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理性与非理性——以人性能力为视域   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人既以成己与成物为价值目标,也以之为基本的存在方式。成己与成物所指向的是认识世界与改变世界、认识自我与改变自我,其所以可能的内在根据则是人性能力。作为成己与成物所以可能的前提,人性能力的具体形态可以从不同的方面加以理解。以真善美为指向,人性能力涉及认识、道德、审美等领域。与可以认识什么(what can I know)相联系的是认识能力,后者体现于知什么(know that)、知如何(know how)等;与应当做什么(what ought I to do)相关联的是道德实践的能力,后者具体展开于道德选择、评价等过程;相应于合目的性与合规律性的统一的,则是审美能力,后者体现于美的创造和判断。就成己与成物的过程而言,人性能力同时也展现为不同作用方式及与此相关的多样形态。  相似文献   
This article addresses innovation as a strategic instrument in human resource management capacity building in the age of globalization. To meet the challenges of globalization—negative as well as positive—capacity building is needed in areas of organization, management, governance, and public administration all over the world. Innovation is defined, strategic innovations and innovative strategies are explained, capacity building is delineated, and over 22 areas or realms of innovation are identified, explained, and emphasized as strategic instruments of capacity building. Viewing human resources as human capital and beyond, the article argues that without human resources nothing can be accomplished, and without a well-trained, well-developed, well-appreciated, and well-managed human resources, modern organizations of government and business cannot meet the challenges of the globalization age, which demands a new generation of future-oriented, anticipatory managers who can develop effective visions and manage organizations by riding the high waves of change in the turbulent world.  相似文献   
当前农村教育仍然面临诸多问题,为纾解困境,推动乡村教育发展,选拔和培养小学全科教师成为关键举措。作为基础教育的先行者与后继者,中师生与全科教师之间有什么共性和差异,如何评价两者的优劣短长,如何总结百年中师办学历史,如何优化全科教师教育,这些都关乎教师教育振兴和基础教育的高质量发展。基于历史考察、个案访谈和对比分析,深度剖析中师生R与全科教师T在学业素养、发展机遇、职业轨迹、专业成长四个方面的异同,进而从产生背景、职前教育、职后表现和个人体验四个方面展开讨论。研究结果表明,中师生和全科教师产生背景有别、教育层次不同、职后表现各有短长、个人体验不容忽视。我们既不能夸大中师教育的优势,也不能无视全科教育的成就。当前在继续坚持现有全科教师培养政策的同时,应进一步拓展从入口、过程到出口的开放性和多元选择的渠道,增加乡村教育吸引力;改变招考方式,优先选拔具有乡村教育情怀和发展潜力的生源,重视培养全科教师的教育情怀;关注全科教师的思想动态和心理健康,不断提高他们的职业成就感和幸福感,夯实乡村教育高质量发展的人才基础。  相似文献   
在晚清那样的报界“政论时代”,与辉煌耀眼的政治家报人相比,职业报人是一个倍受偏见和冷落的群体。但是,从落拓文人到报界闻人;从困顿于生计的下层文士到自由职业者的城市中层,晚清职业报人的命运跌宕,演绎了传统士人由四民之首地位滑落被推向文化市场的全番过程。与此同时,晚清这样一个急骤变迁、新旧文化剧烈撞击的时代,赋予了新兴职业文人充满矛盾的精神内涵。爱国的本性使报人能够超越个人悲欢,汇入时代激流。强国富民、启蒙救亡成为贯穿晚清职业报人活动的一条思想主线;中国早期报业近代化的每一步履,都留下了他们辛勤耕耘的足迹。  相似文献   
国际资本流入有助于一国的经济增长。但国际资本流入的经济增长效应不会自动产生,它需要东道国具备相应的对国际资本吸收、消化和利用的能力。而这种能力通常会受经济发展阶段要素禀赋结构、阶段任务和发展目标的制约。随着经济发展阶段的变迁,利用国际资本的方式和效应也要发生动态改变。东亚和拉美的一些国家为此积累了宝贵的经验和教训。  相似文献   
公司是具有法人资格的企业组织,因此具有相应的权利能力和行为能力。由于公司是一个无生命的组织体,因此,其权利能力和行为能力与自然人存在明显的不同。单就行为能力而言,公司行为能力与自然人的行为能力的最大区别是:公司的行为能力与公司的权利能力同时产生和同时消灭,公司的行为能力范围与公司权利能力的范围完全一致。公司行为能力的运用与自然人相比最大的特点是:公司的行为能力要通过其代表机关实现,其代表机关以公司的名义对外进行的行为,被认为是公司本身的行为。由于公司的代表机关也是由自然人组成的无生命的机构,因此,公司行为能力的直接实施者,也即最终对外代表公司的是公司的代表人,而公司的意思通过书面文件上的法定代表人签章和公司的印章来推定。  相似文献   
我国民法对胎儿的保护很不完善,导致胎儿利益受损失无法得到应有的救济。未来的民事立法应明确保护胎儿法益,并对保护模式和保护范围等基础性问题作出选择。  相似文献   
Manufacturing firms would like to maximize customer satisfaction by providing them with what they need when they need it. This, however, would mean continual variations in production quantities, and component orders from suppliers. A flexible manufacturing system can help alleviate costs related to modification of production quantities. The capacity of such a system, however, has to be limited because of high investment cost. Further, unless there is a long‐term relationship, suppliers may levy a high surcharge for last minute changes in order size. We model a hybrid control policy comprising an advance (pre‐production) order size agreed upon with suppliers, and a provision for real‐time order revision at a given rate of surcharge. We show that a rank‐order of products can be used for real‐time revisions, and that a strong buyer‐supplier relationship that keeps these surcharges low can actually help increase profits for both parties. We study issues such as compatibility between JIT and flexibility, and the impact of market conditions on overall profitability.  相似文献   
Young adults with disabilities are a specific target of the welfare-to-work policy introduced by many OECD countries over the past decade. The implementation of these policies is a significant concern for service delivery organisations and advocates in Australia and internationally due to complex intersecting structural barriers that persist for many young adults with disabilities. A particular focus of this article is work capacity assessments. Drawing on socio-political theories and interpretive policy analysis, the 22 in-depth interviews with personnel from service delivery organisations and advocacy organisations reveal how the deemed capacity to work process is not only interpreted as flawed, but the current policy approach disables young adults, perpetuates stigma, and creates division between service users and service providers. The accounts reinforce the need to contest such assessments and instead turn towards a rights-based capability approach permitting young adults with disability self-determination over their education-to-employment pathway.  相似文献   
An increasing number of migrant social workers are employed in the UK social work sector. This article explores the acculturative integration experiences of a small group of migrant social workers. We critically observe that research on migrant professionals’ trajectories should adopt theories that emphasise people’s empowerment and potential for agency. We use a framework drawing on liberation psychology for analysing the autobiographical narratives of a sample of migrant social workers employed in England. Findings indicate that the participants perceived prejudice on a number of occasions and circumstances. Even though in their narrative of survival they talked about activating several psychosocial resources, they were skeptical about their professional development and dissatisfied at work. The paper discusses the emerging findings while highlighting the framework’s relevance for understanding these experiences from an empowering acculturation perspective and suggesting ways of improving migrant social workers’ acculturative integration by addressing systemic barriers.  相似文献   
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