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目前,学前教育专业男生朗读技能训练的课程中,在发音上存在着声母和韵母发音混淆的问题。男生的舌尖敏感度明显不如女生。男生在练习时要分清发音部位,了解发音方法,学会控制气息。教师要训练男生依靠发音部位和发音方法之间的准确配合,利用对气息的控制,真正掌握正确读出声母的诀窍。男生要学会灵活运用口腔和舌头,掌握每个元音发音时口腔的开合度,舌面的高低升降,唇形的圆展变化,克服弱点,多练多学,纠正发音问题。要提高朗读水平,男生自己的内因,即主动学习的态度十分关键。  相似文献   
家庭和社区参与的高质量学前教育是乡村振兴计划的基础。通过对我国西部S省农村地区的两次实地调查发现,受该地区园所特点、教育政策和传统观念等的影响,农村地区幼儿园运用家庭和社区资源总体较低但也有所改善,对家庭资源的运用高于社区资源,对社区历史文化资源的运用较为薄弱。基于此结果提出了运用家庭和社区资源是农村幼儿园发展的必然选择;利用政策杠杆发掘农村地区家庭和社区资源;职后培训提高农村幼儿园教师运用家庭和社区资源的实效性等建议。  相似文献   
本文通过对甘青藏区传统民间手工艺中的甘南玛尼石刻和青海湟中敲铜工艺的田野考察,对两类民间工艺的制作工艺、宗教信仰背景、生产模式、文化内涵等方面做了详细分析,并且对甘青藏区的传统民间工艺在新时代的活态传承进行反思。  相似文献   
经史之学与清代书院科举文教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
清代书院官学化,很多书院重视科举。有些书院虽从事科举文教育,但不唯之是从,而是将科举文教育与经史之学教育结合起来。此举上溯于中国古代社会推崇经史之学的优良传统,根植于孔子“博学于文”的思想主张,来源于以学术导向矫正利禄歪风的迫切要求。生徒只有学充养邃,才会眼界高、气味厚、笔力健。清代一些书院将科举文教育与经史之学教育结合起来,使得生徒学文不是局限于写作技巧的训练,而是拓展为与炼品、践行、培识的结合。这些书院通过教育,能够为社会培养有用人才。  相似文献   
魏晋名士艺术境界的形成路径清晰而富于哲理,他们通过心身外在表现的审美追求以获得艺术对象审美外观的人格化,通过“远”之本体追问与“远”之身体探寻来实现人生和艺术的玄远境界,使得“心”臻至“无”之境与“美”臻至“无我”之境在人生与艺术层面完美融通。如此,魏晋名士与肉身以及欲望存在的自我渐行渐远,而生命精神却始终作为不可或缺的逻辑线索,延续于人生、艺术之中,成为艺术精神和人格蕴含的内在逻辑线索。  相似文献   
熊安生是继王肃之后,在南北朝时期的礼学传承和《礼记》疏解方面产生重要影响的经学家,身居北朝,与南朝的皇侃以“三礼学”并鸣。唐孔颖达的《礼记正义》对熊安生《礼记义疏》的文句有相当程度的选取和保留,并有所评判。熊安生对《礼记》的解说和诠释,既显现出对郑玄学说的继承与发展,又呈现出相应的时代特色,而且很多内容成为孔颖达《礼记正义》不能不加的引述和必要的参考依据。那么,诸如沿袭郑注而有所引申、提出不同于郑义的解说、称引纬书及其郑玄注以为己说、称引其他经书与典籍以解义等方面,就成为熊安生礼记学的突出特点。另外从孔颖达《礼记正义》当中大量的评议以及后世学者的关注和评价,也可以看到熊安生礼记学的经学史价值所在。  相似文献   
债券增信能帮助企业以更好的条件发行债券,因而对企业的创新能力产生影响。通过对2007-2015年上市债券的研究发现:债券增信能够显著提升企业创新能力,但不同的增信方式(第三方保证、抵押和质押)其影响存在差异,其中,以采用抵押担保的增信方式效果为最佳;并且,债券增信对企业创新的提升效果在融资约束企业更为明显,从另一侧面证明了融资约束对企业创新的负面影响。  相似文献   
关于村干部角色行为的研究有两种取向:一是对村干部应该如何的“名”的研究,二是对村干部实际如何的“实”的研究。赵村的村干部的“名”与“实”经历了从融合到偏离的历史性嬗变。改革开放后,因对村干部有了新的要求与期待,历史变迁的惯性及相应的政策及制度性规定为村干部角色行为提供了基础,包办型村干部经历了“名”与“实”的短暂融合。但随着村庄出现可赢利的巨额集体资产,村干部以派性斗争为核心争夺村庄权力,以自我获利为目的,造成村庄集体资产流失,村民利益受损,赢利型村干部的“名”与“实”严重偏离。以制度治村为核心的纠偏机制的运行,以期扭转赢利型村干部“名”与“实”偏离的行为,却导致了放任型村干部的出现,这实际上是另一种形式的“名”与“实”的偏离,村干部“名”与“实”偏离的困境依然没有摆脱。  相似文献   
As a national strategic pillar industry of tourism, it is very important to explore the innovation and integration of tourism industry in Bay area of Hangzhou Bay. Based on the economic data of seven cities in Bay area of Hangzhou Bay from 2003 to 2016, this paper establishes an index system for evaluating the competitiveness of tourism industry, uses the method of information entropy weight to determine the index weight, and uses the method of standard deviation and coefficient of variation to measure the development level of tourism industry in Bay area comprehensively. The results show that:(1) The competitiveness of tourism industry in Bay area has risen slightly over the past 14 years, and the ranking of competitiveness of cities has shown a stable trend, and the trend of integration is obvious. (2) The advantages of human tourism resources in Bay area urban agglomeration are obvious. It is necessary to reorganize, complement, innovate and integrate the tourism resources of each city in the region, and take “culture + science and technology” as the driving force to promote the transformation, upgrading, innovation and development of tourism products.(3) The tourism industry in Bay area should take resource endowment as its core competitiveness, strengthen the construction of ecological environment in the whole region, seek the upgrading and expansion mode of “pan-text tourism industry” with the help of information technology and regional excellent traffic conditions, economic basis and innovation ability, and realize the leap of “quality” of the competitiveness of tourism industry in Bay area.  相似文献   
The varieties and different form of contemporary films and television works have brought a great impact to the group of college students' ideas and behaviors. The works are the textbook of outlook on life, the guide of values, the leader of outlook on beauty, to contemporary college students. This paper points out that the contemporary film and television works play an important role in the ideological and political education of contemporary college students. For positive transmission and aesthetic reconstruction of Chinese film and television works from the perspective of ideological and political education, one needs to do the following things: to explore new ways of aesthetic education in the Internet era through film and television aesthetic education; Refusing to cultivate the one-dimensional personality in the media age by film and television aesthetic education; To build a new type of film and television aesthetic education system, for a new breakthrough in film and television art classroom, so as to promote the all-round development of contemporary college students in moral, intellectual, physical, beauty, labor.  相似文献   
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