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易奔 《阴山学刊》2005,18(2):70-73
中国经济的持续快速增长使得中国崛起问题日益受到广泛关注。所谓“崛起”本身是一个比较性的概念,它既包括一国自身历史与现实的纵向比较,也包括同时期与他国的横向比较,一国崛起有程度和性质之分,中国和平崛起不会走向霸权,崛起的性质是渐进的、和平的。和平崛起的内涵就是在和平的前提下通过竞争实现崛起,中国和平崛起在外交方面应有以“和”为中心理念;以竞争多赢、共同发展为目标;以大国关系、睦邻友好、经济外交和合作宽容、着眼长远为战略要义等内涵。  相似文献   
中国大众审美意识是随着中国社会改革开放的迅猛发展而强势崛起的。其中大众传媒的快速发展、消费意识的短期形成、市场经济体制的全面推行、国际文化的多方位对接和个性文化需求意识的自主觉醒,是我国大众审美意识强势崛起的重要社会动因。  相似文献   
循环经济是一种新的经济发展模式,是人类在追求可持续发展过程中所作出的一种理性选择,其出现不是某一种因素单一作用的结果,而是多种因素合力作用的结果,是人类在反思传统经济发展模式、矫正"制度失灵"和与自然合作博弈理性选择的结果.  相似文献   
本文从“二元制构造”的角度解释党项势力于唐末崛起的事项。作者认为,唐朝疆域和民族(族群)是由农耕地区、汉人为核心的内层与非农地区(牧业、半农半牧等)、非汉群体的外层结合而成的。当内层力量强于外层的时候,向心力聚增而形成一统性的王朝;反之,外层有可能脱离内层的控制而自行其事。安史之乱削弱了内层实力,致使外层势力上升。党项的崛起即源自于此,其发展之盛,即在吐蕃衰微之时。党项崛起之实质,是地方势力分立的表现。其族性之张扬则依随于此并在唐朝消亡以后才膨胀的。  相似文献   
1997年以来,农民收入增长陷入持续低迷,其中一个重要原因在于农村经济组织的发展滞后。国内外的经验表明,农民专业合作经济组织作为一种组织创新,是促进农民收入增长的一个重要载体。不过,目前中国农民专业合作经济组织在发展过程中存在很多问题,需要进一步采取措施来推进其发展,以促进中国农民收入的增长。  相似文献   
法国工资优先权制度研究 --兼论我国工资保护制度的完善   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
《法国民法典》对工资的特别保护集中体现于工资优先权,它使工资债权人享有优先受偿的特殊权利,此外国家还通过超级工资优先权和强制保险制度进一步加强对工资的特别保护。中国在保护工资方面的立法比较落后,拖欠工资已经成为我国突出的社会现象。虽然中国政府曾对这些弱势群体予以高度关注并采取了一定的措施,但劳动者在追讨工资的过程中往往处于明显的劣势,落后的制度设计使我国的工资保护制度仅仅停留在理念层面,并未取得明显的现实效果。该文比较研究了法国和中国在保护工资方面的制度差异,并提出了完善我国工资保护制度的立法建议。  相似文献   
澳大利亚英语作为英语的一大区域变体,在承袭了18世纪英国伦敦音特色的同时,亦形成了自己独特的语音风格。文中提出了它区别于其他主流英语的两大特征:地域统一性和社会阶层性;系统地分析了澳洲英语在元音、辅音和非疑问语气陈述句升调中所体现出的独特地域特征;指出“澳洲式”语言变迁将更具“南十字星空特色”。  相似文献   
This paper examines the ambivalent positioning of difference in western multicultural nation-states in the neoliberal moment. It does so by analyzing the multiple and contradictory ways that the figure of Governor General Adrienne Clarkson, a Chinese Canadian woman, was utilized in the service of Canadian nation-building. Much heralded as the first racialized minority (and second woman) to be appointed to the highest public position in the land, Clarkson was chosen to represent and define the Canadian nation to itself and to the international community because of, and not in spite of, her difference. Drawing on media and government texts, this paper highlights the narratives that shaped the meaning of Clarkson's appointment as well as the narratives that were negated. The author emphasizes how gender, in addition to class, race and ethnicity, was central to Clarkson's appointment by analyzing how the disassociation between women and Asian capital was key to her ability to speak for us as one of us. In addition to Canadian government and corporate elite courting of Asian capital, gender was also key to the other narratives that could not be spoken, Clarkson's interracial marriage and discourses of miscegenation.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the emergence of Health and Productivity Management (HPM) as a context for understanding the integration of health and wellness into employee assistance and work-life programs. Major factors influencing the growth of HPM are raising medical costs as well as the rising incidence of obesity. The Wake-up Call to Corporate America underscores the need to manage these costs and improve health through the proactive alignment of health-related benefits and programs. HPM is described as an integrated approach to capture direct medical costs as well as the indirect costs associated with poor health and lost productivity. Critical design and implementation features that are likely to contribute to a successful integrated approach are described and highlighted. An HPM case example of a large pharmaceutical company examines a unique cross referral program including considerations for continuous improvement. Finally, the article concludes with key challenges related to marketplace competition, pricing pressures, concerns regarding the sub-optimization of programs and the influence of current health care system changes.  相似文献   
十九世纪英国著名诗人白朗宁夫人的十四行诗,有其独到的魅力。它连绵不断,委婉缠绵;起伏跌宕,盘旋曲折;并且体现了女诗人“小声柔气”,贞静平和之特点。无论其情感内容,还是形式都为我们展示了一个优美的精神世界,对于我们抵御现代文明生命物化,提高精神有着重要意义。  相似文献   
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