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道德困惑一直是隐性采访争论的焦点,功利主义、绝对命令、中庸之道等西方道德哲学在一定程度上能解读隐性采访面临的伦理困境。从行为的结果、行为本身到行为人,三种伦理学关注的焦点形成了一个呈逆时针方向的圆圈。功利主义是务实的,绝对命令维护了道德的纯洁性,中庸之道强调行为主体的道德修养,在这三种伦理框架的综合指导运用下,隐性采访完成了从客体到主体、由客观到主观的推理过程,伦理抉择变得更为连贯和一致,渐渐成为一种内涵。  相似文献   
We present the Interview for Decisional Abilities (IDA), a semi-structured tool for use by adult protective services (APS) workers as part of their comprehensive assessments of clients. The IDA was created in response to a Federal mandate to standardize the procedures and competencies of APS agencies with a view to improving client assessments and facilitating cross-jurisdictional research on adult mistreatment. The proximal aim of the IDA is to guide workers in gathering information on the ability of suspected victims of adult mistreatment to make decisions about the risks they face.  相似文献   
While qualitative researchers increasingly accept online video interviews as a reliable method, many maintain concerns about rapport and data quality. Drawing on two separate interview projects conducted in private in-person settings, public in-person settings, and privately via Skype, we compare interview contexts with regard to rapport, suitability to sensitive topics, interview duration, and scheduling concerns raised by prior research. Analytical comparison of these two corpuses of data suggest, largely in contrast to previous literature, that (1) interviews conducted in private settings (either in-person or via Skype) result in more sharing of deeply personal experiences, and there is little difference in this exceptional disclosure between Skype and in-person private interviews; (2) interviewing via Skype produces neither reduction nor inappropriate excesses of rapport; and (3) Skype interviews are a popular choice among participants, did not result in shorter interview duration, and were not subject to greater rescheduling or cancellation.  相似文献   
Involvement of children in research processes requires various ethical considerations. In particular, while interviewing children, a researcher needs to take into consideration the power imbalance between a researcher and children as well as among children. This article suggests a possible way of mitigating potential risks, drawing on the idea and practice of the Community of Inquiry (CoI) as an interview method. CoI is the practice of group dialog for knowledge-making, where participants talk about a common topic by sharing their lived experiences in a cooperative manner. This article shows that CoI allows children to act as both interviewers and interviewees, which helps children in reflective knowledge-making while at the same time mitigating the ethical concerns of interviewing. To illustrate how CoI can help achieve these goals, this article draws on the empirical research conducted with a group of junior high school students in Japan.  相似文献   
Sequential explanatory mixed method design is the most frequently applied in both health and social sciences literature. It is denoted by ‘QUAN → qual’ which represents the quantitative study occurs first and has greater weight in addressing the study’s aims, and the qualitative study follows to explain quantitative results. Despite the extensive use of sequential explanatory design, there are limited references to this design. Therefore, this methodological paper attempts to fill the gap by providing an illustration in developing a sequential explanatory interview schedule based on complementary-alternative medicine (CAM) study among clinical psychologists in Indonesia. The most important step to develop sequential explanatory interview schedule was the construction of aspects and questions that were immensely grounded on the most notable quantitative results. In this study, eight aspects of interview schedule were constructed after analyses of the nationwide survey. The interview schedule then piloted among participants with fairly similar characteristics to the participants in the main interviews. This process enhanced the quality of questions through feedback from participants and improved the interviewer’s skills through familiarization with questions. It is expected that this reflection report could be adopted as a practical guideline in developing interview schedule for sequential explanatory mixed method design, particularly in the field of psychology.  相似文献   
Green infrastructure is a strategic planning concept that is able to address environmental, social and even economic problems by supplying a variety of benefits for society. Especially in times of public financial crises and spatial transformation, it is important to ensure that those services are high quality to guarantee that they will provide the intended benefits by integrating stakeholders’ knowledge and experience into green infrastructure planning. Active stakeholder participation leads to legitimate and informed future planning that accounts for society’s needs. This paper investigates participation approaches of six green infrastructure investments in Belgium, the UK, Germany and the Netherlands. The major aim is to explore how and when participation should take place to optimize participation in green infrastructure planning. This is achieved by surveying the stakeholders involved and conducting stakeholder discussions to identify their views on the participation approaches employed and their integration into the planning process. We found that stakeholders were generally satisfied with how they were involved but desired a broader and more tailored mix of approaches. Furthermore, we found several Arnstein gaps, which lead us to conclude by suggesting recommendations that are helpful for successful participation in green infrastructure planning.  相似文献   
This paper contributes to recent work examining the role of identity, and in particular the uses of language for self‐presentation and the expression of individual identity, through the analysis of two sociolinguistic interviews from a community of German origin in southern Brazil. Drawing from a quantitative study of variation in the southern state of Rio Grande do Sul, we conducted a detailed analysis of the interviews of two women of different ages and social backgrounds. We first describe the social, cultural and historical context of the interviews, and then discuss how our two speakers use their linguistic resources to express varied, and at times conflicting, aspects of their identities. More specifically, we show how our participants seem to maintain certain in‐group, German‐linked features, yet also use out‐group or Brazilian features in order to index both the (local) German and (regional) Brazilian aspects of their identities. Our data and analysis highlight how participants' identity and language use patterns can be better understood through close analysis of the content of their discourse.  相似文献   
论春秋战国时期的游说拜官   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
春秋战国时期的游士,按其游说的动机目的,大体上可分为志于道、志于功、志于利和志于义四种类型。除道不同宁隐不仕和志于义不屑为官者外,游说拜官以寻求面君的机会为前提,以忠言嘉谋为关键;同时,还需游说者细心揣摩君主的心理,擅辞令、逞辩说,娴熟地运用游说的方法和技巧。游说拜官既是臣择君,也是君择臣的双向选择行为。  相似文献   
本文针对综合面试中的分组问题,首先分析了分组对综合面试结果的影响,提出了均衡分组的思想;在此基础上,提出了综合面试中的均衡分组方法,该方法构建了双目标优化模型,并开发了一个求解问题的遗传算法,该算法还可以解决一类分组问题;最后,给出算例说明方法的应用及可行性。  相似文献   
利用访谈法调查了300名消费者和10个笔记本电脑知名品牌的核心经销商,得到了一系列品牌竞争力的指标数据,运用主成分分析和逐步回归方法对烟台、威海两地的笔记本电脑品牌竞争力进行了分析。结果发现:惠普、华硕、联想稳坐三甲,卖价6000~8000元人民币的产品是主流,宽屏笔记本占据整体市场八成以上的关注份额;14.1英寸占据整体市场60%以上关注比例;双核是关注焦点,酷睿2垄断近五成关注度。  相似文献   
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