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美国医疗保障制度的变迁及启示   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
现代意义上的医疗保障是工业社会转型的产物,它是由政府为社会成员的疾病医疗、健康关怀提供必要的保障,使民众能够积极应对疾病风险,防止因病致贫和因病返贫,促进社会和谐发展。因此,它在国家社会保障体系中始终占据极其重要的地位。作为世界上经济最为发达的国家,美国实行了以医疗保险为核心、具有自身独特性的医疗保障制度,这种制度在50多年的变迁过程中也产生了许多问题引起了美国历届政府持续而艰难的改革。他们的改革理念及改革措施也许能够对当前中国城乡医疗保障制度的建立健全提供一些有益的借鉴。  相似文献   
A heteroscedastic regression based on the odd log-logistic Marshall–Olkin normal (OLLMON) distribution is defined by extending previous models. Some structural properties of this distribution are presented. The estimation of the parameters is addressed by maximum likelihood. For different parameter settings, sample sizes and some scenarios, various simulations investigate the performance of the heteroscedastic OLLMON regression. We use residual analysis to detect influential observations and to check the model assumptions. The new regression explains the mass loss of different wood species in civil construction in Brazil.  相似文献   
利用自回归分布滞后(ADL)模型,结合我国1983到2006年的有关数据,对我国FDI对三次产业的影响作用作出实证分析,得出结论,FDI在短期内对我国经济增长起了较大的促进作用,但长期作用不显著.并结合我国经济现状分析了原因,提出要充分发挥其在经济增长中的作用,需调整FDI在三次产业之间以及产业内部的投资结构.  相似文献   
基于资源观的企业IT能力与企业绩效研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在企业广泛应用信息技术提高竞争能力之际,信息化如何给企业带来效益一直是国内外研究的热点问题.在回顾相关文献的基础上,利用基于资源观的概念框架分析企业IT资源,建立企业IT能力模型;采用配对样本比较和统计检验方法,对企业IT能力与企业绩效之间的关系进行实证分析.研究结果表明,具有卓越IT能力的企业会表现出更好的绩效,这些企业具有显著较高的营业净利率、总资产收益率、净资产收益率和人均净利润.企业不仅需要进行IT投资,更重要的是把IT投资内化为整个企业的IT能力,只有这样IT才会更好地给企业带来效益,这有助于指导中国企业信息化工程的建设和论证.  相似文献   
The widely used Fellegi–Sunter model for probabilistic record linkage does not leverage information contained in field values and consequently leads to identical classification of match status regardless of whether records agree on rare or common values. Since agreement on rare values is less likely to occur by chance than agreement on common values, records agreeing on rare values are more likely to be matches. Existing frequency-based methods typically rely on knowledge of error probabilities associated with field values and frequencies of agreed field values among matches, often derived using prior studies or training data. When such information is unavailable, applications of these methods are challenging. In this paper, we propose a simple two-step procedure for frequency-based matching using the Fellegi–Sunter framework to overcome these challenges. Matching weights are adjusted based on frequency distributions of the agreed field values among matches and non-matches, estimated by the Fellegi–Sunter model without relying on prior studies or training data. Through a real-world application and simulation, our method is found to produce comparable or better performance than the unadjusted method. Furthermore, frequency-based matching provides greater improvement in matching accuracy when using poorly discriminating fields with diminished benefit as the discriminating power of matching fields increases.  相似文献   
在《骆驼祥子》中,祥子和虎妞“恋爱”婚姻生活具有相对独立性,是对才子佳人模式的戏仿。老舍的戏仿从思想上对以才子佳人婚姻模式为代表的市民婚姻文化心理进行了批判,从艺术上对这种叙述模式形成颠覆作用。  相似文献   
实习是医学院校教学过程中实践教学环节的重要组成部分,实习阶段不仅是学生成才的关键时期,也是学生管理难度相对较大的时期。本文结合药学专业学生实习期间管理的一些经验,对实习期间学生管理上存在的突出问题进行了分析,在把握这些问题原因的基础上,企求探索行之有效的管理方法和措施,以利于引导药学班学生将全部精力投入到技能实践中,帮助他们成长为医疗卫生行业中的合格人才。  相似文献   
The East Asian welfare model   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
This article aims to outline main features of the East Asian welfare model, to understand its past development and assess lessons that can be learned for other developing and developed countries. It describes the particular path of welfare state development in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Singapore, by focusing particularly on developmental and political aspects of welfare state development. In the final part of the study, particular features of the East Asian welfare model are outlined, and thus the existence of a distinct, ideal-typical welfare regime in East Asia substantiated.  相似文献   
Mumbai and Stockholm are worlds apart in terms of public services, infrastructures and standard of living. However, both cities have known common problems of social exclusion and marginalisation related to neo‐liberal globalisation. Social workers are facing similar challenges regarding collective empowerment as a strategy for community work. This comparative study explored how collective empowerment is undertaken by community workers. The research participants were 13 informants from community‐work organisations in the two settings. Semi‐structured interviews were used and were analysed with the help of Atlas‐ti 6.2 (ATLAS.ti Scientific Software Development GmbH D‐10623 Berlin Germany). Social work in Mumbai is in a context of extreme poverty and mainly within the informal sector, whereas in Stockholm most social work is done in relation to a public welfare model. In Stockholm, interventions are aimed towards strengthening social networks, without direct aim at social change. In Mumbai, community workers organise people for collective empowerment to strengthen marginalised groups and achieve social change.  相似文献   
胜任力模型是制定人力资源管理相关决策的基础,已有文献关注的重点是中高层管理者,对基层主管胜任力的研究相对薄弱。少量研究构建的基层主管胜任力模型与组织发展需求存在一定的滞后性。因此,选择基层主管胜任力作为关注焦点,构建与高新技术企业情境相对应的基层主管胜任力结构及测度模型,提出了基层主管胜任力的2阶8维的概念模型;采用360度和问卷调查相结合的方法收集大样本数据进行修正;基于AHP确定了基层主管胜任力维度及特征指标赋权,形成了最终的基层主管胜任力测度模型。  相似文献   
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