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Semiparametric Bayesian classification with longitudinal markers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary.  We analyse data from a study involving 173 pregnant women. The data are observed values of the β human chorionic gonadotropin hormone measured during the first 80 days of gestational age, including from one up to six longitudinal responses for each woman. The main objective in this study is to predict normal versus abnormal pregnancy outcomes from data that are available at the early stages of pregnancy. We achieve the desired classification with a semiparametric hierarchical model. Specifically, we consider a Dirichlet process mixture prior for the distribution of the random effects in each group. The unknown random-effects distributions are allowed to vary across groups but are made dependent by using a design vector to select different features of a single underlying random probability measure. The resulting model is an extension of the dependent Dirichlet process model, with an additional probability model for group classification. The model is shown to perform better than an alternative model which is based on independent Dirichlet processes for the groups. Relevant posterior distributions are summarized by using Markov chain Monte Carlo methods.  相似文献   
产业集群理论正在继梯度转移理论、增长极发展理论后成为主导区域经济发展新型区域发展理论。在中国的工业化过程中,珠三角、长三角和环渤海地区随着其地区一体化水平的不断提高制造业都表现为不同程度的产业集聚,其制造业集聚程度与地域经济发展特别是工业经济增长都具有较强的相关性。因此,结合面板数据(panel data)模型的计量方法对中国三大经济圈的工业增长集聚弹性进行估计并就三大经济圈的增长集聚弹性差异的成因进行了分析是十分必要的。  相似文献   
利用生存分析研究寿险退保问题是一个很好的工具,因为可以将寿险保单的持续期(persistency duration)视为生存期长,而将保单的退保或失效看作一个“保单生命”的结束,这其中的保单退保或失效就成为生存研究的目标事件。而导致保单失效的因素会有很多,只有通过利用Cox比例危险模型拟合寿险退保数据以分析影响客户退保的原因,并在对Cox模型的比例危险假设进行检验时,发现部分影响因素并不遵守此前提条件,从而推理得到这些影响因素在不同的时间段对客户退保的影响方式不同。也就是说,其影响有短期效应和长期效应之分。  相似文献   
In event time data analysis, comparisons between distributions are made by the logrank test. When the data appear to contain crossing hazards phenomena, nonparametric weighted logrank statistics are usually suggested to accommodate different-weighted functions to increase the power. However, the gain in power by imposing different weights has its limits since differences before and after the crossing point may balance each other out. In contrast to the weighted logrank tests, we propose a score-type statistic based on the semiparametric-, heteroscedastic-hazards regression model of Hsieh [2001. On heteroscedastic hazards regression models: theory and application. J. Roy. Statist. Soc. Ser. B 63, 63–79.], by which the nonproportionality is explicitly modeled. Our score test is based on estimating functions derived from partial likelihood under the heteroscedastic model considered herein. Simulation results show the benefit of modeling the heteroscedasticity and power of the proposed test to two classes of weighted logrank tests (including Fleming–Harrington's test and Moreau's locally most powerful test), a Renyi-type test, and the Breslow's test for acceleration. We also demonstrate the application of this test by analyzing actual data in clinical trials.  相似文献   
A generalized brick wall model is developed to describe intergranular corrosion in Equi-axed AA7178-T6 and Wingskin AA7178-T6 aluminum alloys. The intergranular corrosion rate is highly related to grain size and shape. High strength aluminum alloys are often elongated and anisotropic, with the fastest nominal IGC growth rate in the longitudinal direction (L) or long transverse direction (T) and the slowest in the short transverse direction (S). We propose a three-way intersection model and use it to simulate the corrosion kinetics for each direction. With a proper combination of model parameters, the generalized IGC model provides a good fit to experimental data developed by the foil penetration technique.  相似文献   
Standard methods of estimation for autoregressive models are known to be biased in finite samples, which has implications for estimation, hypothesis testing, confidence interval construction and forecasting. Three methods of bias reduction are considered here: first-order bias correction, FOBC, where the total bias is approximated by the O(T-1) bias; bootstrapping; and recursive mean adjustment, RMA. In addition, we show how first-order bias correction is related to linear bias correction. The practically important case where the AR model includes an unknown linear trend is considered in detail. The fidelity of nominal to actual coverage of confidence intervals is also assessed. A simulation study covers the AR(1) model and a number of extensions based on the empirical AR(p) models fitted by Nelson & Plosser (1982). Overall, which method dominates depends on the criterion adopted: bootstrapping tends to be the best at reducing bias, recursive mean adjustment is best at reducing mean squared error, whilst FOBC does particularly well in maintaining the fidelity of confidence intervals.  相似文献   
The discourse of multiculturalism disguises complicated racial dynamics in nations such as Canada. Although white privilege persists, it tends to be mediated through non-white figures who can engender consent from other minority members. These figures have been called model minorities, a role that is well-tailored to celebrated athletes. Athletes who fill the role of model minority represent the ideal immigrant citizen: English-speaking, middle class/bourgeois, disciplined, and hard-working. As such, they serve a disciplinary function for other immigrants by demonstrating how it is they should act and producing a standard against which they are evaluated. The model minority has become a crucial representational figure for multicultural nations like Canada because the political economy of these states requires cheap labour that can be hyper-exploited through the dehumanization of racialization. Drawing on articles in Toronto's most prominent newspapers, I argue that Toronto Blue Jays baseball star Jose Bautista has recently assumed the status of a model minority. I elaborate the functions of the model minority through a reading of Bautista's representation.  相似文献   
论述了互连网络拓扑优化设计问题,建立了必要的数学模型,该数学模型是一个非线性组合优化问题,它属于NP—完备类问题。采取拉格朗日松弛法、次梯度迭代算法和启发式算法,得出最优下确界和结论。  相似文献   
本文认为,我国现阶段的高教运行机制正处于过渡与转换的初始阶段,机制转换的完成需要经历一个较长的过渡时期.为了顺利平稳地完成机制转换,必须构建相应的过渡性目标模式,以此作为从适应产品经济到适应有计划的商品经济的高教运行机制模式转换的中介。因此,今后—个时期高教改革的基本思路就不应只朝一个方向努力,而应以国家职能转变为契机,在国家、社会和学校三方面同时展开,并辅之于教育市场的不断培育和竞争机制的逐步加强。  相似文献   
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