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Recent theoretical development in environmental sociology has focused on the concept of risk. Macro- and middle-range theoretical conceptualizations relevant to understanding environmental risk and resource depletion have emerged from Europe and the United States. We review five theoretical approaches to the environment–society relationship and identify convergent characteristics relevant for resource management in the modern world. These characteristics suggest goals for resource management should include expanded discursive systems, a more informed public and building institutional trust.  相似文献   
世纪之交中国文学的历史叙述陷入了一种迷惘状态。对“革命历史小说”的逆反情绪 ,使史诗追求并没有根本性地突破二元对立的思维模式 ,人物塑造形成了新的审美定式 ;历史循环论和相对主义对历史决定论和机械进步论的解构 ,最终走向了虚无主义的深渊 ;工具化倾向使历史叙述在摆脱了图解政治的命运后 ,再度沦为商业的工具  相似文献   
Urban ecology is increasingly interdisciplinary, with biophysical and social scientists joining forces to study how human and built environments and processes interact with non-human nature. Humanistic disciplines that study high culture and intellectual currents also bear upon urban ecology, since cities are not simply aggregates of human and non-human factors but seats of civilization and loci of concentrated creative energy. The Russian city of St. Petersburg, which Dostoevsky called the most abstract and intentional city in the world, offers an example of the way individual acts of intellectual and artistic creation affect the energy balance of a city and its interaction with ecological forces. Such concentrated creative energy may be a key to making cities sustainable, and it should not remain outside the calculus of urban ecology.  相似文献   
Mosler  Karl 《Theory and Decision》1997,42(3):215-233
Indices and orderings are developed for evaluating alternative strategies in the management of risk. They reflect the goals of reducing individual and collective risks, of increasing equity, and of assigning priority to the reduction and to the equity of high risks. Individual risk is defined as the (random or non-random) level of exposure to a danger. In particular the role of a lower negligibility level is investigated. A class of indices is proposed which involves two parameters, a negligibility level and a parameter of inequality aversion, and several interpretations of the indices are discussed. We provide a set of eight axioms which are necessary and sufficient for this class of indices, and we present an approach to deal with partial information on the parameters.  相似文献   
古典诗词的兴衰尽管有其复杂的原因 ,但其中起着决定性的则是其与民间所保持的距离。关于这一点 ,学者向无论及。通过对词流变的具体考察 ,我们可以清楚地看出 :词之所兴 ,源自于对民间的亲近 ;词之极盛 ,取决于对民间保持的一种不即不离的距离 ;词之所衰 ,则由其对民间的渐趋背离所致。一句话 ,对民间的亲近或背离 ,正是决定词之兴衰的关键 ,而这也正是文学兴衰的根本  相似文献   
Technology and social interaction: the emergence of 'workplace studies'   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Despite the substantial body of literature concerned with the ways in which digital media are transforming contemporary society and institutional life, we have relatively little understanding of the ways in which new technologies feature in day to day organizational conduct and interaction. There is however a growing corpus of empirical research which places the situated and contingent character of new technologies at the heart of the analytic agenda, but as yet, these studies are relatively little known within sociology. They include ethnographies of command and control centres, financial institutions, the news media, and the construction industry. They address the ways in which tools and technologies, ranging from paper documents through to complex multimedia systems, feature in work and collaboration. In this paper, we discuss these so-called 'workplace studies' and consider their implications for our understanding of organizational conduct, social interaction and new technology.  相似文献   
以务实的态度调整课程内容 ,为培养应用型专业人才服务 ,是当前中国现当代文学课程改革的主要方向。但在务实的同时 ,还必须坚守人文立场 ,去关注人类的精神、价值、观念、信仰等“务虚”的问题。“人本”与“文本”是本课程的两个基本点 ,这就要求在教学过程中紧紧抓住这两点 ,使学生自觉追求人性美、艺术美。本课程既是一门历史学科 ,又与当下的政治、经济、文化紧紧地纠结在一起 ,因此在教学过程中将“史识”与“时识”结合起来 ,是解决本课程“历史性”与“当代性”的关键所在。在教学过程中 ,教师以激发学生想像、激活学生思维为目的 ,以便使学生在获取文学史知识的同时 ,也能获得作品中的情感与智慧  相似文献   
虚拟企业数字化财富的载体是比特形态的网上虚拟空间的数字信息流,而虚拟企业数字化产权的本质是虚拟网络空间的数字信息流的所有权、控制权以及相应地衍生出来的收益权。对网络空间数字化信息流的所有权、控制权以及相应地衍生出来的巨大收益的争夺,将是信息经济时代产权制度安排的焦点。  相似文献   
To help evaluate the risk of process reengineering failure and enhance the prospect of its success, three potential sources of influence on BPR initiatives and success are examined in this study. These include the innovative capacity of the organization, IS maturity and strategy-IS interface. It was found that while factors related to IT maturity and influence such as experience in mainframe and client/server computing may facilitate the decision to reengineer, they are not critical in the later stages of the initiative. On the other hand, factors having significant relationships beyond the initial decision include variables pertaining to innovative capacity of the organization and strategy-IS interface. These findings suggest that technical IT competence as a critical enabler is necessary but not sufficient for reengineering success. Based on study findings regarding the innovative capacity of the organization, guidelines for reengineering risk assessment are proposed. In addition, implications of the findings, limitations of the study and opportunities for further research are also discussed.  相似文献   
本文阐述邓小平《在中国文学艺术工作者第四次代表大会上的祝词》的丰富内涵,并联系毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》, 深入论述邓小平继承和发展马克思主义文艺思想, 为促进我国文艺事业发展和社会主义精神文明建设所作出的历史贡献  相似文献   
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