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田中阳 《云梦学刊》2007,28(6):21-25
五四时期报刊的民族主义话语,既体现了民族主义、爱国主义的质的一种飞跃。又体现了一种多元的开放的现代形态。当时通过报刊话语表述,形成三种主要的思想文化思潮,即资产阶级的自由主义,坚守传统文化立场的文化保守主义和以马克思主义为指导的社会主义。三种思想文化恩潮虽然各执一端,但出发点都是为民族探寻自强之路,都体现一种十分执著的爱国精神。  相似文献   
张元济承天降之大任,投身商务印书馆60年,在总结前人汇刻经验的基础上,通过收书、藏书、整理出版古籍丛书,将丛书的广博气象和校印水平推向极致,成为近代丛书编纂的巨擘。他主持编纂的涵芬楼秘笈、四部丛刊、百衲本二十四史、续古逸丛书、丛书集成初编、四库全书珍本初集、孤本元杂剧等七部丛书如北斗七星,在中华文化的灿烂星空中熠熠发光。  相似文献   
More than 500 Aboriginal women have gone missing or been murdered in Canada since the 1980s yet press attention to this violence is relatively minimal. This paper compares local press coverage of matched cases: three missing/murdered Aboriginal women from Saskatchewan and three missing/murdered White women from Ontario. Quantitative and qualitative content analyses indicate stark disparities in the amount and content of coverage between groups. The Aboriginal women received three and a half times less coverage; their articles were shorter and less likely to appear on the front page. Depictions of the Aboriginal women were also more detached in tone and scant in detail in contrast to the more intimate portraits of the White women. Drawing on feminist media studies and theories of intersectionality, this paper argues that the simultaneous devaluation of Aboriginal womanhood and idealization of middle-class White womanhood contributes to broader systemic inequalities which re/produce racism, sexism, classism, and colonialism. This paper raises concerns about the broader implications of the relative invisibility of missing/murdered Aboriginal women in the press, and their symbolic annihilation from the Canadian social landscape.  相似文献   
本文从培养报纸核心竞争力入手,提出了以壮大报纸实力为目标的经营策略,强调目标营销、新闻活动等在报业经营中的重要性,并指出报业竞争实质上是报纸质量的竞争,报纸质量乃是报业经营的基础,只有保证质量才能最终赢得市场、赢得读者。  相似文献   
This paper draws together empirical work that has been produced by the authors in two different autistic spaces: the Swedish magazine Empowerment produced by and aimed at adults with autism, and English-speaking autistic communities online. While the two points of data collection are quite different, there are important points of commonality that enable us to explore central issues concerning autistic and neurotypical space and the meanings assigned to these in different contexts. The paper aims to introduce the notion of social geographies of autism, based on talks among adults with autism and a social movement to promote autistic identities, giving examples from our previous work that has spanned both online and off-line spaces. Key issues discussed in the paper include a focus on autistic political platforms and the carving out of both social and political spaces for people with autism. In doing so, neuro-separate and neuro-shared spaces must be negotiated.  相似文献   
Geographical location as a “natural” attribute of news has always been a source of news manipulation. This research investigates how different community newspapers select, interpret, and package events originating in places of varying distances. Contextualized in Hong Kong, three media frames (authority, conflict, and attribution) are closely examined and theoretically connected to three types of newspapers (mass appeal, elite, and pro-establishment) across four locales (local, mainland China, Asian, and international). To test the hypotheses, a large-scale content analysis of 14 daily newspapers in Hong Kong was conducted. On the whole, findings supported the three hypotheses, showing that local news was systematically differentiated from non-local news in terms of the frequency of political authorities cited, presence of diversified opinions, and the likelihood of either individuals or institutions being blamed for social wrongs. Considerable variations were detected across different types of newspapers as well. Theoretical and social implications of the empirical findings are discussed.  相似文献   
《妇女杂志》被称为“近代妇女史上第一份历史悠久的大型刊物”,从创刊之初,《妇女杂志》便试图建立言说西方世界的链条。1916年,商务印书馆启用胡彬夏为主编,借助其留学西方的亲身经历述说欧美平凡女性的真实生活,并将言说主体向“妇女与家庭”偏移。从中我们可以寻迹《妇女杂志》(1916)所建构的欧美镜像及其建构过程。  相似文献   
学术期刊是因适应学术交流的需要而产生,又因适应学术文献的增多而发展的。西方发达国家学术期刊的发展历史远远早于我国,名刊的数量也非我国所能比,且在期刊运作上有很多成功的做法。了解西方发达国家学术期刊的发展趋势,借鉴其成功做法,时我国学术期刊走出国门,早日成为世界级的名刊无疑是极为有利的。  相似文献   
近代报刊"喉舌论"考辨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近代报刊发展初期,自由主义是使“喉舌”获得自由的主义,“喉舌论”是使言论自由成为现实的理论。戊戌变法前后,维新变法人士的报刊“喉舌论”,首先是要求封建专制统治者还民众以话语权,给民众以监督官吏、监督政治、监督社会、变法图强的政治权力;其次,他们还十分强调报刊“去塞求通”的“喉舌”功能,这是他们对启蒙民众,宣讲民主、科学的真理,沟通社会上下和国家内外信息以变革社会的话语制权的强调。辛亥革命前后,资产阶级民主革命派的报刊“喉舌论”,则是要求其报刊成为宣传革命思想、推翻帝制统治、建立资产阶级民主共和国的“喉舌”,掌控革命舆论的话语制权。  相似文献   
中外记者招待会是中外沟通和相互了解的重要桥梁,是树立中国良好的国际形象,让世界了解中国,让中国了解世界的重要途径。文章从外交、外事角度,在国际交流语用研究理论的指导下,运用文献引证和实例分析的方法,探讨了中外记者招待会的语用特征——坦率性、模糊性、委婉性、论辩性和幽默性。  相似文献   
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