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通过实地观察和对殡仪馆工作人员的访谈,描绘了天津市城市内部现有的国家规范框架下葬礼仪式的具体过程以及附着在这个框架下的民间习俗的现状,试图通过对国家规范框架下的“正式”葬礼仪式及与其相对的“非正式”仪式——家庭告别仪式的程序形式的简略描述,展现在城市中普通个人的葬礼基于公共环境和家庭环境不同场景所采用的不同仪式过程。这是民间习俗对规范仪式的补充,同时也是“正式”规范对这种“非正式”实践的通融和消化。在描述现状之外,作者试图讨论蕴含在葬礼仪式中,不同死亡个体的葬礼仪式形式、规模及参与者等方面的区分所展现出的一种社会对死亡个体生前所处社会结构地位的认同,这种认同不仅反映了仪式所处社会背景的秩序和结构,也强化了这个社会的秩序和价值判断标准。  相似文献   
本文运用人类学理论方法,对在云南少数民族民居建筑中普遍存在、内容多元、形式丰富、极富功利色彩的民居灵物进行与之有结构性关联的少数民族宇宙观、宗教仪式禁忌和空间象征几个范畴的解读,以阐释民居灵物所蕴含的丰富的地方性知识和其背后的文化意义.并时与之相关的中国少数民族文化遗产保护的现状与策略提出个人观点.  相似文献   
Some contemporary women can experience non-ordinary states of consciousness when childbearing. The purpose of this paper is to bring a ‘transpersonal’ frame to these non-ordinary states of consciousness (hereafter: NOSC). Transpersonal psychology is an interdisciplinary movement in Western science that studies ‘religious’, ‘peak’ or ‘healing’ experiences in different cultures and social contexts. Between 2001 and 2006 in Auckland, New Zealand, while engaged in anthropological fieldwork, I collected stories from mothers, fathers, and midwives who had participated in transpersonal events during childbirth.I will compare the local women's NOSC with ethnographic accounts of spirit-possession and its relationship to indigenous midwifery then revisit and reconstruct the witch-hunts of Medieval Europe from this perspective. Midwives are encouraged to learn to identify and support women's NOSC during labour and birth as many women find strength and wisdom by passing through these states in labour. The subject is also critical to men, whether they are present with women and birth as fathers or health professionals. The hoped for result of this inquiry is to revalorise NOSC among birth-giving mothers, and to educate birth attendants in this field.  相似文献   
国家级扶贫的一个革命老区县,其首批国家级"非遗"代表作"道情皮影"红火不衰,足显其"文化遗产"的不菲.物质极度贫困,又何以保存、传承了传统民间文化的丰富?本文据近年数次田野工作,对所观察到的这一"事象"的生态与文化植被、生存与生活态度、神灵与人的谋略和智慧等,思考、描述,期以引发今天的我们对民俗学与人类学某些问题的联想,以挖掘一种深远意义的表述.  相似文献   
青海是多民族聚居地区,一些地区至今仍然保存着先民的宗教仪式、仪轨,这种传承与沿袭下来的远古文化的"活化石"折射出一个民族的历史演变、文化传承、宗教信仰以及社会结构等等.从黄南藏族自治州同仁县年都乎乡年都乎村的"於菟"舞音乐中,我们可以更好地诠释原始祭祀乐舞中仪式音乐的本真和所蕴舍的文化内涵,以及阐释信仰、仪式、仪式音乐三者之间的互动关系.  相似文献   
What do clients/patients want or value from their encounters with healthcare providers? Based on ethnographic research conducted with individuals suffering from drug addiction and mental health issues, this article argues that clients/patients treasure “everyday” or “human” interaction with medical staff. Everydayness is accomplished through three generic social processes: **co‐silence, inclusion in back‐stage activity, and physical dramatizations of authenticity. These processes and other ordinary interactional strategies for “being human together” should be seen as vital tools for recovery.  相似文献   
The ‘digital glimpse’ as imagining home   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper proposes the concept of the ‘digital glimpse’, which develops the existing framing of imaginative travel. Here it articulates the experiences of mobile workers digitally connecting into family life and everyday rituals when physically absent with work. The recent embedding of digital communication technologies into personal relationships and family life is reconfiguring how absence is experienced and practiced by workers on the move, and through this, new digital paradigms for life on-the-move are emerging. This paper explores how such social relationships are maintained at-a-distance through digital technology – using evidence from qualitative interviews with mobile workers and their families. Digital technology now enables expressive forms of ‘virtual travel’, including video calling, picture sharing, and instant messaging. This has implications for the ways in which families can manage the social and relational pressures of being apart. Experiences of imaginative travel created through novel media can enrich the experience and give a greater sense of connection for both those who are at home and those who are away. While technology is limited in its ability to replicate a sense of co-presence, ‘digital glimpses’ are an emergent set of sociotechnical practices that can reduce the negative impact of absence on family relationships.  相似文献   
为了回应后学的“理论终结说”与“戏剧衰退论”,伊瑟尔在文学人类学视阈下,重述虚构与想象在文本游戏中的相互作用,并且绘制其历史流变的美学图谱,进而搭建主体间性交往诗学的理论框架。伊瑟尔藉由转换问题的提问方式,达到如下双重目的:一是阐释早期接受美学所遗存之“何为戏剧”与“戏剧何为”的不解之间,二是呈现公共观演空间中身心一体的戏剧交往。  相似文献   
与古代希腊、罗马及日耳曼不同,中国古代国家起源走的是一条构建和谐的道路,即没有打碎氏族制度,而是在普遍存在的氏族组织的基础上滥觞国家的萌芽,国家与氏族长期并存而使早期国家完善与发展。氏族制度的长期存在和发展,这一古代中国独具特色的社会结构是和谐构建之路的深厚社会基础。古代中国早期国家构建过程中,十分关注各个氏族、部落的情、义、利、患等问题。这种关注与社会实践成为构建和谐的基石,也是那个时代的领导者成功的标识。直到古代中国早期国家成熟时,还能够看到构建和谐理念的痕迹。  相似文献   
以往学者在探讨朱子理学与古典儒家礼教的关系时,往往侧重强调二者的差异性,而较少关注二者的承继关系。本文认为,朱子理学的形成在很大程度上是源于他对于古代礼教在当时已丧失之状况的回应,朱子的宗旨是重建古代礼教,而不是另创一种新异的哲学,只不过,当时由于社会环境的改变,他的诠释与重建也必然在传统礼教的基础上对其有所增损。朱子理学对于传统礼教而言,更多的是增补的作用,而非取代。由此我们也可以更深入地了解清代礼理之辨的实质。  相似文献   
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