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每一种亲属称谓制度都是建立在与其对应的某一婚姻家庭制度之上的。由于亲属称谓制度的变化要比婚姻家庭制度的更替缓慢的缘故,因而通过现行的大众化的亲属称谓制度就已很难恢复出人类历史上曾流行过的一些婚姻家庭制度。但是局部地域的“与众不同”的亲属称谓制度却能反照昔日存在过的某些婚制,青海海东地区汉族的父辈男性序称法等几例特殊的亲属称谓制度就能折射出不少现已不大采行或完全绝迹的婚姻家庭制度。 相似文献
一种新的动态综合评价方法 总被引:36,自引:3,他引:36
在经济管理与决策中, 经常遇到大量的动态综合评价问题. 动态综合评价问题的核心是
评价指标在不同时刻的权重系数的确定. 针对由时序立体数据表支持的综合评价问题的特殊
性, 提出了一种新的确定权重系数的“‘纵横向’拉开档次”法, 并给出一个实际例子. 该方法具
有原理简单、直观意义明显、评价过程“透明”等特点. 相似文献
Sushil Gupta Christos Koulamas George J. Kyparisis 《Production and Operations Management》2009,18(6):604-620
We review, classify, consolidate, and synthesize the contributions to the expanding field of e‐business that have been published in Production and Operations Management. We classify e‐business research in the following four categories: (1) e‐auctions, (2) radio frequency identification, (3) e‐business system design, and (4) competition, conflict, collaboration, and coordination (C4 in e‐business). We identify important research themes, research methodologies, and research techniques within each of these categories. We also provide directions for future research and discuss the managerial implications of the e‐business research reported in our paper. 相似文献
Elliot Rabinovich Arnold Maltz Rajiv K. Sinha 《Production and Operations Management》2008,17(3):320-337
We investigate trade‐offs among markups, service quality, and product attributes across customer, Internet retailer, and wholesaler echelons. Research has documented the reality of retail price dispersion, but little is known about how retail markups, in particular, are related to service quality and product attributes. For example, do Internet retailers deliver superior service in return for high markups? Do product characteristics affect the relationship between service and markups for retailers? To examine these issues, we first developed a model of Internet retail profitability that separates revenues and costs related to sales from other profit sources. This framework allowed us to position our work alongside the extant literature about Internet retailing. Moreover, it led us to synthesize service quality dimensions found in Internet retailing studies. We subsequently developed a critical‐event study based on the profit model and the synthesis of service quality dimensions to delineate service aspects that retailers should emphasize to address buyers' utility. Finally, we collected data from Internet purchases across retailers to isolate markup‐service quality trade‐offs along our delineated service aspects. We find that high markups are associated with superior performance across service quality dimensions. Furthermore, this trade‐off becomes more acutely defined when products with variable popularity are transacted. 相似文献
In this paper, we propose an estimator of the Lyapunov exponent of the skeleton for chaotic time series with dynamic noise and prove the consistency of the estimator under some assumptions. 相似文献
We consider the two-sample t-test where error variances are unknown but with known relationships between them. This situation arises, for example, when two measuring instruments average different number of replicates to report the response. In particular we compare our procedure with the usual Satterthwaite approximation in the two sample t-test with variances unequal. Our procedure uses the knowledge of a known ratio of variances while the Satterthwaite approximation assumes only that the two variances are unequal. Simulations show that our procedure has both better size and better power than the Satterthwaite approximation. Finally, we consider an extension of our results to the General Linear Model. 相似文献
网上支付的问题与对策 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
强调网上支付是电子商务发展的关键。指出了目前我国在网上支付业务的供给与需求、网上支付工具的开发与使用、网上安全认证机构的建设与统一等方面都存在着很多问题。在对这些问题进行分析的基础上 ,提出了相应的解决对策 相似文献
对大学生社区服务活动的理性思考 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
田浩 《广西青年干部学院学报》2002,12(1):22-24
大学生社区服务活动的现时性内涵已十分丰富:学雷锋活动的新发展;志愿者精神的具体体现;思想政治工作的重要活动载体;参与两个文明建设的有效途径。它有利于大学生了解社会、拓展素质,并发挥文化科技优势、提升社区品味。目前,大学生社区服务活动的组织、制度、物质、舆论四大保证的示范、前瞻、导向作用已经发生;但仍缺乏市场运作机制、文化渗透通道、社会滋润沃土、贯彻始终的纽带。必须由单向服务向双向服务、传统观念向现代观念、浅层服务向深层服务,组织行为向社会行为、有形结对向无形结对方面深化。 相似文献
青年科技创新行动必须坚持以经济建设为中心、服务科教兴国战略,培养青年创新素质的原则,坚持有的放矢的工作思路。其工作重点应放在:培养青年创新人才;推动科技成果的生产、创造、推广、应用;促进青年科技人才与项目的对接,建立青年科技创新示范基地。机制建设中的网络、奖励、阵地、政策的建立健全很重要,能发挥处理好服务大局与体现青年特点、继承与创新活动与机制、统一要求与创造性工作之间关系的功效。 相似文献
江泽民强调,落实“三个代表”思想,本质在于坚持执政为民。为此,我党领导干部都必须直面权力私有化、权力庸俗化、权力商品化三大权力风险问题的新考验;充分认识经受得住考验事关我党执政地位与资格、事关人民群众的共同愿望和要求、事关我党领导干部政治生命的当代意义;努力在自我修养、自身素质、民主集中制、党内外监督、党纪政纪自律诸方面加强执政为民的思想、组织、作风与制度建设;在为民用权、秉公用权、依法用权、审慎用权这四大重要切入口努力提高执政为民水平。 相似文献