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对农民疾苦的关心和为民请命的精神,成为莫言写作《天堂蒜薹之歌》的动力,也使这部作品带有强烈的批判精神。小说从叙述者、《群众日报》上的文章和瞎子张扣的唱词三个角度对蒜薹事件进行了全方位的叙述,这三个角度分别代表了精英、官方和民间的立场,同时也构成了三个叙述文本。这三个文本分别属于小说叙述文体、新闻文体和政论文体、民间说唱的韵文文体。多种文体被组合在一个叙事结构中,构成一部跨文体的小说。在小说的叙述过程中,莫言将西方现代派手法与民族传统的叙事方式交融在一起,使其叙事方法显得错落有致、丰富多姿。  相似文献   
20世纪90年代,西部新起的具有"良克之忧"的小说作家,因历史真实观的不同,对西部历史讲述是不一样的.既有对历史战争景观和江山改朝换代的"宏叙事",对历史本质、历史规律的探寻,对爱国主义英雄主义和人性的张扬;也有对家族、和个人日常性存在"微型叙事",对历史偶然性和神秘宿使的皈依,对现实历史走向的焦虑的叩问.这些叙事努力,使这一时期西部的历史小说创作呈现出多元并存的历史潮流文学景观.  相似文献   
“下岗女工”是在中国经济体制转型期涌现出的新兴的社会群体之一, 她们面临着从“半边天”到“边缘群体”到再就业的个人经历及身份转变。其身份的变化值得社会语言学和语篇分析界人士关注。下岗女工关于身份建构的自述给予语篇分析者重要启示: 人们的社会身份不是先在的、制约人们言语行为的固定的社会范畴; 人们的语言使用是在一定的社会、文化和历史背景下对其身份的动态构建; 社会群体的划分及范畴的界定是国家机构为了某种目的所赋予的理论描述。  相似文献   
贾平凹长篇新著《带灯》聚焦于“乡村病”的书写.一是基于小说结构的“出走——外来”模式,阐释其视角陌生化与间距化的审美效果;二是通过带灯书信体的心灵独白,离析出农村基层问题的驳杂性与其性格组合的矛盾性;三是经由带灯“夜游症”意象分析,解构理想者的精神苦役与政治话语的游离;四是坐实在文本的叙事策略上,剥离出叙事交流的断裂性与实效性,内中探究作者叙事声音的罅隙性在场.  相似文献   
《打严嵩》是京剧中常演常新经久不衰的传统剧目,历代京剧艺术家都有擅演此剧者,如谭寇培、余叔岩、马连良、周信芳、金少山、裘盛戎等。《打严嵩》一剧之所以具有如此大的艺术魅力,这与剧中所体现的高超的叙事艺术是分不开的,该剧无论是从其独特的结构方式还是风趣幽默的戏剧风格或是其独具特色的表现形式来说,都具有较高的文学价值。  相似文献   
This study investigated differences in depressive symptoms, loneliness, and self-esteem for monosexual (lesbian, gay) and plurisexual (bisexual, pansexual, queer) sexual minority youth (SMY) by relationship status (single, partnered) and relationship configuration (same-gender partner, different-gender partner). Participants included 338 SMY (Mage = 19.10 years) who reported on their relationship status, partner's gender identity, well-being, and ability to confide in partner about LGBTQ issues. Results indicated that for plurisexual youth, single status was associated with greater loneliness; plurisexual youth with same-gender partners reported fewer depressive symptoms and marginally greater ability to confide in their partner about LGBTQ issues than those with different-gender partners. Findings reveal similarities across SMY while also highlighting some unique challenges among plurisexual youth with different-gender partners.  相似文献   
帕慕克是一位文化杂合的作家。帕慕克笔下的爱情故事是一种媚俗的叙事。帕慕克小说的主人公是无足轻重的、边缘的。这些帕慕克研究中的定论与空白,为我们更深入地理解帕慕克提供了一条通道:帕慕克在追求故乡忧郁的灵魂时到底发现了什么?什么是“文明冲突与交织的新象征”?这是国内外学界至今仍未回答的一个问题。其实,答案就在我们对帕慕克之爱情叙事与主人公的误读和批评之中。  相似文献   
Research on coproduction has tended to assume a coherence of conceptualizations of coproduction across borders, and little analysis of the framing and discourse of coproduction in different contexts has been undertaken. In the French language literature on citizen participation and the social and solidarity economy, the term coproduction is little used. This paper investigates the narratives of French academics, public, and third sector actors in order to identify what, if anything, is different about the French context that explains this gap. Drawing on semistructured interviews, I identify four key narratives that distinguish the French conceptualizations of coproduction and the third sector from the dominant English language coproduction literature: (a) a mainstreaming of coproduction as part of organizational purpose in the social and solidarity economy, (b) an emphasis on formalized involvement of citizens in organizational governance, (c) the motivation of citizen empowerment and democracy over cost and efficiency, and (d) the use of the term coconstruction rather than coproduction. I argue that these narratives are shaped by the governmental traditions of France, which emphasize formal rules, hierarchy, representative democracy, and a suspicion of particularistic interests. I conclude by questioning the universality of some of the axioms of coproduction theory in the English language literature.  相似文献   
One topic rarely addressed in the literature on older adults and interpersonal violence is the violence that can be experienced by family carers in relationship with a person living with cognitive impairment. This violence tends to remain hidden and is rarely framed as intimate partner violence. We examine how situations of intimidation and violence invoked fear in family carers and how they interpreted and reacted to these circum- stances. Interview and diary data were collected from family members who had previously or were currently experiencing some form of aggression in caring for someone with cognitive impairment or dementia. Drawing on discussions of fear and applying the analytic lens of defensive strategies, we explore how these carers responded to situations of intimidation and violence.  相似文献   
Story stem narrative tasks provide insight into young children's inner experiences. Little research has investigated how developmental capacities impact narrative content and process. This study evaluates the influence of executive functioning (EF) and language ability on children's narratives. Data were gathered from 210 low‐income children. EF and language ability were assessed at age 4 and EF was assessed at age 6 via direct examination, cognitive‐motor tasks, and examiner ratings. Children's responses to eight story stems were gathered at age 6; three latent narrative variables were constructed (Prosocial, Aggressive/Conflict, and Avoidance/Danger), and Narrative Coherence was rated. Results of longitudinal path analyses in structural equation modeling demonstrated age 4 EF significantly predicted all narrative outcomes. Language ability independently predicted Prosocial and Narrative Coherence, and had an influence on Aggression/Conflict when modeled with EF. Age 6 EF mediated the relationship between age 4 EF and narrative outcomes. Findings provide insight into developmental abilities that influence on children's narrative responses to challenging interpersonal scenarios. Future research should study parent–child relations, EF, and language abilities simultaneously.  相似文献   
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