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Ethical dimensions of friendship have rarely been explicitly addressed as aspects of friendship quality in studies of children's peer relationships. This study identifies aspects of moral virtue significant for friendship, as a basis for empirically investigating the role of ethical qualities in children's friendship assessments and aspirations. We introduce a eudaimonic conception of friendship quality, identify aspects of moral virtue foundational to such quality, review and contest some grounds on which children have been regarded as not mature enough to have friendships that require virtue, and report a qualitative study of the friendship assessments and aspirations of children aged nine and ten (n = 83). In focus group sessions conducted in ten schools across Great Britain, moral qualities figured prominently in children's assessments of friendship quality. The findings provide evidence of children having friendships exhibiting mutual respect, support, and valuing of each other's good character.  相似文献   
Although attachment security has been associated with children's rule‐compatible conduct, the mechanism through which attachment influences early regard for rules is not well established. We hypothesized that effortful control would mediate the link between security and indicators of children's emerging regard for rules (discomfort following rule violations, internalization of parents’ and experimenter's rules, few externalizing behaviors). In a longitudinal study, the Attachment Q‐Set was completed by parents, effortful control was observed, and Regard for Rules was observed and rated by parents. The proposed model fit the data well: Children's security to mothers predicted their effortful control, which in turn had a direct link to a greater Regard for Rules. Children's security with fathers did not predict effortful control. The mother‐child relationship appears particularly important for positive developmental cascades of self‐regulation and socialization.  相似文献   
我国《侵权责任法》延续了《民法通则》的规定,将赔礼道歉作为侵权责任承担方式之一种。从赔礼道歉责任承担方式在我国的产生来看,其有一定的历史时代原因;但在现代法的背景之下,该种责任承担方式不仅在理论上争议颇多,而且造成了司法实践中问题重重,其作为一种责任承担方式的合理性值得怀疑,将其从法律责任还原为道德责任实属必要。  相似文献   
本文对里克纳《美式家庭:品质教育家长对策》一书阐述的理论及其启示加以论述。  相似文献   
关于德治,有三种重要的解释,也即德教、德政与道德法律化。它们都有各自的问题。德治作为德教的问题在于:德治如何能成为与法治比肩的治国方略?在证成德治时,如何能够从关于道德功用的事实判断推出德治这一价值判断?如何证成道德建设的可行性与有效性?如何证成国家介入道德建设的正当性和必要性?德治作为德政的问题是:德政已是人类社会的常识,似乎没有必要借助于德治的概念来推广,而且它无法很好地解释人们提出德治理念时心中已有的德治与法治的背景关系。德治作为道德法律化面临的挑战是:它可能会危及人们自由选择自己道德生活的权利,毁损人生的意义与价值,扰乱人们的道德认知与评价,并使得法律必须满足的一些要件难以实现,影响法律规则的合理性。  相似文献   
道德是上层建筑的意识形态,由社会经济关系决定,并反作用于社会经济关系。我国社会主义道德对社会主义建设和改革开放发挥巨大促进作用,是中华人民共和国前进的道德力量,在中国人民站起来到富起来再到强起来的征程中,起着精神引导作用。中国共产党历来重视思想道德建设,新中国成立之后,注重道德对社会主义建设的积极作用,坚持两个文明一起抓,法治与德治相结合,大力推进公民道德建设,发挥道德模范的示范作用,大力加强学校思想道德建设。70年来,特别是党的十八大以来,以习近平同志为核心的党中央采取各种措施大力加强思想道德建设,我国伦理学学科建设成果丰硕。这一系列的工作凝聚起强大的道德力量,使人民群众焕发出极大的爱国热情,华夏儿女同心同德,共圆中华民族复兴之梦。  相似文献   
道德濡化具有代际制约性。在传统的和谐—控制型代际关系下,道德濡化模式为"前喻型",它使道德濡化得以较好实现。当代社会变迁中,代际关系趋于复杂,代际隔阂产生,前喻型道德濡化模式不再适应新的代际关系,道德濡化遭遇时代困境。当代道德濡化要想走出困境,需要建立和谐—平等型代际关系,建构互喻型道德濡化模式。  相似文献   
当代人尤其是青年人面临诸多现实世界中自我难以解决的矛盾和困惑时,期许能在电子"伊甸园"中找回自我价值和精神皈依。然而,虚拟空间并非想象中的天堂,类似"面具"的交流形式遮蔽着许多本真的存在,消解了现实世界的核心价值;游离在虚拟和现实之间的自我与社会脱离;对网络的过渡依赖性导致人格的异化;方向感的迷茫和自我定位的偏差,使得价值追求从崇高滑向流俗甚至恶俗。数字化生存方式正颠覆着传统生活方式和现实生活世界的诸多价值标准,而信息崇拜的推波助澜,更使人们产生了一种莫名的幸福被剥夺的感觉。  相似文献   
This article explores the obligations of presence behind work-related mobility for academics in internationalizing higher education systems. By further developing John Urry’s concept of ‘meetingness’, the article reveals how academics depend on corporeal and virtual mobility to create and maintain a networked professional life outside their own institution, which is crucial in the context of changing work conditions. Our insights are drawn from original qualitative research (42 interviews) in a Flemish and Danish context. The data reveal obligations of presence associated with an interrelated mix of functionality, and the construction of dense and sparse social networks that together support career success and work at the frontiers of academic knowledge. Despite the now well-recognized costs of corporeal mobility, obligations of presence result in virtual and corporeal mobility coexisting, rather than the former substituting for the latter. Virtual mobility is mainly used when conflicting obligations of presence exist, and as a means of sustaining networks over time given the processual nature of meetingness, rather than as a means to reduce levels of corporeal mobility.  相似文献   
L'auteure analyse l'effet de la rigueur du dispositif de mise en application de la législation sur le respect effectif des droits au travail lorsque les règles et sanctions dépendent des effectifs de l'entreprise. À partir de données de l'enquête auprès des ménages du Pérou (2008–2013), elle examine l'influence en la matière de facteurs déjà connus (effet dissuasif de l'inspection, glissement vers le secteur informel) mais aussi celui du «redimensionnement», stratégie utilisée par les employeurs pour se prévaloir de régimes plus favorables. Elle montre que l'intensité du dispositif de contrôle n'influe que modérément sur le degré de conformité. L'effet «redimensionnement» est lui aussi limité.  相似文献   
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