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This article argues that foreign assistance, as an external force, has played an important role in shaping the local democracy-building process in Poland. The local context, which is omitted from the transition debate, is considered, and the influence that U.S. public donors exercised at the local scale is highlighted. The article claims that the delayed commitment on the part of these donors to local democracy and to the building of self-governing capacities and participatory practices has undermined the stability and effectiveness of the reforms in Poland. It is shown how this process took place through three different constructs: initial lack of direct assistance; the form under which this assistance was provided; and the donors' selectivity of recipients, both in terms of social groups and of geographic areas. It concludes by outlining areas where changes of assistance delivery should be made both by the donors and recipient communities.  相似文献   
按照江泽民总书记提出的“三个代表”重要思想 ,联系农业高校党的建设的实际 ,分析了随着社会主义市场经济体制的建立 ,给高校基层党组织建设带来的新情况、新问题 ;阐述了在新形势下和加强院系党总支、基层党支部和党员队伍建设的目的要求 ;提出了充分发挥院系党总支政治核心作用、党支部战斗堡垒作用和党员先锋模范作用的新途径、新措施  相似文献   
There is broad agreement that citizen participation is critical for successful democracy. Recently, scholars have linked such political participation with the notion of social capital—community-level resources, such as trust, norms, and networks, that foster collective action. Much uncertainty remains regarding the sources of social capital, however. Here we examine two different features of community life that are believed to nurture social capital, and political participation in turn: public venues where relative strangers can meet anonymously, socialize, and share information and opinions (i.e., venues for informal interaction); and venues for organized exchange between familiars, such as voluntary organizations and social clubs. Using quantitative data from America's largest cities at the end of the 19th century, we examine the relationship between both supposed sources of social capital and respective rates of voter participation. We find little support for the role of informal interaction in fostering an active and engaged citizenry. We do, however, find evidence that citizen participation was related to some types of associationalism (or organized exchange). In particular, associations that fostered high levels of mutual interdependence among members seemed the most strongly linked to higher levels of political participation.  相似文献   
论民主制度下的“多数暴政”问题   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
以民主制度下产生的“多数暴政”问题为研究点,在归纳先前学者相关理论的基础上,对其提出、界定和防范等进行分析,并提出一些新的看法,如:对“多数暴政”进行界定,避免“多数暴政”被泛化;提高全民素质、完善决策规则、从机制上赋予人们权益申诉的权力和渠道,适当采用协商民主,成立公正独立的裁决机构和审判机关是防止发生“多数暴政”的重要手段,等等。  相似文献   
坚持和完善党的领导,加强党的建设,充分发挥爱国统一战线的作用,集中力量把经济搞上去是当前建设中国特色社会主义的三大法宝.这是邓小平在新时期对党的"三大法宝"的继承和发展.  相似文献   
以邓恩铭在山东的思想发展为内容,从革命思想的准备与发展时期、接受和尝试马克思主义时期、积极实践马克思主义时期、革命思想成熟时期四个方面进行研究,以期得出一些有益的结论.  相似文献   
合法性问题是现代政治面临的一个不可忽视的理论和实践问题。戈尔巴乔夫时期。苏共因严重忽视执政合法性问题带来的政治后果在一定程度上成为其丧失执政地位,直至垮台的重要诱因。因此,我们必须明确政治合法性对执政党的重要作用,以此为依据对戈尔巴乔夫时期苏共丧失执政合法性的原因进行深入探析,以期得出重要的历史启示,为我们党树立执政的合法性意识,践行合法性思想提供借鉴。  相似文献   
向党靠拢,被党接纳:大学生入党问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
谢桂华  张阳阳 《社会》2016,36(3):32-63
入党是一个双向选择的过程:首先是个体对党的选择--递交入党申请,随后是党对个体的选择--筛选符合要求的成员。本文利用"首都大学生成长追踪调查"(2009-2012年)数据探讨了影响大学生申请入党和被党接纳的各方面因素。离散型事件史模型分析发现,提出入党申请的大学生和最终被党接纳的大学生符合传统的选拔标准,即学业成绩优异,社团活动积极,担任学生干部,人际关系密切。不过,无论是申请者还是入党者,与其他学生相比,在自尊程度、上进心和事业心等方面都没有明显的个性特征(心理特质)。此外,申请入党的大学生在政治理念、实用主义倾向和服从性方面有一定的特征,但这些特征基本不会影响到他们能否入党。本文的另外一个发现是,高校背景替代了家庭背景,成为影响大学生申请和入党的重要因素。  相似文献   
法本质观是解读党法关系的法理基础,准确把握党法关系必须坚持正确的法本质观。以阶级性本质论、社会性本质论、人本性本质论、本质虚无论和马克思主义当代法本质观为研究对象,综合运用比较分析、归纳总结等研究方法,分析探明了各类法本质观对认识党法关系的影响。研究认为,当代马克思主义法本质观是超越其他法本质理论并且符合中国实践的科学理论,在当代马克思主义法本质观的逻辑框架下,党的领导和依法治国是以人民根本利益为纽带的本质统一体。  相似文献   
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