展人才培养体系对会展业快速发展提供了必要的保障。然而,成都会展业仍然存在着品牌化和国际程度不高、场馆规模小和利用率较低、政府管理理念仍需创新、"产学研"结合不紧密等问题。本文通过分析当下成都会展业的绩效与不足,希望能为优化成都会展经济的产业结构、促进会展产业的转型和品牌升级提供有益的参考。  相似文献   
Much of the health information available to consumers on the Internet is incomplete, out of date and even inaccurate. Seals of approval or trustmarks have been suggested as a strategy to assist consumers in identifying high-quality information. Little is known, however, about how consumers interpret such seals. This study addresses this issue by examining assumptions about the quality criteria that are reflected by a seal of approval. This question is of particular importance because a wide variety of quality criteria have been suggested for online health information, including: core aspects of quality such as accuracy, currency and completeness; proxy indicators of quality such as the disclosure of commercial interests; and indicators that reflect the quality of the site or the interaction it affords, such as the availability of a search mechanism. The results of this study suggest that seals of approval are assumed to certify information quality primarily with respect to core quality indicators, aspects that subjects both consider to be important and feel relatively less able to evaluate for themselves (compared with their ability to rate proxy indicators of information or indicators of site or interaction quality). This assumption is largely inconsistent with practice: most seals of approval involve assessment of proxy indicators of information quality, rather than direct assessment of content. These results identify a problem that certification or accreditation bodies must address since, unless and until consumer expectations are congruent with evaluation practice, seals of approval will seem to promise more than they deliver.  相似文献   
运用一种动态的方法(Malmquist生产率指数)实证分析了中国各地区的工业生产率,以各地区的工业增加值为变量,使用收敛技术(σ收敛和β收敛)分析了各地区间工业经济发展差异的变化,最后分别以1995—2001年和2002—2011年为两个样本期,分析加入WTO对中国工业经济发展存在的影响。  相似文献   
SCP视角的资源产业组织及其优化的理论分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杨艳琳 《求是学刊》2007,34(3):52-58
SCP理论是现代西方产业组织(IO)理论中占主导地位的理论。文章试图将该理论运用于自然资源产业问题研究中,也就是运用SCP理论的分析框架来研究资源产业组织问题即自然资源产业内部的资源生产经营企业之间的相互关系,这种理论分析旨在促进资源产业组织不断地趋于合理化和优化。  相似文献   
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