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政府绩效评价是政府评价主体运用一定的评价方法对政府绩效进行考核评价的过程。由于我国政府绩效评价起步较晚,部分地方还存在重投入轻管理、重支出轻绩效的问题,绩效考核结果的导向作用不强,成本核算成为提升政府绩效的核心。因此,文章在成本核算的基础上对政府绩效进行评价,采用层次分析法从经济发展、社会管理、教育科技、资源环境、成本管理、公共服务六大方面构建基于成本核算的政府绩效评价指标体系,将其应用于H市政府的绩效评价工作,从而有效地提高政府的公信力和执行力,同时也有助于推进我国政府绩效评价工作的发展。  相似文献   
新时代党政干部学习教育常态化制度化是遵循执政能力提升规律的必然选择、应对意识形态领域斗争的战略需要以及形塑百年大党光辉形象的内在要求。常态化制度化推进党政干部学习教育在样态上突出日常化与规范性、方式上注重理论性与实践性、过程中彰显适宜度与有序性、效果上具有针对性与可持续等基本特征。党政机关主管部门要从把握常态化制度化学习教育内外张力、构建常态化制度化学习教育制度体系、保障常态化制度化学习教育资源供给、加强常态化制度化学习教育监督考核、完善常态化制度化学习教育评价激励等方面入手,确保学习教育常态化制度化推进,切实提升党政干部治国理政的能力和素养。  相似文献   
从用户使用视角出发,基于用户技术接受模型,以深圳市政府数据开放平台为例,设计14个观察指标,研究政府开放数据的有用性和易用性。深圳市政府数据开放平台具有开放有序、回应及时和激励正向三大特色,同时存在创设数据场景不丰富、获取数据资源途径单一、利用成果数量少及质量不高、平台用户评价不积极及参与度低等不足。据此,提出以用户需求为导向、提升用户数字素养、构建政府部门的激励约束机制和跨部门跨层级的协同机制等政策建议。  相似文献   
基于2019年三峡库区移民生计专题调查数据,采用OLS、PSM以及分位数回归模型比较分析了移民生计资本的变化以及自致努力与政府扶持对移民生计资本的影响效应。研究发现:三峡水电工程移民搬迁显著减少了移民生计资本,且对外迁安置移民生计资本的负向影响比就地安置移民更大;自致努力与政府扶持均能显著增加移民生计资本,但政府扶持对移民生计资本的回报率显著低于就近安置地原居民,自致努力对生计资本的回报率在移民与就近安置地原居民中没有显著差异,该结论没有受到安置方式的影响;进一步研究还发现,随着生计资本分位点的提高,自致努力和政府扶持对移民生计资本的提升效应呈现递增趋势,这会扩大移民之间的生计资本差距。据此提出依据不同参照群体完善移民生计资本恢复和发展的评价制度,建立自致努力与政府扶持相结合的移民生计资本培育路径,同时加快缩小移民内部群体间生计资本差距等建议。  相似文献   
长期以来,国家自上而下的社区规划变迁,为农村社区建设提供了物质基础、组织载体和制度保障,但农民的主体性和社区的自主性依然没有被充分激发起来。文献研究发现,对社区内涵和定位认识的不同理解会产生农村社区建设是基于共同体意识的凝聚、还是国家行政权力向基层社会延伸两种演进脉络。以关中袁家村为例,从为何营造、营造什么、怎样营造三个层面切入,尝试回答以下几个问题:改善民生和提高农民生活质量,“产、文、人、地、景”的乡村社区营造,国家规划变迁和社区自主实践相结合。指出乡村社区营造何以成功的启示是“三位一体”现代社区内涵的正确理解及其功能的准确定位,其引发的本土实践体现了国家主导和社会参与的互构效应。  相似文献   
建设湖北自贸试验区是新发展阶段全面深化改革、扩大开放的系统性探索和战略实践,从动态演进论与制度变迁、制度经济学的交易成本论以及公共经济学的公共物品供需视角,对自贸试验区制度创新的理论逻辑与实践意义予以系统研究。研究发现,湖北自贸试验区围绕加快转变政府职能、深化投资领域改革、促进贸易转型升级、推动金融开放创新、创新驱动发展以及服务国家战略等方面展开了一系列制度创新实践,逐步形成由浅入深、由线下向线上线下协同发展、由共性领域向特色领域逐步延伸、从前项到末端统筹安排、借鉴与创新并举以及集中推广与自主运用相结合的改革创新发展路径。研究认为,推动湖北自贸试验区的制度创新,充分发挥其在破解地方深层次结构性发展矛盾和扩展增长赋能空间上的功能内涵,需要在顶层制度设计方面,加强与国内国际双循环新发展格局相互衔接,通过完善监管体系设计、提升行政服务效率来转变政府监管职能和健全市场监管,构建由法律法规、行政规章、规范性文件共同组成的、与国际规范兼容协调的法制框架和政策体系,统筹为国家试制度、出经验的全局性战略目标与谋求为地区经济发展注活力、添动力的局部性现实需求之间的激励导向; 在具体实施路径层面,持续优化开放平台、营商环境和加强口岸智慧功能建设,着力培育和强化大城市、大枢纽、大口岸、大平台、大产业以及一流的营商环境等,构建开放型经济新体制和多维量化评估指标体系,实现自贸试验区制度创新实践探索、经验成效审视验证、赋能社会经济发展以及长远建设规划目标的有机协调统一,助力湖北建设新时代内陆开放新高地。  相似文献   
Estimation for Continuous Branching Processes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The maximum-likelihood estimator for the curved exponential family given by continuous branching processes with immigration is investigated. These processes originated from population biology but also model the dynamics of interest rates and development of the state of technology in economics. It is proved that in contrast to branching processes with discrete space and/or time the MLE gives a unified approach to the inference. In order to include singular subdomains of the parameter space we modify the MLE slightly. Consistency and asymptotic normality for the MLE are considered. Concerning the asymptotic theory of the experiments, all three properties LAQ, LAN, and LAMN occur for different submodels  相似文献   
This paper models the sustainability of firmabnormal profitability and uses theeffectiveness of corporate managementcapabilities as a test to examine its impact onthe sustainability of firm abnormalprofitability. The role of industry competitionas a moderator between the effectiveness ofcorporate management capabilities and thesustainability of firm abnormal profitabilityis also examined. Consistent with theresource-based view of the firm, we found thatthe effectiveness of corporate managementcapabilities positively influence thesustainability of firm abnormal profitability.This implies that corporate managementcapabilities are important contributors to theentire bundle of firm-specific resources andcapabilities which enable some firms togenerate competitive advantages that aresustainable. The effectiveness of corporatemanagement capabilities has a larger influenceon the sustainability of firm abnormalprofitability for firms in lowly competitive ormonopolistic industries than firms in highlycompetitive industries. The findings supportthe notion that not only do firm capabilitiesyield sustainable competitive advantages andabnormal profitability, but also industrycompetition reinforces the impact of firmcapabilities in yielding sustainable abnormalprofitability.  相似文献   
Under current conditions of accelerated socioenvironmental change in the Mediterranean forested landscapes, fire is one of the most critical and difficult risks to tackle within the region. This article summarizes the lessons learned from a project based on the participatory integration of qualitative local stakeholders' knowledge with expert GIS fire simulations carried out in the County of El Bages, Catalonia, Spain. First, in this article, a theoretical model--the forest fire circle--is presented in order to explain the reasons for the rise in the damage and frequency of forest fires in this Mediterranean area. Second, it describes the methodology developed and the stages followed during the project. Results show that: (1) the advocacy of old forest reactive management paradigm assumptions and practices based on uncontrolled forest succession can put vast wooded areas of the Mediterranean basin at critical risk; and (2) forest fire management approaches that ignore the crucial role of long-term prevention and local capacity building strategies have failed. In the final section, the content and the specific dimensions of the old reactive paradigm that has characterized forest fire risk management in Catalonia are discussed and contrasted with the possibly emerging preventative paradigm.  相似文献   
After decades of centralization, in 1980 the central government of the Netherlands embarked upon an ambitious project to decentralize the administrative system. It proclaimed a series of general decentralization measures that aimed to improve the performance of the administrative system and to boost local democracy. This article presents the results of research into the effects of these measures. It shows that the decentralization project did not meet the high expectations. This can be explained by the fact that the theoretical framework underlying the decentralization policy was overly simple. The authors present a new framework that represents the contingent character of the effects of decentralization.  相似文献   
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