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在系统总结国内外相关文献的基础上,设计了基于PDCA循环的供应链视角下物流客户服务绩效评价流程,并针对每个流程给出了控制重点,旨在通过对绩效评价流程的规范管理,不断提高物流客户服务绩效和供应链整体绩效水平。在绩效评价方案设计环节提出了给予供应链整体绩效提升的物流客户服务绩效评价方法和指标体系,在绩效评价方案实施环节给出了应用模糊层次分析法选择物流服务商的步骤。  相似文献   
胡望斌  张玉利 《管理评论》2012,(3):40-48,57
当前关于新企业创业导向的维度及其功效还存在较大的分歧。本文从战略过程视角,依据文献分析初步界定了新企业创业导向的5个维度,然后通过访谈调查和探测性检验,将新企业创业导向维度调整为创新性、风险承担性、先动性3个方面,应用并优化了其测量量表。最后通过150份有效样本,对我国新企业创业导向对企业绩效的直接贡献和间接贡献进行了检验。结果表明,创业导向对新企业绩效确实有显著的直接贡献,但间接作用更为明显。  相似文献   
彭珍珍  顾颖  张洁 《管理世界》2020,(3):205-219,233
本文从竞合视角审视联盟组合,结合动态关系观探讨有效的联盟治理机制,揭示了联盟组合中竞合关系(横向竞合、纵向竞合)、治理机制(契约治理、关系治理)和创新绩效之间的关系,并考察了动态环境特征(技术波动、竞争强度)的二次调节作用。在不同的竞合关系中,由于合作和竞争的强度不同,契约治理与关系治理机制的作用也存在差异,同时,治理机制与创新绩效之间的关系也受到两种不同环境动态性特征的影响。研究结果显示,在纵向竞合中,运用关系治理比运用契约治理能更好地提升创新绩效,技术波动正向调节契约治理、关系治理与创新绩效间的关系。在横向竞合中,运用契约治理比运用关系治理有效,竞争强度加强了契约治理对创新绩效的影响,即关系治理在波动的环境中更有效,契约治理在竞争的环境中更有效。本文为企业开展研发联盟组合管理提供了新的视角和管理对策。  相似文献   
This study investigates the extent to which formal governance mechanisms such as contracts and equity ownership affect interfirm coordination and partnership performance. We analysed data from a survey of 301 Korean firms to show that interfirm coordination partially mediates the relationship between contract completeness, defined as the extent to which a contract specifies task operations and contingencies, and partnership performance. Furthermore, we find that more complete contracts can attenuate the negative effects of equity ownership on coordination, and that this effect is particularly strong when partner tasks are interdependent and relational norms are weak.  相似文献   
Based on the environment-strategy performance perspective and dynamic capabilities framework, we develop a theoretical model and hypotheses specifying how supply chain collaboration as a response to environment context factors – competitive intensity, supply uncertainty, technological turbulence and market turbulence, using a lean and agile strategy may influence firm performance. We test the model using partial least square structural equation modelling on data collected from a field survey with responses from 152 manufacturing firms representing a variety of industries. Empirical findings generally support the relationship between collaboration and firm performance using a lean and agile strategy. Also, for firms in industries that face environments characterised by high supply uncertainty and competitive intensity with, technological turbulence, the study finds evidence of a direct relationship between these environmental factors and supply chain collaboration. The findings provide an initial strategic response framework for appropriately aligning a lean and agile supply chain strategy through collaboration with environment context factors to achieve firm performance improvements.  相似文献   
研发投资是提高企业绩效的重要途径,不同阶段的的研发投资对于企业绩效的改善存在着差异化作用。本文构建了不同阶段研发投资对企业绩效影响效应的理论模型,并以我国103家上市公司2010-2016年的相关数据为样本,从动态效应的实证分析阶段和开发阶段两个阶段的投资强度对企业绩效影响的异同,结果发现:研究阶段和开发阶段的投资对企业绩效影响均具有正向的积极影响作用,开发阶段的投资在当期对企业绩效的影响较强但不可持续,研究阶段的投资具有滞后效应并且对企业绩效的提升有比较长远的影响。因此过多关注开发阶段的投资并不能有效提高企业绩效,企业应加大研究阶段的投资,以更好地实现其在提高企业绩效中的长效作用。  相似文献   
黄丽华  何晓  卢向华 《管理科学》2020,23(2):105-119
现代企业通过建立在线社群实现与消费者的互动,希望在向消费者提供服务的同时进行更好的营销,然而如何提供在线社群中的营销与服务内容却是一大难题.本文在营销—服务二元理论的基础上,提出了在线社群内容二元性的平衡维度与结合维度概念,并研究平衡维度与结合维度如何影响销售业绩与消费者的满意度.结合机器学习方法,本文发现,平衡维度对消费者满意度和销售绩效有提高作用,但是,结合维度对消费者满意度及企业绩效的影响呈倒U型;另外,企业员工的技能水平对内容二元性策略的效果有着显著的调节作用.研究结论对企业理解在线社群中的营销内容与服务内容之间的二元关系,以及内容提供策略的价值机制有重要的指导意义.  相似文献   
This paper contributes to studies on dynamic capabilities (DCs) by showing that a neglected environmental contingency – i.e. the occurrence of a jolt – shapes the DCs–performance relationship. We focus on high-tech entrepreneurial ventures because these are the firms that jolts affect most; in so doing, we also advance the understanding of DCs in the entrepreneurship field. We argue that, in the aftermath of an environmental jolt, the high-tech entrepreneurial ventures that use internationalization and new product development capabilities to modify their resource configuration and regain environmental fit enjoy better performance. Econometric estimates on a sample of 340 Italian high-tech entrepreneurial ventures confronting the consequences of the global economic crisis that began in 2008 confirm that separately using these two DCs has a positive performance effect. This effect is stronger for relatively smaller ventures. Interestingly, despite synergies should arise from the combined use of the two DCs, we do not detect any superadditive effects.  相似文献   
Research on firm search stresses the need for firms to adapt and align concurrently with their environment to optimize the ability to sense and seize opportunities for sustained performance. We postulate resource scarcity as an important contingency factor for the search-performance relationship, and assess its joint influence with high and low dynamism. Using a dataset spanning 23 years, we examine the performance implications of combinations of internal and external exploratory and exploitative search in resource-scarce environments, under conditions of high and low dynamism. We find that resource scarcity is an important condition for performance stemming from exploratory and exploitative search: even under conditions that involve low dynamism, but joined with resource scarcity, firms may benefit from pursuing exploratory and exploitative knowledge simultaneously.  相似文献   
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