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Emotions have been neglected in education and online education, in favor of a heavy emphasis on cognition and rationality. This article explores the significance of emotion in learning and how recent research is identifying some pathways and dynamics in the way emotions impact on learning and on web-based learning. Online learners have not been considered as “emotional beings” and web-based education has not addressed this dimension in any significant way. A constructivist, emotionally-oriented (CEO) model of web-based education is introduced which emphasizes safety, challenge, and new thinking, and offers several strategies to enhance the emotional experience of learners.  相似文献   
Twenty highly religious Chinese Christian married couples (n = 40) were interviewed to examine how religious faith influenced their perceptions of marriage and family life. Most participants held advanced graduate degrees (14 PhD and 13 MS degrees). Their ages ranged from 28 to 66, and the number of children ranged from one to four. Grounded theory methods (including open coding and axial coding) were applied to analyze the data. Based on the interview data three emergent themes were identified: (1) Moving from atheism to theism (“God is love”), (2) changing perceptions of marriage (“Marriage is established by God”), and (3) a new priority (“Put God first”). Supporting qualitative data are presented in connection with each theme. Implications for research and practice related to Chinese immigrants’ marriage and family in the United States are discussed.  相似文献   
敦煌文献中的《庐山远公话》和《叶净能诗》,是两篇宗教文学话本.它们都是佛教徒或道教徒利用民间说话艺术形式进行宗教宣传、神话宗教人物的宣传作品.《庐山远公话》叙东晋名僧惠远的故事,但除了惠远家住雁门、庐山出家的基本框架外,其他绝大部分情节、特别是其主干情节如白庄劫寺、远公为奴、远公与道安论议等都是作者虚构的.这种虚构在正统僧人看来是"诳",但对于文学作品来说,却是非常必要的,是文学的自觉.《叶净能诗》则把初唐至盛唐百余年间的明崇俨、申天师、叶法善、罗公远等著名道士的奇闻轶事都"捏合"在道士叶净能的身上,集中表现他的奇术异能.该话本有些情节写得饶有风趣,宣传教化及娱心两相兼顾.  相似文献   
情与志的密不可分、合二而一是中国舞蹈审美在内容层面上的独有特征;拧、倾、曲、圆的形态特征,轻盈流动的舞姿,精彩绝伦的旋转形象共同构成古代舞蹈审美形式层面上"圆润流转"的美学风格;在艺术思想层面上,中国古代舞蹈审美直接指向意境,从圆润流转的舞蹈艺术形式中流溢出空灵流动的生命情调和神韵,在舞蹈艺术表演中又蕴涵着以实带虚、虚实相生的思想,而这些恰恰是其它一切古典艺术样式的最高美学追求。  相似文献   
在张爱玲以上海为背景的小说中,弥漫着浓郁的“都市风情”。张爱玲从女性的视角和生活环境出发,重视人与景、人与物的联系。她长于在小说中对上海的街巷、公馆(公寓)的堂屋、阳台等的点染描绘。这些小景色、小环境往往成为她小说中人物重要的活动场所。她笔下的人物与环境融为一体,相互补充,相互映衬,构成了上海都市风情的重要内容,也显示了张爱玲卓越的艺术才情。同时,张爱玲善于营造世态人情氛围,从而为她的“都市风情画”注入了日常生活气息。  相似文献   
Intermarriage and the demography of secularization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
One way of measuring religious affiliation is to look at rites of initiation such as baptism. English statistics show that for the first time since the Church of England was founded, less than half the nation is Anglican on this criterion. The pattern of formal religious transmission changed during the Second World War. Previously christening was quasi-universal, and the Church of England was the preferred provider. By the end of the war baptism was evidently optional, and chosen principally by parents whose religious identities matched. Further analysis suggests that affiliation now tends to be lost following marriage to someone from a different religious background, though the USA differs from Europe in this respect. A demographic theory of advanced secularization is outlined that specifies a proximal cause for declining religious affiliation, and provides tools for predicting the changes to be expected over future decades. The theory also helps to explain why affiliation may fall most quickly where there is most religious diversity.  相似文献   
本文对路德中、晚期宗教改革活动作了认真的考察研究,认为他并没有"背叛市民资产阶级的宗教改革路线"、"出卖农民的利益",也没有"堕落成为诸侯的奴仆",相反,他的改革立场是前后一贯的,他始终是一位执着追求自己理想的市民资产阶级宗教改革家,具有坚定的爱国主义的政治思想家,基本上完成了当时德国历史所赋予的任务.  相似文献   
郭正域流传到今天的《文选》评本共有三种,它们之间内容都有出入,应皆是依当时流行的评本、又有所选择加工而成。作为较早的文人评本,郭正域的《文选》评点与出现于其前的书商操作评本有着质的差别,在《文选》评点学史上有着重大的价值与意义。在评点中,郭正域表达了对七子派主张的不满,明确提倡六朝文学,强调文学作品的“表情”作用。批评谢灵运作品的独特角度,则有补七子派一味以格调衡文之偏的重要意义。他的评点也提示着当代人对评点著作应给予更多的关注,以免造成文学批评史的遗珠之憾。  相似文献   
新兴期的云南民俗研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章将新兴期的云南民俗研究分为两个阶段,即1949年至1966年;1978年至今.从而指出民俗研究在认识论上的重大改变,在研究方法上的新探索以及新兴期云南民俗研究的主要成果.  相似文献   
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