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傅贤国 《贵州民族学院学报》2010,(1):120-124
辩护律师阅卷权是刑事庭审制度改革的需要,也是控辩平衡原则、当事人合法权益保护以及庭审公正效率原则得以实现的保障。新律师法扩大了律师阅卷的时间、范围,但由于缺乏明确的制度保障,辩护律师阅卷权很可能只是一个摆设。为此,应该在修改刑事诉讼法时对辩护律师阅卷权予以相应的完善,以真正实现法律公正。 相似文献
《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(1):41-60
Abstract Three recent studies have explored the practices of psychologists (Ackerman & Ackerman, 1997), family law judges' expectations (Ackerman & Steffen, 2001), and family law attorneys' expectations (Ackerman & Kelley-Poulos, 2001) in child custody cases. This study compares psychologists' practices with judges' and attorneys' expectations as previously reported in the above studies. Similarities and differences among the groups are analyzed and discussed. Psychologists, judges, and attorneys are more alike than different in their practices, with notable exceptions reported. Implications for interpretation and recommendations in child custody cases are discussed. 相似文献
《Journal of Child Custody》2013,10(3):1-7
Abstract This editorial tries, through the use of an open letter format, to raise some of the problematic issues faced by both practitioners and judges who deal with the issue of child custody. One of the flaws occurs when battered women see the court as their potential savior from victimization, while, in reality, the court, with its inadequate available resources, cannot do so. This editorial raises awareness of the importance of qualified experts and the need for neutrality. It sensitizes the reader to the difficulty that judges have in making difficult decisions on minimal nformation when custody issues are brought to the court for resolution. 相似文献
董子云 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》2022,52(1):165-176
12世纪法学复兴促成了律师职业在西欧范围内的兴起,也奠定了西方律师职业伦理的传统。这一理论体系可以分为两条主线,即律师是“骑士兼教士”以及“法官的奴仆”。其中,律师是“骑士兼教士”的命题引申出了不得违背良心而辩护的原则,决定了律师职业的社会地位、社会责任和得体服装等。而律师是“法官的奴仆”的命题则揭示了司法审判活动中法官和律师的主从关系,律师是帮助法官发现真相的工具。因此,律师应当仅仅陈述真相,不得以烦冗的讼词干扰法官判断,且必须具备得体的行为和情感。1274年起,中世纪法学中的相关伦理讨论不断渗透法兰西王国立法,其影响甚至超越了旧制度并延续至今。 相似文献
陈海平 《中南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》2010,(1):65-72
我国确立侦查阶段律师帮助制度十多年来,立法机关积极推进出台了一系列新规范,实务部门抵制过多,导致落实不力。侦查阶段律师帮助的现实是:法律规范和司法实践分野颇大,立法规范上进步不小,但还需完善;司法实践中执行走样亟待落实;律师在侦查阶段的应有权利于法无据、既有权利难以落实而依然难有作为。侦查阶段律师帮助制度的完善,需要从立法规范和制度实践两方面着力推进。 相似文献
尚宋阳 《长春工程学院学报(社会科学版)》2016,17(2):15-18
民事诉讼委托代理制度是民事诉讼中的一项重要制度,有其深刻的内涵和价值基础。随着新的《民事诉讼法》以及2015年《民事诉讼法解释》的颁布,我国民事诉讼委托代理制度得以充实和发展,但是在立法和实践中仍然暴露出很多不足:一些规定尚未清楚明确,委托代理范围过于宽泛,律师和公民代理诉讼在司法实践中也暴露出许多不足。因此需要对其加以完善,修订司法解释来明确概念,逐步确立律师强制代理制度,规范律师代理制度和公民代理诉讼制度是十分必要的。 相似文献
近年来,群体性事件频频发生,对群体性事件的正确处理和预防关系到我国的长治久安以及经济的持续稳定发展。笔者从法治角度对群体性事件发生原因进行分析,并在此基础上提出相应对策,以期对有关部门妥善处理和预防群体性事件有些裨益。 相似文献
何珍慧 《西南石油大学学报(社会科学版)》2013,33(6):25-30
现代职业活动充满伦理冲突,而其中律师的职业伦理问题在近年来尤为令人瞩目,其职业活动不仅时时面临两难选择,还会经常处于与社会大众伦理严重冲突的状态。从价值分析的角度来讲,律师职业伦理困境的根源就在于所追求的一系列价值之间的冲突,包括忠诚与正义、实质正义与程序正义、正义与功利的冲突。由此着眼,律师职业伦理困境的救赎之道主要有两条:价值冲突的避让和平衡。 相似文献
正确认识法官与律师的相互关系,认清其非正常关系的危害,培养法官独立、中立、诚信的品格,实现法官与律师相互关系的规范化,是维护司法公正的前提条件。 相似文献
This paper argues that racing for innocence is a discursive practice which functions simultaneously to disavow accountability for racist practices at the same time that everyday racism is practiced. Drawing from both fieldwork and interviews in a corporate legal department over two different time periods (in 1988–89 and in 1999), I explore the meaning and consequence of this race in my interviews with white and African-American lawyers. Further, I follow the trajectory of one African-American lawyer, Randall Kingsley, and tell his story along with the stories constructed by the white men who still work there about Randall's departure from the company. I do so to make an argument about why these white men, by virtue of their social location, cannot see how they contributed to the unfriendly climate that forced Randall out of the department. Further, I argue it is through such everyday practices that whiteness is reproduced as a structural relationship of inequality in workplaces. 相似文献